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Minister of Public Works Campaign Thread

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  • Minister of Public Works Campaign Thread

    This thread is for the campaign for the position of Minister of Public Works.

    Here are all the nominees for the position that I am aware of:

    GePap (DIA)
    GoodFella (UFC)

    If I have made a mistake above I sincerely apologize and please notify me in this thread and I will make the appropriate changes.
    If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.

  • #2
    My Platform

    Although I am somewhat new here I have been taking an active part in the Democracy Game and feel that I could elevate Apolytonia by serving it and its citizens as the Minister of Public Works.

    Here are my goals if elected to office:

    I will push for more workers so we can improve ournation faster. We have the advantage of being an industrious people, but it is up to us to make use of this advantage. We cannot use it as an excuse to use less workers just to maintain the same level of worker production as our non-industrious neighbors. We must take advantage of our industrious nature by building more workers and engineering our terrain faster than any of our opponents so we can leave them in the dust.

    All these workers will be needed for the huge project of relandscaping the Notylopa Jungle for improved production and landscaping. We may be stuck in a jungle, but with our industrious workers we can turn this humid hellhole into a paradise.

    Soon we will be going to war, and in this war I support the capture of as many workers as possible and the capture of as many cities as possible. With captured workers close withing the vacinity of these captured cities, we can quickly turn these cities into important production centers for the empire.

    I promise to listen to the will of the people. I wil frequently ask you on this board what actions you believe will best serve our nation and will accomadate my plans according to them.

    I also promise to work closely with other ministruies and the president. Working together closely will allow us to prosper by making everything within our empire to work as best as it possibly can. I will closest with the City Planner, Minister of Economy, Minister of Imperial Expansion, and the Supreme Military Commander, as they are the ones who rely the most on a strong public works program.

    Thankyou for taking the time to read this and please ask me questions about my platform.
    If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


    • #3
      As MrWIA stated in another thread:
      Que the annoying questions.

      When do you propose building these workers? Do you support the build order for plan eagle? What do you believe we should do post-war?
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        -When do you propose building these workers?

        As Minister of Public Works, it would be my duty to push for as many workers as possible to be produced as sson as possible. Unfortunately for the ministry though, I understand that this could not be done immediately with the buildup for Plan Eagle. So I propose builing more workers after the armies and temples are constructed. I am also hoping many American workers will be captured during the war with America.

        -Do you support the build order for plan eagle?

        I was trying to find the build order for Plan Eagle but have been unable to come upon it unfortunately. As far as I am aware though, I believe it includes building 12 archers, 6-8 spearmen, and possibly temples. Overall I think Plan Eagle is solid and although it needs a little tweaking here and there, it looks pretty good. As far this relates to the Minstry of Public Works, I don't think I have much of say, although the City Planner would.

        -What do you believe we should do post-war?

        With the hope of having a few new workers after the war, I would focus on improving city tiles, cutting down the jungle, and connecting all cities with roads. I will work with the citizens and minsters on the subject of tile improvement on whether to focus on agtriculture or production. The jungle needs to be cut down to give use beeter land. I feel the roads are very important in creating an infrastructure for commerce and faster traveling throughout our empire.

        Hope that wasn't too longwinded for you .
        If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.

