skywalker, I appreciate what you are trying to do and have been similarly annoyed with the partisan nature of posts by many in our Democracy. However I do not believe this attempt will work (as evidenced by the above, HIGHLY sceptical posts
Many here believe that the party endorsements of certain candidates does not mean any member will necessarily vote for them - I may disagree vehemently with this but until we have a disaster in Government there is little evidence to support this line of reasoning.
I commend your intention, but advise you don't try such methods that would allow some further ammunition against you to bring up in public debates here. It seems that some have a low opinion of you, and perhaps you can convince them otherwise by continuing to post sensibly and intelligently. This thread has certainly raised my opinion of you - many have complained of the party tactics, but no-one that I have seen has been arsed to do anything about it, but you.

Many here believe that the party endorsements of certain candidates does not mean any member will necessarily vote for them - I may disagree vehemently with this but until we have a disaster in Government there is little evidence to support this line of reasoning.
I commend your intention, but advise you don't try such methods that would allow some further ammunition against you to bring up in public debates here. It seems that some have a low opinion of you, and perhaps you can convince them otherwise by continuing to post sensibly and intelligently. This thread has certainly raised my opinion of you - many have complained of the party tactics, but no-one that I have seen has been arsed to do anything about it, but you.
