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Election: Minister of Imperial Expansion

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  • Election: Minister of Imperial Expansion

    Round 2.

    Who should become our next Minister of Imperial Expansion?

    Jonny (DIA)
    skywalker (UFC)
    GodKing (I)

    4 Days
    Jonny (DIA)
    skywalker (UFC)
    GodKing (I)

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Hello. I'm Jonny, and here's why you should vote for me as your new IE minister.

    Firstly, I try to place cities in places where they can be most efficent and productive. In my first attempt to become IE minister, I said I supported optimum city spacing. However, we started in the middle of a jungle, so you can throw all that out the window. I now try to place them where they can be most productive.

    Second, you should vote for me because I have some experience of being IE minster. I was the deputy IE minster for Timeline, so I have some valuable experience that none of the other candidates have.

    Thirdly, I promise to always listen to the voice of the people. I will almost never place a city without polling the people about what we should do first. This is a democracy, and the people are part of the government.

    Finally, I promise that everyting I'll do will not be mainly based on politics and political parties. Everyone's opinion counts, whether they are part of the DIA, UFC, or independent.

    By the way, I do support Case Pink and the two proposed city sites located near Apolyton.

    For the full Minister of Imperial Expansion campaign thread, go here:

    I thank you for your vote in advance.


    • #3
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


      • #4
        And the link to the campaign thread?

        Darn. There's 2 of them.

        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          Johnny! I have already expressed my disdain for GodKing, and ever since the original elecction i supported him and trust him.

          PS: Where's the banana??


          • #6
            Hi, I'm skywalker, and I think you should elect me for the post of Imperial Expansion Minister because:

            I support a policy of rapid expansion that doesn't hurt our military or cause serious corruption problems.

            I am on almost every day (I might miss a day or two per month) and will be available to listen to your opinions.

            I won't follow a course of action until I am sure what the people want.

            I will consider (in my report) every option proposed to me when advising our President, but will support whichever has the most votes.

            I promise free bananas for all!

            Thank you, and may the force be with me


            • #7
              Originally posted by civman2000
              PS: Where's the banana??
              I felt that in important elections (read: more than 1 person ) it was important not to have 'Banana' so as not to take away votes from the real canidates. Maybe everyone would vote for a canidate anyways that would have, but I don't know that for sure, and I don't want to cost one person or the other the election 'cause of da Banana.


              • #8
                I think the banana can only help me.......

                Oh great banana.... Pleeeeeeeese.

                Thanks for one and all. Even if you didn't vote for me.
                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                • #9
                  Thank you. Especially if you voted for me


                  • #10
                    skywalkers up 3

                    i think god is stealing votes from Johnny...



                    • #11
                      Always good to see a partymember run for office

                      My vote is for Skywalker, use the force my man


                      • #12
                        Closest vote ever? maybe...


                        I vote for Johny. Reasons.. well, if you have attended a turnchat recently.....
                        Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                        • #13
                          I feel exactly like Ninot. Party allegiance isn't important for this post (the minister of imperial expansion doesn't do anything except placing cities). The real matter is how the minister will work. And skywalker is a spammer which makes turnchats extremely confusing or annoying.
                          I also doubt his skill at Civ3, as he wanted to attack the French with our only exploring warrior.

                          This post is not partisan : were skywalker in my party, I would have voted against him. I think he's the worse minister of imperial expansion we could have.

                          I'm aware I have new enemies because of this post, but someone had to express what everyone felt during last turnchat.
                          "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                          "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                          "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                          • #14
                            I'm voting for Jonny.

                            As others have already stated before me, this isn't about party allegiance...
                            "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                            -- Saddam Hussein


                            • #15
                              I was at the last turnchat, and agree wholeheartedly with the above sentiments. The will of the people was obviously not war at that time.

