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Letter for Apolytonia

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  • Letter for Apolytonia

    dear citizens of apolytonia,

    i bid you a fond farewell as i must travel onward. thank you for your hospitality and generosity.

    the road you have taken is difficult. to work in a system where everyone is equal and everyone counts is not an easy task. i wish everyone happiness and strength.

    to UnOrthOdOx: if the fates are kind to me in my travels, you will see me again. i will return to apolytonia as often as i can to see how it grows and prospers. keep the fire warm and the debate hot.

    to UberKruX: you are driven and that is good for your position. don't forget that you are not alone here and that everyone can use some help. stay driven and do your duty.

    to OPD: stay strong and content in your role. but don't let your mind be driven into the rocks of fate while you sleep.

    to ManicStarSeed: there are boxes within boxes. life is opening more boxes.

    to civman2000: philosophy is obviously your game. apolytonia could use a philosopher.

    to Sheik: the game of civilization is simple and lacks depth. it is you citizens who are adding the depth. pour freely and don't flinch.

    to MrWhereItsAt: i may turn up in a turnchat, anything is possible. i pop up in the oddest places. a bill of rights you mentioned. why not?

    to Andreiguy: the one who asked me personal questions. brilliant. you said. "who is this stranger who comes into our country and pokes a stick into a hornets nest?" you are no doubt being watched by the powers that be.

    to SwitchMoO: oh my. you have a flame burning in your heart and it warms you through. you have wrapped your ideas tightly into a creed and it is good. just remember that while your dogma is your friend and keeps you warm and safe, others have their own dogmas. and still others keep none and don't want piles left on their lawn.

    to Trip: the first president. an honor. a duty. a great weight. don't hesitate. be strong in your convictions and just as strong in your decisions. and live with them.

    and to panag: the first patriot of apolytonia. stay out of harms way. but keep in mind, an eye for an eye leads to much blindness (check with ghandi when/if you meet the indians).

    i wish all of you well. i will pass through paris on my way and will tell them of the great people i have seen here. i will not tell them of your plans, those are yours. i know i will also find great people there and a wonderful french culture. perhaps you will keep them in your thoughts while you are busy surviving.

    be well, apolytonia.


    "What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset."

    "craven a go choke puppy"

  • #2
    Please stay !
    Your views are extremely interesting, and refreshing in this place where the only debate is to know if the next unit will be a spearman or an archer !
    I officially bid you to stay, to enrich our game experience.
    please ?
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • #3
      I urge you not to go, your views added a lot to the discussion! I love to argue/discuss things, especially when the person it's with obviously has a lot of knowledge to share!
      I hope you come back to refresh us with your input!


      • #4
        If he's going to go, so he shall, you can't convince him to stay. Not him, you should know that by now. One day also, I'm going to have to leave, so I understand.

        Farewell eewolf, 'Til the day we meet again...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Spiffor
          Please stay !
          Your views are extremely interesting, and refreshing in this place where the only debate is to know if the next unit will be a spearman or an archer !
          I officially bid you to stay, to enrich our game experience.
          please ?
          hey Spiffor! how could i forget the first citizen who greeted me and shared a pint of grog? my apologies for my failings.

          i wish i could stay but the real world beckons. i will be on the road for a week or so and incommunicado for the internet and reconnected to the natural world.

          i have also set aside all of july for time with my daughter. and naturally, i expect other things to intrude, too.

          for the record:
          i am anti-slavery
          i am anti-torture (pop-rushing)
          i am against the bombarding of cities
          i am against the starving of any people whether through pillaging, neglect or convenience
          i am against razing cities (except towns of 1 without culture)
          i am for people
          i am against suffering
          i am for winning
          i believe there is a price that is too great
          i am for a code of ethics (the people's code)
          i am for allowing amending to the code (it should be difficult to change or remove doctrine, perhaps 2/3 needed, only a majority needed to add new codes)
          i am pro apolytonia
          i am but one voice
          i will return someday. good day.

          "craven a go choke puppy"


          • #6
            well said,
            i wish you a memorable trip!
            Your voice will be remembered!


            • #7
              Philosophy is my game??? Well, I am interested in cognitive science, which does include some philosophy, but my real game is math.


              • #8
                So long, eewolf. You will be remembered, and a place reserved for you here until your return (whenever that may be).
                Happy trails.


                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #9
                  We shall remember you, and create great legends about your brief time with us, and that tell of your prophesied return to teach us new ways.


                  • #10
                    Maybe we should send updates to him ones in a while


                    • #11
                      hi ,

                      eewolf , we shall miss you , you have an excellent view on things , its a shame you go , ....

                      but then again , who knows when you come back , and you see the difference , .....

                      stop ones in a while somewhere on the road in a library or so , just to check , and say "hello" , ....

                      enjoy you personal time in the real world

                      , maybe you ought to learn your daughter about the game , ...who knows , maybe she works on the next civ or so , ...

                      and thanks for all the kind words you had for all of us here

                      have a nice day
                      - LEGIO PATRIA NOSTRA - one shot , one kill - freedom exists only in a book - everything you always wanted to know about special forces - everything you always wanted to know about Israel - what Dabur does in his free time , ... - in french - “Become an anti-Semitic teacher for 5 Euro only.”
                      WHY DOES ISRAEL NEED A SECURITY FENCE --- join in an exceptional demo game > join here forum is now open ! - the new civ Conquest screenshots > go see them UPDATED 07.11.2003 ISRAEL > crisis or challenge ?

