Senators, Soldiers, Citizens
Today here in New Asguard, we stand before the mightiest gathering of troops our nation has ever seen.
As you know we gather for a great purpose, a time for expanding into the East.
Yet even as we look around and feel invincible, you should know that this is but a vanguard of the Mighty Armed Forces of the Viking Kingdom. Even as I speak to you today, there are more forces gathering and moving to this fine city.
When our Grand Fleet sets sail, we will be sailing into a time of war, a time of solitude and a time of desperation.
Let no one hide from the truth, Many, yes many of you may never see our fair lands again. That is right, we be Viking, so we can handle the truth.
For Remember My Good People, this be Diety game, not for the faint hearted.
These are the best apponents that the AI could bring to bear against us !!!
We need to use our cunning, our interlect and our brawn in every action we take
So go get stuck into the threads. Make your case, support those you agree with, present your opinions and lets get our strategies perfect.
We need to have clear goals. Obtainable goals.
Now, you need to understand that these goals are obtained through the threads, through us all getting stuck into what we want of our Grand Nation.
If what you want to discuss is not there, then either start a new thread or petition one of the cabinet to do it for you .
A lot of what we do comes down to our attitude.
Yes our Attitude!
I know some feel that as Vikings we must all be Berzerkers (where is Major Rasputin when you need him...)
Yet our nation is made up of craftsmen, miners, farmers, horse breakers, taverners, journeymen, cooks, and writers. The list goes on, yet each any every trade is represented here in our Senate, and here in our Beloved Armed Forces.
So rally now my people, rally to the cause, and be prepared to use your Strength, your Interlect, your Cunning and your Honour, yes stand tall, and BE VIKING!
Today here in New Asguard, we stand before the mightiest gathering of troops our nation has ever seen.
As you know we gather for a great purpose, a time for expanding into the East.
Yet even as we look around and feel invincible, you should know that this is but a vanguard of the Mighty Armed Forces of the Viking Kingdom. Even as I speak to you today, there are more forces gathering and moving to this fine city.
When our Grand Fleet sets sail, we will be sailing into a time of war, a time of solitude and a time of desperation.
Let no one hide from the truth, Many, yes many of you may never see our fair lands again. That is right, we be Viking, so we can handle the truth.
For Remember My Good People, this be Diety game, not for the faint hearted.
These are the best apponents that the AI could bring to bear against us !!!
We need to use our cunning, our interlect and our brawn in every action we take
So go get stuck into the threads. Make your case, support those you agree with, present your opinions and lets get our strategies perfect.
We need to have clear goals. Obtainable goals.
Now, you need to understand that these goals are obtained through the threads, through us all getting stuck into what we want of our Grand Nation.
If what you want to discuss is not there, then either start a new thread or petition one of the cabinet to do it for you .
A lot of what we do comes down to our attitude.
Yes our Attitude!
I know some feel that as Vikings we must all be Berzerkers (where is Major Rasputin when you need him...)
Yet our nation is made up of craftsmen, miners, farmers, horse breakers, taverners, journeymen, cooks, and writers. The list goes on, yet each any every trade is represented here in our Senate, and here in our Beloved Armed Forces.
So rally now my people, rally to the cause, and be prepared to use your Strength, your Interlect, your Cunning and your Honour, yes stand tall, and BE VIKING!