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Current Game Report

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  • Current Game Report

    Turnchat Sunday 06/23 2100 GMT - 2210 GMT

    Turn 15, 3250 BC

    Warrior 1 moves N
    Warrior 2 moves towards Thebes
    Workers move towards jungle tile to clear next to Thebes

    Turn 16, 3200 BC
    Warrior 1 moves W, around French warrior to the NW of him
    Warrior 2 on ‘goto’ moves towards Thebes
    Workers on ‘goto’ move towards Thebes
    Thebes renamed ‘Banana HQ’ by civman2000

    Turn 17, 3150 BC
    Worker 2 moves south towards shielded grassland
    Warrior 2 on ‘goto’ moves towards Banana HQ
    Worker 1 begins clearing jungle to the SW of Banana HQ
    Warrior 1 moves W, finds more grassland, forest, and the edge of the French border

    Turn 18, 3100 BC
    Warrior 3 is built in Apolyton and fortifies
    Apolyton changes production to Barracks
    Warrior 1 moves W and finds more of French border
    Worker 2 moves S on ‘goto’
    Warrior 2 moves N on ‘goto’

    Turn 19, 3050 BC
    Warrior 1 moves SW
    Worker 2 moves S on ‘goto’
    Warrior 2 moves N into Banana HQ on ‘goto’

    Turn 20, 3000 BC
    Warrior 2 in Banana HQ moves N onto the mountain, reveals more jungle
    Worker 2 begins mining shield tile
    Warrior 1 moves S and discovers plains area, and large mountain chain

    Turn 21, 2950 BC
    We trade Ceremonial Burial and 5 gold per turn to the French for Warrior Code
    Warrior 1 moves SW
    Warrior 2 moves NW

    I split up the following screenshots to show our area. To the top is Banana HQ (renamed from Thebes by civman2000), and on the bottom is the area newly explored by Warrior 1. I tried to label things so it wasn't too confusing.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Jon Shafer; June 23, 2002, 17:27.

  • #2
    Turnchat Thursday 06/20 2000 GMT - 2345 GMT

    End of turn 10, 3500 BC
    Move settler NE, a mountain came into view

    Turn 11, 3450 BC
    Warrior 1 moves W
    New warrior 2 in Apolyton fortifies there
    Settler moves NE
    Worker 1 builds road

    Turn 12, 3400 BC
    Warrior 1 moves NW, finds Goody Hut
    Settler builds city ‘Thebes’

    Turn 13, 3350 BC
    Warrior 1 moves NW, 1 tile away from goody hut
    Worker 1 moves W and N towards the city of Thebes

    Turn 14, 3300 BC
    Apolyton builds Worker 2, which moves north towards Thebes
    Warrior 2 in Apolyton goto command to Thebes
    Warrior 1 moves W and uncovers Goody Hut: Deserted
    Warrior 1 finds open plains and a French Warrior
    Last edited by Jon Shafer; June 23, 2002, 17:25.


    • #3
      Expansion Room #2.


      • #4
        Well that's weird, it says 1 reply but I posted twice...


        • #5
          Here are some top secret infrared spy satellite photos that I obtained from a high-up source in the Intelligence branch of the Army, who wished to be unnamed:
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Nice infrared pic...
            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


            • #7
              heh, cool spysat photo. Well, now I know how we got a settler so fast. I was curious, and never put two and two together (that makes four, if your not sure).
              I AM.CHRISTIAN


              • #8
                so we found the french? excellent...


                • #9
                  how about a 'shot of thebes, which we should rename promptly, btw


                  • #10
                    where is the chat???


                    • #11
                      No new pic?

                      oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                      • #12
                        OH my gosh, I forgot all about the turnchat. So Trip, you must post pics of our new city, Thebes.
                        Est-ce que tu as vu une baleine avec un queue taché?
                        If you don't feel the slightist bit joyful seeing the Iraqis dancing in the street, then you are lost to the radical left. If you don't feel the slightest bit bad that we had to use force to do this, then you are lost to the radical right.


                        • #13
                          How about renaming it Tripoli?


                          • #14

                            It's up to whoever got first draw on the random number generator.

                            Trip, who would that be?
                            oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                            • #15
                              The poll isn't closed yet, and I also want to make another one regarding whether or not ministers should get first pick (since many people have been advocating that).

