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About the save file

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  • About the save file

    The reason for this is obvious, what happens if someone plays ahead? Or if everyone plays ahead? Thier guess would no longer be a guess, they would just post in favor of what they know will work. Not to mention where's the fun for the ministers? Most of thier job is to keep the people informed, without this responsibility you might as well just have a dictator who hands out the save file and waits for the people to make thier own polls on science, trade, etc... Thereby making all the minister positions obsolete. I say NO to sharing the save file.

  • #2
    I think we can trust people. Every time the save is posted, it should also be posted that playing ahead is against the rules. The save needs to be posted, so people can see the current position, as no one can describe quite as well as the game itself, and plan for the future. Also, it allows you to 'tinker' with current things (like adding entertainers for WLT*D) and seeing the results without actually going ahead in the game. It will save time during the pre-turn.
    "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
    -me, discussing my banking history.


    • #3
      that's what the ministers are for, they tell you what will happen when you change something. Our ignorance is part of the game, if we knew everything about we wouldn't need someone telling us about it


      • #4
        I say don't post it. I don't trust people, to be honest.
        What's to stop some random person from loading it up into the editor and making a post about where all the civs are and everything? Likely? Maybe not, but it's a possibility. Let the ministers make screenshots, etc. if people are curious.


        • #5
          There's no reason to hide the game from the people, though. Yes, to a certain extent that is what the ministers are for, but their real role is to keep track of the things that affect their department and make suggestions. The people need to make the decisions, and if they only know what the ministers tell them then it is too easy for them to only get one side of story. This would cause ministers to have too much control over the game. Not that I'm implying that the ministers are corrupt, just that it's very easy to only see your own side of an issue.
          "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
          -me, discussing my banking history.


          • #6
            space05us, i have to agree with punk on this...though there should be extremely harsh penalties for playing ahead, and they should only be available between terms.


            • #7
              Originally posted by civman2000
              space05us, i have to agree with punk on this...though there should be extremely harsh penalties for playing ahead, and they should only be available between terms.
              I have to disagree. If I get elected science advisor and I suggest Tech A over Tech B and someone disagreed with me, they could go in and play it themselves and then annouance the results to the group. Not fun at all.
              Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
              Long live teh paranoia smiley!


              • #8
                punkbass, I don't know how many in the Civ2 game would say we Ministers have too much power (mainly 'cause we're all pretty much the same mind anyway ), but the Minister needs to stick to poll results, and if they don't make polls (there's a thought I haven't had before Just Kidding!) - then they must go.

                As long as the Minister makes screenshots of all relevant details and answers any questions, the people are still fully in the know. Any other Minister will of course correct their colleagues and point out relevant details that were missed - we don't need everyone doing this - it may work at CivFanatics but it sounds dangerously chaotic - especially here!

                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #9
                  i am new to this democracy gaming. never played civ2 democracy game. so i will join this game as citizen at first to see how it works. and as a citizen i want to see what's happening with the game. i want to see the citys growing and the empire expanding, not just hear(read) about.
                  but i think screenshots and q&a will do. cause i think there would be people playing ahaed if the save file is posted.


                  • #10
                    The proposed Reporter post seems to be a good compromise.

