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Foreign Advisor Campaign Thread

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  • #46
    Ok, I can see clearly now that Togas is not a war mongerer. He is only a guy that joined today and thinks personal insults make good politics.

    You are publically calling me a shmooze, and a gutless pacifist.

    OBVIOUSLY, you are a blind and ignorant fool not worthy of food, for your stupidity lowers that of the common man.

    Nice shmoozing eh?Now seriously, I have no clue what your IQ level is, and I have no clue if you are actually blind of sight, or how much you eat. HOWEVER, I do know you don't read my posts very thoroughly.

    I have declared numerous times that I will not argue against declaring war.

    However, as many EXPERIENCED players will tell you, breaking ROP agreements makes for very difficult diplomacy later in the game. And i think that, for the sake of both fun and thinking in terms of reality, we won't conquer the world in 20 turns. We WILL have to make deals with nations well into the later techs of the game, such as the industrial era. And because of that, we need good relations to get better deals. good relations are impossible with broken treaties and such. THAT is why i wont let anyone convince me breaking an ROP is a good thing

    Ok, i'll take your point that you won't make any treaties to start with. So lets move to the next point.

    You are calling me a pacifist for thinking starting wars we aren't involved in is a bad idea. WHY is it a good idea then? because we can jump in quick to defeat them after they are tired and weary? ohhhk..
    But from the sounds of you speaking, you haven mentioned that strategy yet. You just want people angry at each other. But that might just cause international wars, where OTHER nations besides our own benefit. Now i think everyone here agrees.. above all else, our main goal should be the benefits and well being of our OWN nation.

    Im out of juice on you right now Togas.. but i just wanna end you as a topic with this. I might be a shmooze.. and I might be a great diplomatic politician.. but am I running for Military Advisor? No.. i am running for Foreign advisor, where the screen that concerns me most is the [U]Diplomacy[U/] Screen. Also, can't make good politics by making enemies..

    Ok, now I actually love this Vasal state question. In all reality, Vasal states, too me, aren't of great use. I find that these small nations can rarely ever aford to buy luxuries off of me or techs or so forth. They just sit around and take up space. But I use them as trump cards sometimes.

    One strategy I used once actually, was i had a vasal state between me and another nation, and i used it as a shield basically, signing an MPP with it. When war came, none of my own cities came to harm, only the Vasal state. Iron Curtain strategy, I supose. But my general theory on worthless harmless things are, if they can't hurt me, maybe they can hurt someone else.
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


    • #47
      Ninot! Ninot!

      Vote for experienced players who know better than to bring us into reckless wars!

      Cultural victory, it's my favorite type!


      • #48
        Originally posted by Ninot

        OBVIOUSLY, you are a blind and ignorant fool not worthy of food, for your stupidity lowers that of the common man.
        This is not the way an adult behaves or responds to another person who criticizes him. This is embarassing. You ought to ask the admins to erase the post. It shows your true colors, so to speak. THIS is how you deal with someone who disagress with you??!

        I say something like "Ninot is a pacifist" which is true, because you clearly are the most peace-loving of all the candidates, and you reply that I'm an "ignorant fool not worthy of food"?? Brilliant. I'm in awe of your debating prowess. You ought to pat yourself on the back for being so intellectually superior as to belittle me by saying that I'm like "the common man".

        Listen, I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with an egotistical hothead like Ninot. If he wants to spam this board with posts and posts of self-serving garbage and insults, that's his call. I'm not going to reply any further. I've said my piece. My platform is out there. There are no new issues to debate. I belive I will do a better job because my philosophy is fundamentally different from Ninot's, not because I think he's blind or a fool or as dumb as the "common man".

        Just read his initial posts about what he will do if he gets the job and read mine. If you think he'll do a better job, that's why it's a democracy. If you guys like Ninot better because he posts all the freakin' time, fine. If you all know him from some other game you guys were in, fine. If you think his peaceful approach is better than my more Machiavellian approach, fine.

        Just take careful note of who the man is that you're electing. I have and I have to say that I'm extremely dissapointed at his disrespectful and arrogant behavior.

        Candidate Togas
        Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
        Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
        Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
        Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


        • #49
          Campaigns can get ugly, but how the candidates conduct themselves in the campaigns may affect the voting even more than their platforms.

          But I'm not sure if you guys are just role-playing or if it's for real so I'll keep my votes based on platform. I also approve of limited use of the vassal state but this will likely depend on difficulty level.
          I find them useful for tech trading as lower corruption levels make it more worthwhile for them to control their core cities than for us to have even more fringe cities. Still, this is unlikely to be a factor in the early ages and I would prefer to start with a clean reputation than try to restore us to one later when we're universally hated. Ninot's in the lead now, so I guess we'll see how his term serves out and whether others might be better in future situations.
          Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
          Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
          Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
          Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Togas

            This is not the way an adult behaves or responds to another person who criticizes him. This is embarassing. You ought to ask the admins to erase the post. It shows your true colors, so to speak. THIS is how you deal with someone who disagress with you??!

            I say something like "Ninot is a pacifist" which is true, because you clearly are the most peace-loving of all the candidates, and you reply that I'm an "ignorant fool not worthy of food"?? Brilliant. I'm in awe of your debating prowess. You ought to pat yourself on the back for being so intellectually superior as to belittle me by saying that I'm like "the common man".

            Listen, I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with an egotistical hothead like Ninot. If he wants to spam this board with posts and posts of self-serving garbage and insults, that's his call. I'm not going to reply any further. I've said my piece. My platform is out there. There are no new issues to debate. I belive I will do a better job because my philosophy is fundamentally different from Ninot's, not because I think he's blind or a fool or as dumb as the "common man".

            Just read his initial posts about what he will do if he gets the job and read mine. If you think he'll do a better job, that's why it's a democracy. If you guys like Ninot better because he posts all the freakin' time, fine. If you all know him from some other game you guys were in, fine. If you think his peaceful approach is better than my more Machiavellian approach, fine.

            Just take careful note of who the man is that you're electing. I have and I have to say that I'm extremely dissapointed at his disrespectful and arrogant behavior.

            Candidate Togas
            Togas.. good campaign, im sure it took your entire brain capacity to turn it out. You deserve all three of your votes. Congratulations.
            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


            • #51
              If you think his peaceful approach is better than my more Machiavellian approach
              That's precisely the point. Machiavellianism doesn't pay in Civ3, because diplo doesn't allow to really backstab the AI with a spotless reputation. For example, it's impossible to make an AI declare war without declaring war yourself.
              Machiavellianism is not a issue in the Foreign minister debate, all is about peace and war. And Ninot shows his a pragmatist, who will serve the interest of our country without trying to look cool and machiavellian and such.
              "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
              "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
              "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


              • #52
                Let me make everything perfectly clear, I don't like making enemies, IRL, in a game, or on a forum. Togas, Turambar, if I have offended either of you, or said anything that may have been more than neccesary, I am sorry for it.

                But in epsecially Togas' case, i just ask this.

                I know i have had some harsh words for you, but you haven't exactly been applying yourself to put yourself in the best position to take compliments.

                I clearly stated one thread where I said I COULD slingmud at you, and demonstrated how. Instead of quoting it all, or even just coming to an understanding, you chose to quote only the example, and then sling some more mud.

                I realise after i posted my response to that reply that I may have been harsh and cruel once more. However, you must admitt it was not completely underserved.

                I understand this is a game, and I understand you were just doing your best to get elected. But i ask anyone reading to realise that at no point in this debate was I in some kind of roleplaying mode. Thus, everything I have said was genuine, depending on when I said it.

                And thus, i feel I may have gone overboard, and I will state again, I am sorry for anything undeservedly said.

                That being said, I hope both of you had as much fun running for this office as I have.
                Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                • #53
                  I like this democracy game thing...
                  I watched you fall. I think I pushed.

