Originally posted by UberKruX
the people (albiet perhaps a minority) won't stand for small skirmishes with AIs, as you often use / discuss. they just wont let us declare war on people we see just because we should "trim" them a bit.
so i'm basically stuck with the choice that we should attack the first people we see, the french, and make use of their land.
if the people wish to smack them areound, and then extort them, i'll allow it, although i'd rather take ALL their land, and use it as a
base for conquering the others.
the people (albiet perhaps a minority) won't stand for small skirmishes with AIs, as you often use / discuss. they just wont let us declare war on people we see just because we should "trim" them a bit.
so i'm basically stuck with the choice that we should attack the first people we see, the french, and make use of their land.
if the people wish to smack them areound, and then extort them, i'll allow it, although i'd rather take ALL their land, and use it as a
base for conquering the others.
Small wars are not worth their trouble. If we are gonna go into a war, it has to be for the whole deal, not just minor pieces of land or resource.
Small wars do two things. 1: They make a neighbor angry
2: they make a neihbor more worthless in trade (cuz they are losing commerce and resources to buy/trade with, and cuz they demand more cuz they are angry).
If we are to commit to a war, which im sure we will (most likely with the French), we have to conquer, not just skirmish. Conquering prevents any flipping-back, and it gives the best benefits in the end.