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Information Summary

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  • Information Summary


    163 Members as on 23-06-2002 at 07:47

    Current Game Report


    "Due to technical difficulties involving Apolyton's chatroom, all turnchats from now on will be using IRC. Apolyton can't handle the number of people we bring, so we have to find an alternative."

    Room: #Civ3Dem

    A Demo Game?

    "Basically, a Democracy Game (Demo Game) is where many people give their input through threads and polls on how one specific game is to be played. There are various 'Minister' posts that people can be elected to, and they have more influence than the regular citizen. The elected President is the one who actually plays the game and makes all of the final decisions."

    In-Game Rules



    Map Size:

    Number Of Civs:

    Climate and Landmass:


    Other Rules:
    -All kinds of victory allowed
    -Civ specific abilities
    -Culturally linked starting positions
    -Preserve random seed activated
    -Allow restarting players

    (Standard rules will be used)



    President: Trip (UFC)

    Vice-President: ?


    Minister of Science: Tassadar5000 (DIA)

    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ninot (DIA)

    Minister of the Military: UberKrux (UFC)

    Minister of Trade: Spiffor (DIA)

    Minister of Finance: civman2000 (DIA)

    Board of Territoritial Development and Expansion

    Minister of Imperial Expansion: ?

    Minister of Public Works: Eli (DIA)

    City Planner: punkbass2000 (I)


    Historian: HazieDaVampire (UFC)


    Vice President and Minister of Imperial Expansion candidacy thread can be found here.

    Candidates - Vice President:
    -Timeline (DIA) - Campaign Thread
    -Vlad Antlerkov (UFC)

    Candidates - Minister of Imperial Expansion:
    -Jonny (DIA) - Campaign Thread
    -skywalker (UFC)
    -GodKing (I)


    The current Constitution debate can be found here.

    Poll on "Ratification of the Constitution" can be found here.


    The United Front Coalition


    "This is a party alliance between the Nationalists, the Hawks and the Imperialists. The Coalition was formed due to the splintering of our cause into multiple parties, which thereby weakened us all.

    The Coalition supports an early war against France as soon as our situation allows it. We feel that a strong military is the only way to ensure our security and dig ourselves out of the horrible starting position we were graced with. France will become our victims, then we shall take all the land to the west of us at our liberty."

    Total Members - 18
    Office Holders - 3

    -Trip (President)
    -UberKrux (SMC)
    -HazieDaVampire (Historian)
    -Vlad Antlerkov
    -Kingof the Apes
    -Il Duce

    The Imperialist-3A2C3 Party

    The Hawk Party

    The Nationalist Party

    The Democratic Industrialists of Apolyton Party


    “Industrial expansion at home will always champion reckless domination and subjugation of other empires. We support giving ourselves breathing room when necessary, but acknowledge the benefits of investing in culture and science, for these are the accomplishments that will shape us into a towering nation above all other civilizations of the world.

    Staunch advocates and defenders of Democracy, we are determined to prove faithful to the people of our nation. Although we as a party favor positive internal development, we are pledged to obediently follow the public’s will with resolve and vigilance, whatever that will may be.”

    Total Members - 13
    Office Holders - 5

    -Spiffor (Trade)
    -Ninot (Foreign Affairs)
    -Tassadar5000 (Science)
    -Eli (Public Works)
    -civman2000 (Finance)
    -Flip McWho

    The Nameless Party


    "Each turn/week (what ever) one member shall come up with our next policy regarding our nations current position and the whole party will support it in polls or discussion."

    -Turambar (Founder)


    Culture Club


    "The Culture Club is for those of us who believe that culture is an important part of any empire. What good is conquering distant lands if we have nothing to live for, no God to honour, I ask?"

    -punkbass2000 (Founder)
    -Vlad Antlerkov

    The Thinkers Guild


    "As a citizens group, keeping the intellectual thoughts aflow, is the Thinkers main goal. Therefore they travel much through the empire (preferrably to universities) holding lectures for the populace... Both with scientifical and political content.
    If you feel like thinking, this is a guild for you!

    A Thinker may vary from doctors, students, poets, artist, architects, inventors, and many many more....
    They are mostly democrats, but eager to promote critisism and questioning the system. Usually, they are working at building libraries in every city... for the best of the intellectual empire!"

    -dr.PlagueRat (Founder)

    The Apolytonian War Academy


    "In these hard for all of us times we proudly declare the foundation of the Apolytonian War Academy. It is a place for all citizens, supporting a sane and well prepared warfare, to discuss plans, strategies and scenarios. It has no room for ultra-warmongers, for whom the presence of another nation's unit within the range of ours already suffices as reason of war. This War Academy is about strategy, not hazard."

    -Sir Ralph (Co-Founder)
    -notyoueither (Co-Founder)
    -Kingof the Apes
    Last edited by Boru_ie; June 24, 2002, 17:21.

  • #2
    The AAACC3's longstanding policy is that we should never, ever have a constitution in any form by any name.


    • #3
      This is a rough compilation of some of the information contained in the forum.

      If you would like me to maintain this information summary I will, as long as I have time. If someone wants to make this thread sticky please do.

      And please send me updated information if you want me to keep this acurate.


      • #4
        I thought civman was the science minister.


        • #5
          Boru_ie :
          Thanks for your work !
          Just an update, the minister of finance has been elected : he's civman2000.
          "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
          "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
          "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


          • #6
            Originally posted by skywalker
            I thought civman was the science minister.
            He's Minister of Finance actually.

            Boru_ie, you forgot my party, the first one for the Demo Game ever! (Civ 3) The Imperalist Party. You can find it's doctrine in my Presidential Campaign thread somewhere in probably the 3rd page or so.


            • #7
              Good work this is probably very useful to the populace.

              About reporters tho.
              They should strive to obtain accurate facts, and state things how they are, free of political involvement. The reporters act as a window into the game, serve as a government watchdog, and are general tool of the people.

              The only thing I found to be accurate in this description is the fact that reporters are tools, other than that here's a more accurate description.

              Reporters are generally drunken sods, who when not attempting to twist the arm of govt. to their own opinions are inflicting thier sense of humor on the general populace. Not only are they completely unreliable; they wouldn't know an objective report if it hit them in the face. They are never to be trusted and thier reports are best to be taken for what they are, amusing stories slanted to support or destroy a certain view.
              Last edited by Moral Hazard; June 18, 2002, 21:21.
              Accidently left my signature in this post.


              • #8
                skywalker's in my party! And he seems to be a bit too radical chairman of the party i declare that there is no point resisting a consitution, but we still stand for power to the people and avoiding pointless overorganization (eg Senate)


                • #9
                  You forgot to put me in the 3A2C3, and I was the one who coined the term.


                  • #10
                    actually i did ...and it goes by both names: AAACC3 or 3A2C3


                    • #11
                      I coined 3A2C3, you coined AAACC3.


                      • #12
                        No, i coined both...if i cared enough i would do a search to find the post and prove it


                        • #13
                          I coined it in a PM to you.


                          • #14
                            no...i had suggested it before that...i thought you had seen that post and had liked the idea


                            • #15
                              Thinker's Guild

                              I too am a part of the Thinker's Guild, as you can tell from the text right of my avatar.

                              Unless PlagueRat disagrees.

                              BTW, how many posts are required to use a custom avatar?
                              I AM.CHRISTIAN

