This map shows our latest discoveries to the north.
Unfortuanatly we lost "The Blue Lady" galley in gathering this information.
May the crew and boat be forever honoured.
Yet we can now see a route for our gallies to transit.
Shall we send a galley, fitted out with an armed unit, go forth and learn all that they can in this direction.
I believe that the very next galley off the slips at Thors Hammer should embark on this journey.
She could be called "Northern Star"
Today I call for a a vollenteer unit to join "Northern Star" on this grand adventure.
Unfortuanatly we lost "The Blue Lady" galley in gathering this information.
May the crew and boat be forever honoured.
Yet we can now see a route for our gallies to transit.
Shall we send a galley, fitted out with an armed unit, go forth and learn all that they can in this direction.
I believe that the very next galley off the slips at Thors Hammer should embark on this journey.
She could be called "Northern Star"
Today I call for a a vollenteer unit to join "Northern Star" on this grand adventure.
