I hereby form the Non-Aligned Tendency. The NAT exists to promote the views of all citizens who do not wish to subscribe to "parties" which have been formed in Apolytonia (Hawks/Imperialists, etc).
The Tendency is to be considered an anarcho-syndicalist collective, whose principal aim is to promote the interests of Democracy in Alopytonia, for example we (at this moment, I) favour elections for any and all official positions, and plebiscites (polls) on all major issues facing our country.
No candidates for office will be endorsed officially by the NAT.
All power belongs to the people.
The Tendency is to be considered an anarcho-syndicalist collective, whose principal aim is to promote the interests of Democracy in Alopytonia, for example we (at this moment, I) favour elections for any and all official positions, and plebiscites (polls) on all major issues facing our country.
No candidates for office will be endorsed officially by the NAT.
All power belongs to the people.