i am in favor of early war, and will push the science minister, city planner, and the president to allow me to do this.
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Military Advisor Campaign Thread
Military Advisor Campaign Thread
Last edited by Inverse Icarus; July 5, 2002, 14:52."I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott CardTags: None
do you believe more in rushing with just one kind of unit, or with a complex and detailed army?
also, what will be your plans if we are left without all of the resources we would want? Would you fight with inferior forces, against the odds, or would you wait untill another era were we might be able to have a strategic advantage?Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.
Would Candidate Uberkrux be willing to share with the public what his ideal units-to-cities ratio would be?
What would be your ratio of defenders-to-cities and how large of an offensive "expeditionary" force would you aim to achieve?
Do you station troops inside cities for extra defense, or on borderlands to prevent pillaging?
Do you condone pillaging or razing of cities?
Are your offensive tactics centred on the goal of capturing cities and resources (denying production) or of destroying armies (targeting dangerous units)?
What percentage of our GNP would you suggest for military maintenance?
Are you a barracks or a walls proponent?Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.
although i am not the city planner, which would handle nuit PRODUCTION, i would like to see at least a 2:1 unit:city ratio once we acquire the appropiate techs.
if we are unlucky, and have no iron or horses, i shall request that the other ministers (public works, trade) acquire them.
if i am FORCED to fight without resources, i would fight a war with inferior weapons, especially if there is a chance to acquire the resources we lack.
if we are babylon (tied with egypt right now for our civ), our archers shall do well even without petty resources!"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Originally posted by Captain
Would Candidate Uberkrux be willing to share with the public what his ideal units-to-cities ratio would be?
What would be your ratio of defenders-to-cities and how large of an offensive "expeditionary" force would you aim to achieve?
Do you station troops inside cities for extra defense, or on borderlands to prevent pillaging?
Do you condone pillaging or razing of cities?
Are your offensive tactics centred on the goal of capturing cities and resources (denying production) or of destroying armies (targeting dangerous units)?
What percentage of our GNP would you suggest for military maintenance?
Are you a barracks or a walls proponent?
i usually station 2 defenders in important / border cities (spearman + warrior will due for a while).
in the beginning of the game (my term) i station units IN cities, because movement is often restirced.
i not only CONDONE pillaging, i order it. pillaging roads to resources and key irigation / mines is essential to fighting any war.
i am for the razing of cities if the cities are either:
the imperial expansion minister shall aid me in determing if the AI has build a city in a bad spot
i am for total emilination of enemies, especially those on our home continent. i will often engage in "pillage wars", but they will only be small teams in addition to the main army taking out the cities.
GNP in a Despotism or monarchy early in the game shouldnt exceed 20% because you ge "free" units.
in a democracy or republic, the military should comprise anywhere from 30% to 60% of our GNP.
i have to choose between walls and barracks? i choose barracks.
hopefully our city planner will make the cities reach 7 real quick"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Originally posted by beno
Do you favour the use of Nuclear weapons?
if another civ we are fighting uses a nuke (even if its not on us) i will use nukes. nuclear weapons are a shield until someone uses them, then the hammer falls.
i am very much for nuclear stockpiling, both ICBMs and tactical nukes in nuclear subs on other civs borders.
although i dont think we'll be saying many nukes in the ancient eras"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
These are why you should vote for me in the upcoming elections:
1) I have participated in the Civ2 Demo Game, and therefore probably have more experience than UberKruX.
2) I support an early war to secure a defensible border and good city sites.
3) I support a Middle Ages lull to let us build infrastructure and a large military,
4) followed by a large late Industrial Ages war with tanks and planes,
5) after which we would build up our army and our strategic rocket forces (nukes), and then use Modern Armor and nukes to clean up the remaining civs.
One minor thing I disagree with Uber on: I think we should conquer and then ABANDON cities that are in the wrong spot or in our territory. Razing them will just get the AI angrier.
Otherwise, I pretty much agree with Uber.
Originally posted by skywalker
These are why you should vote for me in the upcoming elections:
1) I have participated in the Civ2 Demo Game, and therefore probably have more experience than UberKruX.
2) I support an early war to secure a defensible border and good city sites.
3) I support a Middle Ages lull to let us build infrastructure and a large military,
4) followed by a large late Industrial Ages war with tanks and planes,
5) after which we would build up our army and our strategic rocket forces (nukes), and then use Modern Armor and nukes to clean up the remaining civs.
One minor thing I disagree with Uber on: I think we should conquer and then ABANDON cities that are in the wrong spot or in our territory. Razing them will just get the AI angrier.
Otherwise, I pretty much agree with Uber.
Yes, you may have been in the Civ 2 Democracy Game, but again it looks like Uber is the candidate of choice. At least to me.
would the two canditates please answer this for me and the public:
do u carry ne grudges over from previous games or have ne civs that u particulary hate as i feel we cannot have a military advisor that will cloud his objectivness with anger. a military advisor has to be able to stay distant.
also i would like to know ur perfered type of government in civ3 (in general not in a specific circumstance) as to find out whether u r warmongers plain and simple or a hybrid or whatever.
thank u in advance.
Originally posted by Flip McWho
would the two canditates please answer this for me and the public:
do u carry ne grudges over from previous games or have ne civs that u particulary hate as i feel we cannot have a military advisor that will cloud his objectivness with anger. a military advisor has to be able to stay distant.
also i would like to know ur perfered type of government in civ3 (in general not in a specific circumstance) as to find out whether u r warmongers plain and simple or a hybrid or whatever.
thank u in advance.
my perfered type of government is Communism, because of the war capabilities, low weariness, and the corruption system. I have also fought wars in a democracy, but i like communism a lot more"I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
- Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
I have a few questions to the candidates:
Which state of the game do you consider more crucial to crush enemies with military means, the early, mid or late game? Do you favor flexible fastmovers, sturdy slowmovers or combinations of both, and how do you think about the value of bombardements?