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citizen registry discussion

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  • citizen registry discussion

    just for discussion about the citizen registry. to keep it spam-free
    Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

    Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!

  • #2
    i think we need a central thread for informations about our citizens. what sense does it make to have 2 threads to gather infos from? the join-part, the email-part and all... since we will need more info for the "fun-factor" also, i started a citizen registry.
    one example for the fun-factor is:
    in-game city.
    we dont play a normal civ3-game, we play a kind of roleplay experience. this is a simulation of real-life and we should act acordingly, so every1 should move to a city where he/she/it wants to live in our nation. I can imagine maybe the citizens of some city campaign for having a wonder built there (maybe even if its not the best place for it in a normal civ3-game). we do not have to play a "perfect" civ3-game here (you can play this every day for yourself if you like). if we go to getting too much "civ3-gaming and optimization" and too less "fun-factor" topics in here, citizens will surely leave rather quick.
    Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

    Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


    • #3
      Originally posted by disorganizer
      i think we need a central thread for informations about our citizens. what sense does it make to have 2 threads to gather infos from? the join-part, the email-part and all... since we will need more info for the "fun-factor" also, i started a citizen registry.
      one example for the fun-factor is:
      in-game city.
      we dont play a normal civ3-game, we play a kind of roleplay experience. this is a simulation of real-life and we should act acordingly, so every1 should move to a city where he/she/it wants to live in our nation. I can imagine maybe the citizens of some city campaign for having a wonder built there (maybe even if its not the best place for it in a normal civ3-game). we do not have to play a "perfect" civ3-game here (you can play this every day for yourself if you like). if we go to getting too much "civ3-gaming and optimization" and too less "fun-factor" topics in here, citizens will surely leave rather quick.
      I agree for a kind of central citizens' repository.
      "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


      • #4
        I agree
        It has to be more of a Roleplaying experience, or else it's just a slow game of Civ 3.

        What? I'm just rephrasing the last post??
        Look over there!!!
        Wojit - He likes rice


        • #5
          i think it's a waste of time and space...


          • #6
            We already have one. However, it's unnecessary for roleplaying. Just see my editorials and letters .


            • #7
              Well, i think it gives the citizens a kind of "we" feeling. Just to get them more concerned with the game-matters.
              A waste of space? Maybe. But i think we have enough space. A waste of time? Do you take so long to type a post? Which you have to change maybe 2-3 time during the game? Or do you plan to move around our nation all the time?
              The existing registries (2 of it. Join-Thread and the email adreßbook) are mixed. Also, no additional information is added. I did not say we should use the registry i started, i started it as an example of how it could be. The next problem with the existing one is that one poor guy has to edit the summary all the time because there is no organized posting mechanism for the citizens.
              Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

              Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


              • #8
                Originally posted by disorganizer
                hmmm. this thread is unofficial. it should not be used ;-9
                post there instead:
                What's up? First disorganizer creates a thread and then he tells us that no one should be posting in it. Do we need to go and delete our info from the thread? Why was it created in the first place?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by disorganizer
                  The existing registries (2 of it. Join-Thread and the email adreßbook) are mixed. Also, no additional information is added. I did not say we should use the registry i started, i started it as an example of how it could be. The next problem with the existing one is that one poor guy has to edit the summary all the time because there is no organized posting mechanism for the citizens.
                  Incorrect. We have a system and it is about the most stable, predictable part of this game.

                  You post your intent in the join thread. One of us collects the names from time to time. Gramphos is by at least once in a while to add the new names to the first post. If and when he can no longer come by for some extended period, he can pass the torch to one of the other die hards who are likely to be here for a long while.

                  It's simple, it works. It is all we need officially.

                  If you wish to go beyond that with unofficial threads for other purposes, feel as free as the next poster. However, I would request that you cease attempts to make your various projects appear to be official. Some people are getting confused, and in some cases, annoyed.

                  Oh, BTW. One further request. Please do not solicit people to put their email addresses in the open forum. It's poor netiquette as many people may be unaware of the consequences.

                  Thank you.
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • #10
                    as you all may have noticed (sometime you should look at the post-dates. really! it will help!) the thread was far obsolete. i always since told by the government then stated that the registry will then not be used.
                    i will now have it closed by the mods to hinder further confusion from having it popping up on page 1 due to a post in an obsolete thread.
                    if you really want a registry, discuss, poll, and start a new one.
                    Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

                    Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!

