Hi, this is not an official poll... it's more like a survey really.
The free Apolytonian press might use this information for their speculations and analysis, and the president could glanze here, now and then, to see how beloved he really is.
For your information:
It will last for 7 days, then we can have a resurvey.
If another takes the office, we must of course have a resurvey.
We must reply underneath when a resurvey is to be initiated.
The free Apolytonian press might use this information for their speculations and analysis, and the president could glanze here, now and then, to see how beloved he really is.

For your information:
It will last for 7 days, then we can have a resurvey.
If another takes the office, we must of course have a resurvey.
We must reply underneath when a resurvey is to be initiated.