In accompaniment of the Foreign Advisor Campaign Thread started by Ninot, I thought I might begin my run at the spot.
In addition, it opens up the ability for my opposition to make their statements heard, as well as for others to ask questions.
If you don't already know, I'm the founder of the Imperialist Party. In case that title doesn't knock you on the head, I advocate expansion and acqusition of wealth for our empire. Where things lay open for the taking without warfare, I will take a peaceful, yet firm stance. If something must be done through war (if a valuable resource or area of land is at stake), (or the time is right
), then I will support war. I will always listen to the public's demands, though I will support an imperialist view, and make that fact known. 
Shout outs to my fellow party members in their bid for office:
Space05us running for VP

If you don't already know, I'm the founder of the Imperialist Party. In case that title doesn't knock you on the head, I advocate expansion and acqusition of wealth for our empire. Where things lay open for the taking without warfare, I will take a peaceful, yet firm stance. If something must be done through war (if a valuable resource or area of land is at stake), (or the time is right

Shout outs to my fellow party members in their bid for office:
Space05us running for VP