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Civ3 Demo Game Website Submissions

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  • Civ3 Demo Game Website Submissions

    As Timeline apparently didn't do the website contest for me while I was gone, I'm going to pick it up where I left off. Everyone has had an extra week or so to work on it, so please post a link to your sample site and I'll post the poll next Wednesday.

  • #2
    As I've mentioned before to others, I will be able to host larger files for mass downloading (such as latest saves) starting in the fall. I can easily handle gigs of bandwidth a day.

    The bad part is, _starting in the fall_. Keep this in mind later on. I don't mind being responsible for keeping the latest version of files (or all versions of files) for download, or maintaining a small website to go with it (detailing files, etc). So far only the saves I can think of hosting. I might also host IRC logs of turnchats, or anything else people would suggest.

    The reason I offer is because after going to my school for a year, I realize I've wasted resources by not using them. This seems like a good outlet as it might solve a problem. (by next summer I might find a way to keep the system running)



    • #3
      Originally posted by Epistax
      As I've mentioned before to others, I will be able to host larger files for mass downloading (such as latest saves) starting in the fall. I can easily handle gigs of bandwidth a day.

      The bad part is, _starting in the fall_. Keep this in mind later on. I don't mind being responsible for keeping the latest version of files (or all versions of files) for download, or maintaining a small website to go with it (detailing files, etc). So far only the saves I can think of hosting. I might also host IRC logs of turnchats, or anything else people would suggest.

      The reason I offer is because after going to my school for a year, I realize I've wasted resources by not using them. This seems like a good outlet as it might solve a problem. (by next summer I might find a way to keep the system running)

      if you could host PHP i could whip up a small script that would let you allow people (ie the current president) to upload the sav. wouldnt take too long.

      you getting a university line next fall?

      where ya goin?
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #4
        I need submissions. This is time to post them, not to make them (though I won't enforce that really). What I need are the submissions from people who have already done their samples.


        • #5
          At current, uber, I run Apache (1.3?) with PHP 4 and mysql (version?).

          Only downside is that I'll have a plain IP address as a URL, unless I get one of those free addresses.

          In theory I could beta test anything right now, however they would be hosted over a 56k instead of an OC3


          • #6
            Sn00py, Grampohs and I are going to create the official site, which is going to be hosted on Apolyton's server.


            • #7
              There was supposed to be a contest!


              • #8
                Then there will be an 'unofficial' site then.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Trip
                  Sn00py, Grampohs and I are going to create the official site, which is going to be hosted on Apolyton's server.
                  gah! why was i not informed? i am the php whore!
                  "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                  - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                  • #10
                    What the hell?

                    I'm a MySQL PHP programmer as well.
                    Not to mention a brilliant HTML designer.

                    Not to mention I suggested hosting the site on Apolyton.


                    • #11
                      Talk to Sn00py then. He seems the be the one leading the charge with the site business. That and once (if) Dan replies to me, I'll fill you guys in and you can go off to a happy land and work on it together.

