Turnchat Sunday 06/23 2100 GMT - 2210 GMT
Turn 15, 3250 BC
Warrior 1 moves N
Warrior 2 moves towards Thebes
Workers move towards jungle tile to clear next to Thebes
Turn 16, 3200 BC
Warrior 1 moves W, around French warrior to the NW of him
Warrior 2 on ‘goto’ moves towards Thebes
Workers on ‘goto’ move towards Thebes
Thebes renamed ‘Banana HQ’ by civman2000
Turn 17, 3150 BC
Worker 2 moves south towards shielded grassland
Warrior 2 on ‘goto’ moves towards Banana HQ
Worker 1 begins clearing jungle to the SW of Banana HQ
Warrior 1 moves W, finds more grassland, forest, and the edge of the French border
Turn 18, 3100 BC
Warrior 3 is built in Apolyton and fortifies
Apolyton changes production to Barracks
Warrior 1 moves W and finds more of French border
Worker 2 moves S on ‘goto’
Warrior 2 moves N on ‘goto’
Turn 19, 3050 BC
Warrior 1 moves SW
Worker 2 moves S on ‘goto’
Warrior 2 moves N into Banana HQ on ‘goto’
Turn 20, 3000 BC
Warrior 2 in Banana HQ moves N onto the mountain, reveals more jungle
Worker 2 begins mining shield tile
Warrior 1 moves S and discovers plains area, and large mountain chain
Turn 21, 2950 BC
We trade Ceremonial Burial and 5 gold per turn to the French for Warrior Code
Warrior 1 moves SW
Warrior 2 moves NW
I split up the following screenshots to show our area. To the top is Banana HQ (renamed from Thebes by civman2000), and on the bottom is the area newly explored by Warrior 1. I tried to label things so it wasn't too confusing.
Turn 15, 3250 BC
Warrior 1 moves N
Warrior 2 moves towards Thebes
Workers move towards jungle tile to clear next to Thebes
Turn 16, 3200 BC
Warrior 1 moves W, around French warrior to the NW of him
Warrior 2 on ‘goto’ moves towards Thebes
Workers on ‘goto’ move towards Thebes
Thebes renamed ‘Banana HQ’ by civman2000
Turn 17, 3150 BC
Worker 2 moves south towards shielded grassland
Warrior 2 on ‘goto’ moves towards Banana HQ
Worker 1 begins clearing jungle to the SW of Banana HQ
Warrior 1 moves W, finds more grassland, forest, and the edge of the French border
Turn 18, 3100 BC
Warrior 3 is built in Apolyton and fortifies
Apolyton changes production to Barracks
Warrior 1 moves W and finds more of French border
Worker 2 moves S on ‘goto’
Warrior 2 moves N on ‘goto’
Turn 19, 3050 BC
Warrior 1 moves SW
Worker 2 moves S on ‘goto’
Warrior 2 moves N into Banana HQ on ‘goto’
Turn 20, 3000 BC
Warrior 2 in Banana HQ moves N onto the mountain, reveals more jungle
Worker 2 begins mining shield tile
Warrior 1 moves S and discovers plains area, and large mountain chain
Turn 21, 2950 BC
We trade Ceremonial Burial and 5 gold per turn to the French for Warrior Code
Warrior 1 moves SW
Warrior 2 moves NW
I split up the following screenshots to show our area. To the top is Banana HQ (renamed from Thebes by civman2000), and on the bottom is the area newly explored by Warrior 1. I tried to label things so it wasn't too confusing.