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Constitution or Not?

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  • Constitution or Not?

    Some people don't want one. Some people think it's necassary. Well, now we get to find out who likes what.

    I support a limited Constitution, ala what MrWhereItsAt posted. I'll put it at the bottom, so that you guys don't have to search for it.

    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
    In the Civ2 game, we have overall (after much debate) decided on no constitution. We do, however, have a set of rules to follow. These are simple, to the point and relatively easy to follow, unlike a Constitution the size of skywalker's is (sorry man, I just don't have the patience to read it )

    These are our rules:

    Responsibilities of Cabinet


    Plays the game
    If supplied with conflicting advice/polls and there is no time/way to straighten this out, the Prez makes the final decisions.
    If the matter is urgent enough (eg imminent invasion/loos of capital city), the Prez is expected to seek help from Ministers/the Public and NOT go it alone.
    Should post a turn-by-turn account of their play (nothing too detailed, just major troop movements, conquests etc, Wonder/technology news...)
    Gets to name cities


    Posts nomination thread
    Posts election polls
    Becomes Minister if that Minister is absent for 24hr
    Becomes Prez in event of abdication - holds position until next elections


    Military polls, exploration


    Setting science rate (in conjunction with Trade Advisor)
    Tech targets (main and secondary for just in case situations where we can't go for the one we want) - should be for a tree of several techs so we don't have to stop every time we get one.


    All uses of caravans (Wonders, trade with ourselves/others, rushing other things)
    Setting tax rate (in conjunction with Science Advisor)

    City Planner:

    What to do with workers and when to build them
    Build queues. When polling on possible build queues, the Minister decides the most important ones for himself (in consultation with public/Council if necessary) and poll only on these important ones
    Unhappiness Issues

    Imperial Exploration:

    Where to build cities
    Cultivation (improving terrain)

    Deputy Ministers:

    Do not get the save game.
    May be required to take over if the actual Minister disappears (will be decided when/if it happens)


    Writes a narrative of all that happens during a term (see -Jrabbit's excellent ones for a good indicator of what you are to do) with excessive smilies (important! :doitnow: ) and must be prepared to be contacted for news to put on the Apolyton Civ2 news site (has happened twice)


    All foreign affairs, use of diplomats/spies and government change

    General Cabinet

    Each person may hold 1 post at a time.
    Cabinet gets the save.
    Absolutely NO play to be done by any but the Prez
    NOBODY is allowed to check the map by cheating or playing into the future for an advantage
    NO reloading for favourable outcomes of huts, battles etc.


    Anyone can be a member of Apolytonia.
    All are allowed (and encouraged ) to vote on polls
    Any concerns should be posted or PMed to Ministers - this IS a Democratic game!


    Elections end of every month.
    Each citizen may be in the Cabinet for four terms in a row only - need a responsibility-free month before they can run again. The only exception is if there is no other candidate for a position in an election - this should be considered last resort material
    Self Nominations OK
    Once elected (polls close and Cabinet names are posted in High Council thread by the Prez) Ministers must PM their emails to the Prez

    Our initial setup

    Normal start
    Multiplayer Gold Edition
    Raging Hordes
    Destroyed Civ restart
    Normal Map
    Leader name: Fearless Leader

    United Apolyton - Dark Blue colour

    Science rate at 60%
    Yes, we need a detailed document to keep people in line
    A limited Constitution is best, basically to outline the rules
    BURN IT!!! :D

  • #2
    WARNING: The above is from the Civ2 game. There are some changes of course that must be made if we are to follow this idea (Civ name etc.), plus we may need to add some responsibilities. Take the above as a model, and this WILL NOT be our actual "constitution" if such a thing is voted in favour of.

    Oh, and I resent the word "Constitution" being used to describe my little collection of simple rules.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


    • #3
      Of course of course, I think everyone knows that, I did say "ala" after all.
      (Well, if not, then they do now )


      • #4
        It is not a constitution. I explained why not in the convention thread, and i'm too tired to go and find a link :tired:.

        If there is a detailed constitution, I plan on leacving the game...


        • #5
          Well majority rules, this is a democratic game. Option #2 may not be a 'constitution' per se, but maybe more like what MWIA said, a general outline of the rules and a few other basic guidelines. I think it would eliminate the clutter and inefficiency that will settle over this game if we end up with some strict system of rules and regulations to abide by...


          • #6
            Thanks for clarifying that, Trip. That's what I see in number two as well. For all Civ2 Demo'ers - option 2 is the option we use in that game.

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #7
              Well, it does just say "to outline the rules" after all.
              It was your idea anyways (or the Civ 2 conglomerate's ), so I'm only presenting it in a more accessable fashion.


              • #8
                exactly. That's why I wouldn't be *too* upset if #2 won, only if #1 wins...


                • #9
                  Limit it now. We can change it later.
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    I agree with Gramphos (again )
                    Alea iacta est!


                    • #11
                      I totaly agree with Trip and Gramphos
                      Limit it now, so we can get the basic setled out. Then we can always increase it later in the game when things get more complicated and people get use the the constitution.


                      • #12
                        Yup, no use in setting a lot of rules now just to find out later in the game we need to change them again.


                        • #13
                          This Poll will expire on 6/12 (Today) at 2400 GMT. That's in three hours. Not that it matters.
                          Accidently left my signature in this post.


                          • #14
                            In my capacity as a member of the 3A2C3, I support the second option.


                            • #15
                              Burn it! Viva la revolution!
                              Try for discussion and debate.

