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Senate Session 28

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  • #16
    Thank you one and all for a great session...

    over 5.5 hours

    300AD save is on the Senate Session 28 Starts now thread.

    Look for news of Senate Session 29 really soon

    The minutes will be posted soon(er or later Raz... )

    Please watch the Senate Session 29 Thread for news on the next session
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #17
      Doh! Got home recently expecting a decision for the next 24 hours! NOOOOO!!!!

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #18
        TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part I

        Paddy: hi
        Paddy: thanks for your patience
        Duddha: where is the sace?
        Paddy: loading now
        Duddha: ok
        * Rasputin has left #civ3dem
        Paddy: is Poly slow for everybody or is it just my machine
        Duddha: no, me too
        theViking: where is the latest save
        Duddha: *everyone vote in the political poll
        Paddy: the thread for Start now is still loading, it has the save
        theViking: ok
        Paddy: it should be there now
        Paddy: great poll Dude
        Duddha: thanks
        theViking: I am ready
        Paddy: cool
        Paddy: Nimitz
        Paddy: ???
        Paddy: Dude???
        Paddy: hey where did the Raz man go???
        Duddha: yeah
        Duddha: Yes, His Dudeness is still alive!
        Paddy: 12 search for anything else prior to endturn
        theViking: Build More Boats could use some more food
        Paddy: yes, suggestions
        theViking: move tax man to 1
        Paddy: yes
        Paddy: 4Build More Boats tax to 1
        Duddha: ok
        Paddy: 12searching
        Paddy: I see nothing else
        Paddy: ???
        theViking: nothing
        * Rasputin has joined #civ3dem
        Paddy: ok to End Turn
        Rasputin: ok i back
        Paddy: welcome back Major
        Paddy: 4End Turn
        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
        I am of the Horde.


        • #19
          TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part II

          Rasputin: you loading this save to ploy
          Rasputin: poly
          Paddy: save already up on Session is on Now Thread
          Duddha: did everyone else experience that attack?
          Paddy: LongBow took out another swords man at Samariia
          Rasputin: ok wil ldownload it now
          Duddha: ofcouse the might Dude survived
          Duddha: mighty*
          Paddy: ok some admin then the war
          Paddy: new cat in RoV name = ???
          Duddha: Cowpult?
          theViking: Raodrunner
          Paddy: 4 new cat in RoV name = RoadRunner
          Paddy: where do we want him
          theViking: NA?
          Paddy: did anyone else see the Persian Caraval northeast of Thors Hammer
          theViking: yes
          Paddy: 4RoadRunner
          Paddy: Paddy: where do we want him
          Paddy: opps
          Paddy: 4RoadRunner 8-6-6
          Paddy: 4Darius the wk 9-8 join
          Paddy: 4agabar worker 9-9-8
          Paddy: new galley in Valhalla name = ???
          Paddy: 4new galley in Valhalla name = The Black Douglas
          Duddha: Unsinkable
          Paddy: ok, next one
          Paddy: 4The Black Douglas 9-9-9
          Paddy: new archer in FoG name = ???
          theViking: Olav
          Paddy: 4new archer in FoG name = Olav
          Paddy: and up towards NA???
          Rasputin: ok having problems opening save game at moment
          Paddy: hmmm
          Rasputin: damn computer
          Paddy: we will have another one soon
          theViking: ok, na
          Rasputin: must have been cause i was using c3c just before
          Paddy: 4 Olav 9-9-9
          Rasputin: firiaxis just dont know how to empty the meopry after exiting
          Rasputin: memory
          Paddy: 4Persiabn HC Roads
          Paddy: that is the whole stack
          Paddy: 4Nuclear Master 8
          Paddy: ok to our latest Exploere - Gems Ahoy.......... ???? which way now
          theViking: 7 7 7 / 4 4 4 ?
          Paddy: hmmm
          Paddy: yes, egypt or the unknown
          Paddy: and 1 step at a time if the unknown (this time)
          theViking: yes 4
          Paddy: cool
          Paddy: dude???
          Paddy: Raz???
          Duddha: unknown
          Paddy: ok
          Paddy: 4Gems Ahoy 4
          Paddy: 4 again?
          theViking: that's no return
          Paddy: yes it is...
          Paddy: shall we or do we go for that island up north
          Rasputin: ok having probs, i will await you putting this turn save up
          theViking: ther should be something close to here too
          theViking: add an e where missing
          Paddy: Gems Ahoy 4 then
          Paddy: ok
          theViking: ok
          Paddy: 4Gems Ahoy 4
          theViking: and another?
          Paddy: still a jump but there is some safety over there
          Paddy: 4 or 1
          Paddy: welcome to the Viking Casino
          theViking: we are in deep water any how
          theViking: 1
          Paddy: thanks
          Paddy: 4Gems Ahoy 1
          Paddy: looks like we are at Samaria
          theViking: hmm
          Paddy: only one swords survived
          Paddy: do we risk our three cats
          theViking: les see what the cat's can do
          Paddy: we have lost a swords each turn to that longbow in samaria
          Paddy: and Rammed is a fair distance away3
          Paddy: so we fire the cats
          Paddy: Raz???
          Paddy: Dude???
          Paddy: BigFree???
          theViking: we cannot run away
          theViking: sorry yes we can
          Paddy: yes we can
          Paddy: do we want to load them till we have reinforcements, or press the attack
          theViking: move on to ME and TS
          Paddy: Raz???
          Paddy: Dude???
          Paddy: BigFree???
          Paddy: Nimitz???
          BigFree|Away: yo
          theViking: Away
          * BigFree|Away is back after 2h53m: auto-away after 30m idle
          * BigFree|Away is now known as BigFree
          BigFree: Are you guys on the attack still?
          Paddy: hi we have a war decision needed here
          Rasputin: use the cats to weaken the defneders .
          Paddy: we have an injured swords guarding three cats
          BigFree: how many injured Swords and what health are they at?
          Paddy: we have lost a swords every turn to the longbow in Samaria
          Paddy: only 1 sword left
          BigFree: What kind of defender is there?
          theViking: and they have an elite spear
          BigFree: What health is the Sword at?
          Paddy: 3/4
          BigFree: Hmm
          Paddy: what level was there longbow
          Duddha: save the Dude!
          Paddy: ahhh
          BigFree: I would think that 3 Cats would shave at least one HP off the spear
          Paddy: they have not in the last few turns
          BigFree: but, even if the Sword kills the spear, the Sword still face the longbow next turn
          Paddy: they smashed the library only
          Paddy: yes
          BigFree: I say retreat
          Paddy: ok, we pull back then, the vote is Retreat!
          Paddy: thanks all for that
          BigFree: if you can retreat to where the longbow cant attack next turn
          Rasputin: ok
          BigFree: in other words, are you on a road now?
          Paddy: 4Move the 3 cats and the dude onto Madrid Express and Thors Sickle
          BigFree: cool
          BigFree: that works as well
          Paddy: ok, do we leave the galleys there or bring them around to sardis???
          theViking: leave
          Paddy: 4Thors S & Mad X sit
          Duddha: alright, now that the Dude is safe, i've got some work to attend to to, best of luck, outy
          * Duddha has quit IRC (Quit: )
          Paddy: hahaha
          Paddy: cheeky bugger
          theViking: move Land Lubber to TBF
          Paddy: 4 move Land Lubber to TBF
          Paddy: 4Rammed 4-1-1
          Paddy: 4TBFree 7-8-8
          Paddy: Ormen Lange ????
          theViking: 3-3-sit
          Paddy: no ramming the persian then ???
          Paddy: 4Ormen Lange 3-3- sit
          Paddy: 12 time to search the cities again
          theViking: wf SaG 1-2 to 7-7
          theViking: wf RB 2 to 9
          Paddy: 4 wf SaG 1-2 to 7-7
          Paddy: 4wf RB 2 to 9
          Paddy: well done
          Rasputin: k
          Paddy: would like to rush buy the Temple in Palace of Ice and Snow for 160 Gold... saves the max 30 turn build
          theViking: cange Sidon from Temple to Harbor?
          theViking: cange=change
          Paddy: 4change Sidon build queue from Temple to Harbor
          Paddy: Temple in Palace of Ice and Snow ???
          theViking: Buy it
          Paddy: cool
          Paddy: don't want to lose it now
          Paddy: 4rush buy the Temple in Palace of Ice and Snow
          Paddy: ha got it for 120 gold...
          Rasputin: cool
          theViking: good
          Paddy: ok, would like to bring up some of our troops towards this persian caraval
          Paddy: I am expecting an invasion onboard
          theViking: we have two archers in NA
          Rasputin: good
          Paddy: yes
          Paddy: and 10 units sitting in sidon
          Paddy: including Raz the Brave Heart
          theViking: yes but the need 4 turns to get up to the coast
          Rasputin: wooho raz stil lsurving
          Rasputin: surviving
          Paddy: yes, but would it not be good to have at least some on there way...
          Paddy: or shouls they wait for us to be invaded before moving
          theViking: send Big John and Horror together with Ras
          Rasputin: raz will defend to the death...
          Paddy: ok
          Paddy: 4move Big John and Horror together with Ras 9-9-9 from Sidon
          Paddy: ok that is two archers and 1 swords
          Paddy: leaving 2 spears, 1 archer, 4 swords and one hot cat
          Paddy: 4anything else then
          theViking: what do you think they have in the boat?
          Paddy: 12anything else then
          Paddy: ahh
          Paddy: not sure, but it is a big boat
          theViking: I would have liked more defense in Valhalla
          Paddy: well at least it is another turn minimum before they are anywhere near Valhalla
          Paddy: what would you like???
          Paddy: to do now, or soon
          Paddy: theV???3
          Paddy: 4Saving
          Paddy: does anyone need the save??? Raz???
          Rasputin: yes i do
          Paddy: loading the save now in the start thread
          Rasputin: k
          theViking: sorry was out for a smoke, change galley to spear next turn?
          Paddy: will be a minute
          Rasputin: k
          Paddy: ok
          Paddy: to the spear
          Rasputin: always thought spearmen defend better that sword
          theViking: They do
          * BigFree is now known as BigFree|Away
          theViking: we know you as that BigFree
          Rasputin: so sohuldnt we take somespear to smaria to help protect our battle there
          theViking: Diner break..
          Paddy: how long
          Paddy: well this is great, three Aussies holding the game aloft... The Anzac Vikings of the Aussie Eastern
          theViking: Dinner break.
          theViking: 30 min.
          Paddy: hmmm
          Paddy: can we do 15... I have to go out for an appointment later
          Rasputin: ok latest save open
          Paddy: yes
          Rasputin: are we eding turn ?
          Paddy: or we will continue and you can rejoin when you get back old chap
          Rasputin: continue
          Paddy: yes
          theViking: ok
          Paddy: 4End Turn
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #20
            TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part III

            Paddy: 2 caravals now
            Rasputin: uh oh !!!
            Rasputin: sickness and disease
            Paddy: ouch
            Paddy: 4continue
            Rasputin: k
            Paddy: Egyptian building Magellans
            Paddy: Persians complete Cops Oberserv
            Rasputin: damn they are so much better than us at moment
            Paddy: ye they are
            Rasputin: must have sometihng to do with previous govenrments LOL
            Paddy: hahahaha
            Paddy: well this is a Diety game
            Paddy: 4Roadrunner 9 fort
            Rasputin: never palyed one before
            Paddy: ahhh
            Paddy: you should try some sid games in C3C... very humbling
            Paddy: single player that is
            Rasputin: i prefer fun rather than the hard work
            Paddy: yes, so do I
            Rasputin: ill stick to cheiftan leve l LOL
            Paddy: but it is so worth the effort
            Paddy: hhahahhaa
            Paddy: 4Al Gore wk stack roads
            Rasputin: k
            Paddy: 4Agarbar slash jungles
            Rasputin: k
            Paddy: 4Raz and Archers 9-9-9
            Rasputin: go raz...
            Paddy: 4Olav 8-8-9
            Paddy: yeah go Raz
            Paddy: !!!
            Rasputin: at elast one senator out in the field LOL
            Paddy: hahhahaha
            Paddy: next archers then
            Rasputin: not hiding under his desk back in town with his harme LOL
            Paddy: 4The Black Douglas 8-4-7
            Paddy: New Acher in New Asguard name = Paddy and the Scots
            Paddy: 4New Acher in New Asguard name = Paddy and the Scots
            Paddy: 4 Paddy and the Scots fortify
            Rasputin: coward
            Rasputin: LOL
            Paddy: now where are those girls, they will like these new uniforms
            Rasputin: lol
            Paddy: 4Ormen Lange 6-2-4
            Rasputin: new galley name?
            Paddy: new galley in Thors Hammer name = Old Number 7
            Rasputin: k
            Paddy: 4new galley in Thors Hammer name = Old Number 7
            theViking: back
            Rasputin: wb that was quick
            Paddy: 4 Old Number 7 moves 8-9 sit
            Paddy: hello
            Paddy: do you want us to wait for you to do the moves???
            Paddy: 4Thors sickle, Madrid Express and TBFree sit
            theViking: no.I will wait for the save
            Paddy: cool
            Paddy: 4Rammed 4-7-7
            theViking: so Egypt didn't demand anything?
            Rasputin: i sugest landing some swords north of samria in jungle totry to drag the persinas out
            Paddy: Egyptian ask for nothing
            theViking: good old PTW
            Paddy: hahaha
            Paddy: Raz???
            Paddy: we only have 2 swords avail, and I donot think they would survive that
            Rasputin: get helga to drop of those swords in jungle higher defence
            Paddy: both only have 3 HPavai;
            Paddy: ok, that would be next turn to look at
            Rasputin: yes
            Rasputin: looking ahead
            Paddy: cool
            Paddy: Persian hatC wk stack move 8 and then clear trees next turn????
            Rasputin: k
            Paddy: 4 Persian hatC wk stack move 8
            Paddy: 4NMaster 7
            Paddy: Gems ahoy is still aflot woo hoo
            Paddy: 4Gems Ahoy 4
            Paddy: 1 the sit
            Paddy: ??
            Paddy: then we can jump to the north next turn
            theViking: cannot see, mine is gone
            Paddy: 4 Gems Ahoy 1 and sit
            Paddy: cool
            Paddy: 12time to search the cities for anything else
            Paddy: change the valhalla galley queue to spears???
            Paddy: 4change the valhalla galley queue to spears
            Paddy: Sidon will grow next, it has 2 content... will that topple the city onto riot???
            Paddy: Raz???
            Paddy: theV???
            Rasputin: no leave it
            Paddy: k
            Paddy: anythingh else then
            Rasputin: looking
            Paddy: RoV is still building cats, do we want to change that??? in light of the 2 Persian Caravals
            theViking: Horsman?
            Paddy: cool
            Paddy: 4change RoV build from Cats to Horse
            Rasputin: swords are stornger
            theViking: Horsman is faster
            Paddy: yes, but we have no Horse
            Paddy: yes
            Rasputin: k
            Paddy: I see nothing else
            theViking: I cannot see anything
            Paddy: 4saving
            theViking: and please post it.
            Paddy: yes
            Rasputin: next turn we need to fight samria again..
            Paddy: loading now, will be a minute
            Paddy: well we need to unload the galleys first
            Paddy: we don't have marines yet
            Rasputin: yes unload
            Paddy: still uploading ..............
            Paddy: it is there now
            Rasputin: yep
            Rasputin: lets kill those persians
            Paddy: Yes Sire
            Paddy: wish it was that easy...
            Rasputin: it is
            Rasputin: lol
            Paddy: yes Major
            Rasputin: just need to take some risks
            Paddy: hahaha
            Paddy: did you get SM's email address
            theViking: ok i am ready
            Paddy: 4End Turn
            Gurka 17, People of the Valley
            I am of the Horde.


            • #21
              TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part IV

              Rasputin: yes
              Rasputin: longbowman left samaria
              Paddy: then came back
              Rasputin: maybe
              Paddy: Egyptians building JS Bachs
              Paddy: yeah they did a lap like last time
              Paddy: Egyptians building Magellans
              Rasputin: can check with rammed
              Paddy: ???
              Rasputin: move rammed up to north of samaria
              theViking: Rammed 7-7-8?
              Rasputin: yes
              Paddy: well if they do then they will not be there for the attack
              Rasputin: and unlaod all our other troops back to easst of samria
              theViking: we can still unload
              Paddy: BigFree, what do you think???
              Paddy: yes but Raz wants them to go up to the Jungle
              Paddy: to draw the Longbow out
              theViking: That is to far away
              theViking: BF unload 8
              theViking: unload TS and ME
              Rasputin: yes unload all
              Paddy: Raz, anything extra to change theV's opinion???
              Paddy: ahh
              Paddy: so Rammed will join the one group then?
              Rasputin: no he wont be changed in his thinking so no point
              Paddy: ok
              Paddy: 4BF unload 8
              Paddy: 4Unload Mad X and TSickle 7
              Rasputin: ha i was rigt the loingbowman left
              Paddy: yes you were my apologises on that
              theViking: The Longbow must be at home
              Paddy: well done
              Rasputin: ok now it easier next turn ...
              Paddy: 4move Rammed 8-8 then unload 8
              Paddy: may be, they could be new troops...
              Nimitz: hey
              Rasputin: we may losr some in the attack but the city will fall
              theViking: all ships sit?
              Paddy: Hi Nimitz
              Paddy: ok so we have 4 swords and three cats
              Paddy: yes all sit
              Nimitz: did samaria fall
              Rasputin: not yert.
              theViking: not yet
              Rasputin: just unloaded for enxt assult
              Paddy: 4 all 4 galleys at Samaria sit
              Nimitz: that city is a tuff nut to crack
              Rasputin: our lack of techs not heloing...
              Rasputin: but it will fall, vikings are brave
              Nimitz: against spearmen?!?
              Paddy: 4Digger & Ralf workers 3 and mine
              theViking: that's the problem
              Paddy: sorry mine next time
              theViking: Where is Digger
              Paddy: yes elite spears are ard work
              Paddy: near Tyre
              theViking: thanks
              Paddy: 4Raz battle patrol 9-9-9
              theViking: c3c does not use the same sequence as PTW
              Paddy: hmmm
              Paddy: are we wanting bobs wk stack to irrigate or mine???
              Rasputin: irrigate
              theViking: mine
              Nimitz: shameless DIA addy
              Nimitz: join us we will bring apolyton industrial glory
              Paddy: Nimitz, so I or M...
              Nimitz: I
              theViking: I?
              Paddy: 4bobs wk stack to irrigate
              Paddy: i=irrigate
              theViking: why
              Paddy: I do not know, but let you three choice
              Rasputin: because we wannt it so
              Paddy: 2 to 1
              Rasputin: LOL
              Paddy: al gore wk stack
              Paddy: ???
              Rasputin: 6
              theViking: lets make i binary 0 or 1
              Paddy: hahaha
              Paddy: thanks
              Paddy: do we want to get a stack down into the FoG area
              Rasputin: not yet
              Paddy: we have 3 stacks working up here
              Paddy: and we donot have construction so the cities cannot go past 6
              Paddy: where do we want them then
              theViking: let's get ride of some jungel
              Rasputin: we wil lget constuction soon from persians
              Paddy: 6??
              theViking: yes
              Paddy: 4 al gore wk stack 6
              Rasputin: olav 3 3
              theViking: ok
              theViking: f
              Paddy: 4Olav 9-8-9
              Paddy: hey
              Rasputin: hmmmmm
              Paddy: oh
              Paddy: oh bugger
              Rasputin: too late
              Paddy: I have them on my list here for NA
              Rasputin: oh well
              Paddy: sorry lads
              theViking: ok
              Rasputin: ok
              theViking: save load next
              Paddy: ok
              Paddy: PHC wk stack to clear forest??
              Rasputin: yes
              Paddy: 4PHC wk stack to clear forest
              Paddy: 4NMaster 7
              Rasputin: old 7 to sit?
              Paddy: 4Old Number 7 move 6-3-3
              Rasputin: k
              theViking: ok
              Paddy: Ormen Lange 4 fort
              Paddy: ???
              Rasputin: i will be leaving soon
              Paddy: ok
              Rasputin: wh yfort ??
              theViking: f
              Paddy: 4 Ormen Lange 4 fort
              Paddy: good for it
              Rasputin: k
              Paddy: 4The Black Douglas Forts
              Paddy: Gems Ahoy 7-7-8
              Paddy: ??
              theViking: ok
              Paddy: 4Gems Ahoy 7-7-8
              Paddy: hmmm
              Nimitz: tell me when the save for this turn is up
              theViking: Togas!
              Paddy: soon
              Nimitz: Togas???
              theViking: Mapmakers!
              Nimitz: his name on the map?
              Paddy: yes, they are asking for details of Suicide galleys....
              Paddy: yes he was one of the map makers
              Paddy: 12 time to search the cities again
              Paddy: RoV will grow next turn
              Rasputin: new asgard change to make spearmen ?
              Paddy: hmm
              Paddy: theV???
              Rasputin: rov wil lbe fine
              Paddy: new asgard change to make spearmen ????
              Paddy: shall we??
              theViking: wee will need som transoprt to spain
              Rasputin: got lots of galleys
              Paddy: not lots, but a few yes.
              Rasputin: once we finsih with persinas
              theViking: spellin just as good as Ras
              Nimitz: well will most likely need a short break before attacking spain
              theViking: short ~ 25 turns
              Paddy: and there are those two Persian Caravals to watch coming between NA and Madrid
              Paddy: ouch
              Nimitz: thats how long we are waiting?
              Rasputin: no waiting, once we get peace with persians and we hav eforces near spain we attack
              Nimitz: we got to get them there
              theViking: we need , as I see it, to get engeenering and invention
              Nimitz: and in postion or we will be reapeld
              Paddy: it will be some time before we are in a position to attacke madrid though, honestly. all passion aside

              Paddy: so what do we do with the NA builds queue ???
              Rasputin: coward
              Paddy: hey old chap, we have lost a lot of troops recently...
              Rasputin: well it is in our partys policy
              Paddy: we do not need to lose our whole country
              Paddy: hahahaha
              Paddy: so what do we do with the NA builds queue ???
              Nimitz: yes the DIA always one for propere planning before a war
              Rasputin: spear for defnce
              Paddy: theV???
              Paddy: Nimitz???
              Nimitz: not rashly rushing in
              Nimitz: spear
              theViking: Horseman which will be changed to cavalery later
              Rasputin: PPV never rush in we know our soldiers hte best
              Paddy: would you lie Horse here too??
              Rasputin: long time till cavalry/
              theViking: hores never lie
              Nimitz: yes very
              Paddy: lads, we do have goals to meet here, can we leave this discussion for the threads
              Rasputin: +1s
              Nimitz: if only I was that way
              Rasputin: lol
              Paddy: proper place for each thing Major
              Nimitz: I'd be an emporer by now
              theViking: If I only could spell...
              Rasputin: i can spell but cant type
              Nimitz: lol
              Paddy: ok. last call or I make the decision
              Rasputin: do it
              Nimitz: spear
              Rasputin: lets mov eon
              Paddy: horse , spear or archer
              Rasputin: spear
              Nimitz: spear
              Paddy: 4Change build queue in NA to Spears
              Paddy: 12 anything else
              Rasputin: no
              Rasputin: lets take smaaria
              Nimitz: I couldn't say
              theViking: are we buildin Harbor in PoIaS
              Rasputin: yes
              Paddy: hmmm, yes that needs to be changed
              theViking: ok
              Paddy: that was the default, we never looked at it
              Paddy: suggestions
              theViking: spear
              Paddy: yes
              Rasputin: harbor ok
              Paddy: nimitz
              Paddy: 4Change Build queue in PoIaS from harbour to Spear
              Paddy: 12 anything else
              theViking: no
              Paddy: 4saving
              Paddy: 12 loading to the start thread now, will be a minute
              Paddy: Our Goals:
              Paddy: -Press home the attack on Samaria.
              Paddy: -Sue for Peace with Persia, We want construction (I believe) so to upgrade archers to berzerkers.
              Paddy: -Regroup and prepare battle fleet for Madrid.
              Rasputin: samaria this turn
              Paddy: we hope, and we hope we can keep it
              Rasputin: easy to keep once peace signed
              Paddy: we will need a lot more troops for Madrid
              Paddy: yes
              Paddy: if they accept peace
              Paddy: 12 the save is up now
              Nimitz: going to get it
              theViking: I too
              Paddy: cool
              Rasputin: i bet my left nut they will want peace, we taken some of their citys they will be desperate
              Rasputin: end tuern ??
              Nimitz: they will
              Nimitz: I checked a few turns ago
              Nimitz: even without samiria
              Paddy: just waiting for everyone to be loaded
              Rasputin: k
              theViking: ok
              Paddy: 4End Turn
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • #22
                TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part V

                theViking: ok
                Rasputin: ah here come the persians
                theViking: best I have seen so far
                Paddy: yes,and where are they going???
                Rasputin: who cares samaria is ours
                Paddy: it all starts with Samaria
                Rasputin: bombard !!!!!
                Paddy: 4 Let the cats fly
                Paddy: all three failed
                Paddy: yet again...
                Rasputin: damn
                Rasputin: that is such bad luck
                Paddy: need some 6 pounders
                theViking: ......c3c......
                Paddy: ok, what happened?????????????
                theViking: walk in next
                Paddy: do we attack with the swords???
                Rasputin: yes
                Paddy: theV???
                theViking: againt 5/5 spear?
                Rasputin: yes do it
                Paddy: well I am asking your opinion?
                Rasputin: we have the nukmbers
                Paddy: hahaha
                Rasputin: just do it but be scared
                theViking: use nucks
                Paddy: we have 1 elite swords, and he is damaged
                Paddy: nucks???
                theViking: I dont like the odds
                Rasputin: i lvoe the odds
                Paddy: I dont like the odds
                Rasputin: booooo
                Rasputin: cowards...
                Nimitz: can we get any more there quick
                Rasputin: must do it now ..
                theViking: ok we have 3*3
                Rasputin: beofre he rebuilds thos elongbowmen
                Paddy: and if that longbow attacks again, then we lose another swords.....
                Rasputin: his long bow dead
                Rasputin: he attacked us rember
                Nimitz: because if not we might as well atttack
                Rasputin: yes nimitz is brave too
                Paddy: BigFree, can you step out of the shadows again???
                theViking: ok go for it
                Rasputin: votes ar ein
                Paddy: ok, so which unit leads off the attack of Samatia
                theViking: what ever happens, ask for peace
                Rasputin: the full swords
                Paddy: what???
                Paddy: Ochtud 4/4
                Rasputin: hang on il get name
                Nimitz: May the banana protect them
                Paddy: thank you
                Rasputin: octhud
                theViking: didn't the first time
                Paddy: we lose the swords and they take our very bad shot cats
                Paddy: ok Octhud
                Rasputin: yeah
                Nimitz: He shall this time President call upon the SpellZ
                Rasputin: then land lubbers
                Paddy: 4Octhud attacks Samaria..... May his blades cut them in many pieces $$$$$%%^%%$$$$$
                theViking: $$$$$$
                Paddy: spelz
                Paddy: ok
                Paddy: wow what a battle
                Nimitz: a little to late
                Paddy: the Elite spears is down to 1 hp
                Rasputin: now we got him
                Nimitz: 1 HP
                Rasputin: land lubbers
                Paddy: they have another spear 3/3 there now
                Rasputin: do it
                Rasputin: no stopping now
                Paddy: 4Land Lubbers attacks Samaria..... May his blades cut them in many pieces $$$$$%%^%%$$$$$
                Nimitz: nope'
                Rasputin: yeah
                Rasputin: death to persia
                Nimitz: victory
                Rasputin: and now the final blow
                Paddy: and may the spirit of Octhud be with us always
                Paddy: yes victory
                Paddy: Land Lubbers are at 1HP
                Rasputin: raz was right again
                Rasputin: lol
                Nimitz: freedom seekers to free samaria
                Paddy: 4reedom seekers to free samaria - attack, ..... May his blades cut them in many pieces $$$$$%%^%%$$$$$
                Paddy: and Samaria falls
                Nimitz: Victory
                Nimitz: install the Gov
                Paddy: 4Install Governor
                Rasputin: now peace
                theViking: yes
                Paddy: 4 resisters
                Rasputin: ask for meeting then s we over extened oursloeves
                Nimitz: on even meeting
                Nimitz: no even
                Paddy: which one???
                Paddy: theV???
                Nimitz: propose deal
                Paddy: ok, who has ptw on hear
                Nimitz: Me
                Rasputin: me
                Paddy: each of you try your ways and lets hear your results.....
                Rasputin: they will offer a city tech and gold
                theViking: Propose a deal
                Rasputin: hamadan, construction, 20 gold
                Nimitz: yup
                theViking: WHERE IS hAMADAN?
                Nimitz: for me too
                Rasputin: in darkness
                Nimitz: good
                Paddy: do we want it?
                Nimitz: I'd take it
                Nimitz: lol
                Paddy: cool
                Rasputin: its way over west...
                theViking: ok
                Rasputin: i took it LOL
                Nimitz: WHAT!!!
                Paddy: 4propose deal with Persia
                Nimitz: now we have to do that
                Rasputin: hehehehhe
                Rasputin: it lets us get close to another civ
                Nimitz: yup
                Paddy: Nimitz, please give the orders you gave for that result
                Rasputin: wooohooooo
                theViking: don't play ahead...
                Rasputin: soorry got carried away with the victory
                Nimitz: Propose deal, hamadan, construction, 20 gold
                Rasputin: yep
                theViking: sounds good
                Nimitz: and peace
                Rasputin: major rasputin get shis troops to celebrate
                Rasputin: drinks all round
                Paddy: 4Propose deal, hamadan, construction, 20 gold
                Paddy: congratulations gentlemen
                Paddy: Construction and a new city
                Paddy: excellent war to be had by all
                Nimitz: any more business with persia
                theViking: Lets rename it: Paddy Borg?
                Paddy: and so many fish around the new city
                Nimitz: if not good bye
                Rasputin: yes my plans worked.. despite all your fears LOL
                Paddy: 4Goodbye
                Nimitz: not mine
                Paddy: hahaha interesting name theV...
                Rasputin: ok i have to go too , work beckons
                Paddy: good night Raz
                Paddy: have fun
                Rasputin: will psot later
                * Rasputin has left #civ3dem
                Nimitz: WE should reman it
                Paddy: yes
                Paddy: were you serious of Paddy Borg?
                Nimitz: yes it is a nice spot
                theViking: yes
                Paddy: Nimitz??
                Nimitz: thats fine with me
                Paddy: 4Rename Hamadan = Paddy Borg
                Paddy: 160 gold to rush a spears there
                theViking: yes
                Paddy: we have 551 and 21 + per turn
                Nimitz: I'm still waiting for Nimitzpolis
                Paddy: hahaha
                Paddy: soon old chap... soon, lets catch a city worty of that
                Paddy: 4Paddy Borg rush buy Spears
                Nimitz: hmm on that note
                Nimitz: should we rename any of the other persian cities
                Paddy: good call with me
                Paddy: they are ours now
                Paddy: lets here the names then
                theViking: Samaria=Larvik
                Paddy: 4Samaria=Larvik
                Paddy: what does that mean
                theViking: An old coastal town in Norway
                Paddy: excellent, looks like a good strong Viking name
                Paddy: 3 more
                theViking: It is form the 1200 - 1400
                Nimitz: yup
                Paddy: how do you say Admiral in Norwegian?
                theViking: Admiral
                Nimitz: lol
                Paddy: looking for a new name for Tyre
                Paddy: hahahahaha
                Nimitz: Beowolf
                Paddy: that has stumpoed me
                Paddy: cool
                Nimitz: I think that was the name of that saga
                Paddy: 4trye = Beowolf
                Paddy: sardis and sidon, ???
                theViking: Sidon=Birka
                Paddy: 4 Sidon=Birka
                Nimitz: how do you say vinland
                theViking: we don't
                Nimitz: vine land eric found it
                Paddy: how about Kalgoorlie
                theViking: I know, but vin=lowland or wine=grapes?
                Nimitz: grape most likely
                theViking: Kalgoorlie is good
                Nimitz: for the grape vine
                Paddy: or Broken Valley
                Paddy: ahh
                Nimitz: kalfoorlie
                Paddy: 4Sardis = Kalgoorlie
                Nimitz: kalgoorlie
                Paddy: yep, well worth a visit on a hot days night
                Paddy: worker namer in Lavrik = ???
                theViking: Duster
                Paddy: 4worker namer in Lavrik = duster
                Paddy: Duster 7 mine??
                Nimitz: yes
                Paddy: 4Duster 7 mine
                theViking: need save next]
                Paddy: ok so his Dude 1 and f
                Paddy: cool
                Nimitz: yup
                Paddy: 4his Dude 1 and f
                Paddy: as we only need 2 galleys for the cats, shall we send the other two up to NA
                theViking: yes
                Nimitz: go for
                Nimitz: it
                Nimitz: so how many pages have we gone
                Paddy: 4The Big free & Rammed galleys move 2-2-3
                Paddy: 4Thors and Madrid X sit
                Paddy: I am not sure will check in a bit
                Paddy: Digger & Ralf to mine
                Paddy: 4 Digger & Ralf to mine
                Nimitz: yes
                theViking: ok
                Paddy: NMaster 8
                theViking: ok
                Nimitz: yes
                theViking: gems al 7
                Paddy: 4NMaster 8
                Paddy: 4gems al 7
                Paddy: 4? or 7 next
                theViking: try a 4
                Paddy: 4 gems al 4
                Paddy: whales tale
                Paddy: 4gems al 4
                Paddy: new spear in Valhalla name = ???
                theViking: Sigur
                Paddy: 4new spear in Valhalla name = Sigur
                Paddy: and that means???
                theViking: Just a name..
                Paddy: hahaha
                Paddy: fort?
                Paddy: 4Sigur fort
                Nimitz: I need to read up on my norse history again so I can have some names
                theViking: It was a king with that name who went to Jerusalem
                Paddy: good name then
                Paddy: 4Al Gore wk stack to slash
                Nimitz: yup
                Paddy: 4Raz Battle Patrol 9 and fort
                theViking: He was caled Sigur Jorsalfar
                Paddy: new spear in NAsguard name = ???
                theViking: Waldemar
                Paddy: 4 new spear in NAsguard name = Waldemar
                Paddy: fort??
                theViking: y
                Nimitz: yes
                Paddy: 4Waldemar fort
                Paddy: 4Olav forts
                Paddy: 4WorkerBee stack to mine
                Paddy: 4Old Number 7 moves 3-3- sits
                Paddy: 12 time to search the cities again
                Paddy: anything??
                Paddy: will RB be alright with growiong next turn?
                Paddy: did I loose you both....?
                Nimitz: no
                Nimitz: just checking
                Paddy: thanks
                Nimitz: as far as I can see its all good
                Paddy: cool
                Paddy: 4saving
                Nimitz: so any time on the cab meeting
                theViking: waiting for the save
                Paddy: loading the save now
                Paddy: the cab meeting may be in the next 24 hours
                Nimitz: ok
                Nimitz: as long as its after 3:00 PM CST
                Paddy: ok
                Paddy: ahhhhhhhh.............. poly is what ??????????
                Paddy: slow
                Paddy: ok, there it goes
                theViking: not from here
                Paddy: is it there now
                theViking: loading
                Paddy: cool
                Nimitz: so we are doing 3 turn chats in 24 hours
                theViking: ok
                Paddy: yes
                Paddy: 4End Turn
                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                I am of the Horde.


                • #23
                  TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part VI

                  theViking: Egypt?
                  Paddy: not here.. all quiet with Egypt here
                  theViking: only c3c
                  Paddy: ok
                  Paddy: Thor was ere built its Temple....
                  Paddy: Horse Aquaduct, spears....?
                  Nimitz: horse
                  Paddy: Spainish are building JSB
                  theViking: ok
                  Paddy: Gems Ahoy sank
                  Paddy: 4 Thor was ere build Hosre
                  theViking: Pddy Borg :[/b][/color] worker?
                  Paddy: yes
                  Paddy: 4Paddy Borg build worker
                  theViking: Cowpult 1 f
                  Paddy: 4Cowpult 1 f
                  Nimitz: I thought in to the ships
                  Paddy: hmmm
                  theViking: you can still do it
                  Paddy: noit now
                  theViking: Yes
                  Paddy: it will help with happiness I hope
                  Nimitz: ok
                  Nimitz: I'll check
                  Paddy: 4LandLubber 1 and Fort
                  Paddy: 4Horse & Wall Breaker 3 onto Madrid Express
                  theViking: Larvik wf 3 :[/b][/color] tax man
                  Paddy: 4Bobs worker stack to roads
                  Paddy: 4Larvik wf 3 to tax man
                  Paddy: agabar 6-6
                  Paddy: 4 agabar the wk 6-6
                  theViking: ok
                  Paddy: rainbow to chop trees or roads, 2 of BFCity
                  Nimitz: trees
                  theViking: ok
                  Paddy: 4 rainbow to chop trees
                  Paddy: 4Nmaster 8
                  Paddy: Old Nukmber 7 moves ???? and stuck in Spainish waters
                  theViking: 6-2-3
                  Paddy: 4Old Number 7 moves 6-2-3
                  Paddy: opps
                  Paddy: soory big bad persian boat there
                  theViking: TOO LATE i MENT 621
                  Paddy: forgot you had c3c
                  Nimitz: the boat is at 2
                  Paddy: yes
                  Paddy: 4Old Number 7 moves 6-3-2
                  theViking: sorry, sit?
                  Paddy: too late for this party man
                  theViking: ok
                  Paddy: Thors Hammer new galley name = ???
                  theViking: Tordenskjold
                  Paddy: 4 Thors Hammer new galley name = Tordenskjold
                  Paddy: 8-9 sit
                  Paddy: 4Tordenskjold 8-9 sit
                  theViking: Famuse admiral of the Danish/Norwegian fleet against the Sweeds
                  Paddy: shall we leave Thors Sickle there for the Cat???
                  Paddy: cool name
                  theViking: I am lost, it seems as I renamed TS
                  Paddy: TSickle is sitting 6 of Larvik
                  Paddy: with Madrid X
                  Paddy: Nimitz???
                  Nimitz: yes.....
                  Paddy: shall we leave Thors Sickle there for the Cat???
                  Nimitz: yes
                  theViking: I think as we now have peace with persia we shoul move against Madrid/NA
                  Nimitz: yes attack NA
                  Paddy: yes
                  Paddy: 4Thors Sickle sits
                  theViking: NA as a base for attack
                  Paddy: 4Madrid X moves 2-1-2
                  Paddy: 4FSeekers Forts
                  Paddy: 4TBF 6-6-7
                  Paddy: 4Rammed 6-6-7
                  theViking: tbf 667?
                  Paddy: 4New Spears in Paddy Borg named = Presidents Guard
                  Paddy: 4Presidents Guard Forts
                  theViking: Good name
                  Paddy: thanks
                  Paddy: 12 time to search the cities
                  theViking: tbf 667 :[/b][/color] 668?
                  Nimitz: umm the 6-6-7 thing
                  Paddy: opps meant 6-6-9
                  Paddy: must turn a light on
                  Paddy: 4 TBF 6-6-9
                  Paddy: 4Rammed 6-6-9
                  Paddy: sorry mates
                  Paddy: ahh much better
                  Nimitz: thanks
                  Paddy: hahahhaa
                  Paddy: ok so are we going for another turn
                  Nimitz: its up to you
                  Paddy: I can stay for another
                  Paddy: then I have to go see a customer before 10pm
                  Nimitz: ok
                  Paddy: I do not see anything
                  theViking: ok
                  Paddy: 4saving
                  Paddy: do either of you need the save?
                  Nimitz: no
                  theViking: nothing
                  Paddy: ok
                  Paddy: 4End Turn
                  Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                  I am of the Horde.


                  • #24
                    TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part VII

                    Paddy: 4spain about the gally - Apologize
                    Paddy: shall we try to deal or goodbye
                    theViking: apoligize to spaine
                    Paddy: yes
                    Paddy: then
                    Paddy: 4Goodbye
                    theViking: no war yet
                    Nimitz: ok
                    Paddy: RB has Rioted
                    theViking: give them something
                    Paddy: 4give them some entertainment
                    theViking: A VB?
                    Paddy: yes please
                    theViking: OK, a VB to all
                    Paddy: new spear in NA name = ???
                    theViking: Jon?
                    Paddy: hahahaha
                    * Nimitz slaps Paddy around a bit with a large trout
                    Paddy: 4new spear in NA name = jon
                    * Nimitz slaps Paddy around a bit with a large trout
                    Paddy: thanks
                    theViking: thanks
                    Paddy: 4jon forts
                    Nimitz: last of the trout slappers
                    Paddy: 4agabar slashes
                    Paddy: bobs worker stack ???
                    theViking: na 7-6
                    Paddy: ???
                    theViking: sorry, 9-6
                    Paddy: I do not understand
                    Nimitz: 9-6 you mean
                    Paddy: are you talking te workforce of Nasgurd
                    Paddy: or Bobs worker stack
                    theViking: bob
                    theViking: 9-6
                    theViking: off NA
                    Paddy: to the hills?
                    Paddy: ok
                    Paddy: I am still lost
                    theViking: no, grassland..
                    Paddy: why there please, ???
                    theViking: NA 9-6
                    theViking: Mine more mony
                    Paddy: ok, sorry to NA 9-6, ok
                    Paddy: yes
                    Paddy: so now
                    theViking: ok
                    Paddy: 4Bobs wor stack 9-9-9
                    Paddy: new horse in RoV name = ???
                    theViking: Gamp
                    Paddy: 4new horse in RoV name = Gamp
                    Paddy: moves???
                    theViking: NA
                    Paddy: 4 Gamp 9-9-9-6 forts
                    theViking: we ae going to take Madrid?
                    Paddy: worker bee stack roads
                    Paddy: yes we are
                    Paddy: 4worker bee stack roads
                    Paddy: octs slave???
                    Paddy: where do we want tyhe worker bee stack next
                    theViking: Bfrost 3-6
                    Paddy: ok
                    Paddy: 4Octs Slave 6-3-3
                    Paddy: 4NMaster 9 fort
                    Paddy: 4Old Number seven 4-4-7
                    theViking: oLD nUMBER 4-4
                    theViking: teh f
                    theViking: then f
                    Paddy: sorry I should have asked first then
                    theViking: not much dif.
                    Paddy: Torden 6-3-3
                    Paddy: ??
                    Nimitz: yes
                    Paddy: 4 Torden 6-3-3
                    theViking: to Na asp
                    Paddy: yes
                    Paddy: Cowpult, do we move from Larvik to Thors S??
                    theViking: yes
                    Paddy: 4Awake Cowpult, then load onto Thors Sickle
                    theViking: Have we lost Nimitz?
                    Nimitz: no
                    theViking: ok, sorry
                    Paddy: 4TS 2-1-2
                    Paddy: 4Madrid X 3-6-6
                    Paddy: what shall we do with Gisajob worker ???
                    theViking: * road next?
                    theViking: *= 8
                    Paddy: 4Gisajob worker 8
                    Nimitz: ok
                    Paddy: TBF can go 6-3 then blocked by spainish galley
                    Paddy: same for Rammed
                    theViking: ok
                    Paddy: 4TBF & Rammed can go 6-3 then sit
                    Paddy: 12 time to search cities and the build queues again
                    theViking: nothing
                    Paddy: me too
                    Paddy: do we still want more spears
                    Paddy: I am happy to keep building them,.
                    Paddy: we will need defense in Spain too
                    theViking: I moved TBF an Rammed 6-3-3
                    Nimitz: yes we will need them
                    Paddy: you were lucky
                    theViking: ?
                    Paddy: to move them
                    Paddy: ok so nothing then
                    Paddy: 4saving
                    Paddy: do either of you want the save
                    theViking: yes
                    Paddy: I can do one more turn before I really have to leave
                    theViking: ok
                    Paddys_Clone: Hi, are we in session
                    * Nimitz slaps Paddys_Clone around a bit with a large trout
                    Nimitz: no clones
                    Paddys_Clone: Up loading the save now.... will take a minute or two
                    Nimitz: so says the court
                    Paddys_Clone: hey
                    Paddys_Clone: hmmm
                    * Nimitz slaps Paddy around a bit with a large trout
                    * Paddys_Clone is now known as Paddy5
                    Nimitz: ok
                    Paddy5: happy
                    Nimitz: now lets you on
                    Nimitz: yes I am
                    Paddy5: 32pages so far my friend
                    Nimitz: wow
                    Paddy5: we have been active this session
                    Paddy5: Hi LTD
                    LTD: hi
                    Paddy5: ok, the save is now available
                    theViking: Who is Paddy5?
                    Paddy5: me, your ever happy Pres, not that imposter that was here before I was disconnected
                    theViking: so, who are going to kill a Paddy?
                    Nimitz: have you registered your nick yet paddy
                    Paddy5: hey, het
                    Paddy5: no, something about work, girls beer and well girls...
                    theViking: ok, I am ready
                    Paddy5: LTD, you get the save?
                    LTD: yeah
                    Paddy5: End Turn
                    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                    I am of the Horde.


                    • #25
                      TurnChat / Senate Session 28 Part VIII

                      LTD: 290ad
                      Paddy5: yes
                      Paddy5: Persians building Smiths
                      theViking: !
                      Paddy5: Old number Seven fort or move out ?? and fort
                      theViking: Paddy Borg change from worker to Galley?
                      * Paddy has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
                      Paddy5: we are going back to Persia one day... and it will be very messy for them
                      * Paddy5 is now known as Paddy
                      theViking: nice
                      Nimitz: maybe
                      Paddy: Paddy Borg change from worker to Galley
                      theViking: We could meet more nations.
                      Paddy: ok 28 turns, or only 112gold at our amazing sale rates
                      theViking: + buy the galley
                      Paddy: we have 449 gold avail
                      Paddy: Paddy Borg rush buy Galley
                      Nimitz: do we need ot
                      Paddy: yes
                      theViking: I say buy
                      Paddy: get to know the neighbours asap
                      Paddy: Old number Seven fort or move out ?? and fort???
                      theViking: f
                      Paddy: Old number Seven fort
                      Paddy: bobs worker stack 6-6
                      theViking: yes
                      Paddy: Torden 3-3 sit
                      Paddy: worker bee stack 6-3-3
                      Paddy: Persian HC stack Mine
                      theViking: yes
                      Paddy: Valhalla new spears name = ???
                      theViking: Loke
                      Paddy: Valhalla new spears name = Loke, then Forts
                      Paddy: wondered when he would show up
                      theViking: one of the old norse "gods"
                      Paddy: indeed
                      Paddy: the amazing Joker...
                      Nimitz: evil god at that
                      Paddy: indeed
                      Paddy: some really amazing pranks that he pulled
                      Paddy: Octs Slave 3
                      Paddy: TBFree and Rammed Galleys 9-9-6
                      Paddy: Madrid Express Galley 6-6-9
                      Paddy: Thors Sickle 3-6-6
                      Nimitz: got it
                      Paddy: Gis a Job the worker roads...?
                      theViking: yes
                      Nimitz: I'd say chop then road
                      Nimitz: it will be faster
                      theViking: no, the trees can be used.
                      Paddy: yes
                      Paddy: Gis a Job the worker roads
                      Paddy: time to search the cities again
                      theViking: aquaduct in NA?
                      Paddy: yes
                      Nimitz: go
                      Paddy: aquaduct in NA
                      theViking: And Valhalla?
                      Paddy: aquaduct in Valhalla
                      Paddy: wow our cities will finally grow again...
                      Nimitz: yes to 12
                      Paddy: excellent
                      Nimitz: ones our cities start getting large enough will have to thin them
                      Paddy: hahaha
                      theViking: we havn't used the lux slider yet
                      Paddy: no, we have not
                      Nimitz: no abandon cities
                      Nimitz: to give the others room to grow
                      theViking: I will need the save after this.
                      Paddy: I would like to leave the slider if we can till GodKing has been here etc, as he is the MoInterior
                      theViking: Wasn't your old office?
                      Paddy: yes it was
                      Paddy: this will be the last turn for the time being...
                      Paddy: 5.5 hours so far
                      Nimitz: good I need to get some sleep
                      theViking: ok, when is the next one
                      Paddy: could be in a few hours when i get back... or later in the morning / afternoon
                      Paddy: Ormuzd is itching to play as well
                      Paddy: will you be here then
                      theViking: ok, you know my e-mail, send me a note when you feel for it
                      Paddy: ok.. it is a great Friday night for it
                      Paddy: Ok, anything else???
                      theViking: no
                      Paddy: ok, saving
                      Paddy: thank you one and all for a great session, yet again
                      theViking: See you next time
                      Nimitz: bye
                      * Nimitz has left #civ3dem
                      * theViking has quit IRC (Quit: )
                      * Makahlua has joined #civ3dem
                      Paddy: Hi Mak,
                      Paddy: sorry you missed it.
                      Paddy: we have just finished up
                      Makahlua: typical me. but i had asplit personality to attend to ^^
                      Paddy: but hope to have another session in a few hours if your are still interested...
                      Paddy: hope you enjoyed that
                      LTD: any time in mind?
                      Makahlua: yeah, since I just got up, I'll be around a while heh
                      * Makahlua is now known as Makahlurking
                      Paddy: I will leave a notice on a thread called Senate session 29 in the next 2hours on when
                      LTD: mind if i ask a quick question?
                      LTD: why is spanish are greedy building a courthouse?
                      Paddy: I actually do not remember, I think they have horrible corruption... good question
                      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                      I am of the Horde.


                      • #26
                        I'm sorry - those turn logs are just too long. Can you post a summary?
                        Greatest moments in cat:


                        • #27
                          hahaha you wanta a what,,,,

                          summary = we did another session

                          even some pictures over in Senate Session 29

                          and I am working on the minutes right now

                          may be 5.5 hours was a tad long...

                          wait till this cabinet gets firing... we should get a good 24 hour session by the 5th week

                          Wonder what old 'Major Charge Kill and Smash Rasputin' will say when we make him sit through 24 hours of it....
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • #28
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • #29
                              hey I ran a 7 hour chat. Though yes I'm waiting to see the record breaking 24 long chat.
                              Join the Civ4 SPDG and save the world one library at a time.
                              Term 1 Minister of Finances in the Civ4 Democracy Game and current Justice in the Civ4 Democracy Game
                              President of the Moderate Progressives of Apolyton in the Civ4 Democracy Game Aedificium edificium est Vires


                              • #30
                                well I reckon we can achieve it with our cabinet

                                we have a great group, and tagging the session along should see 24 hours knocked over and a massive amount of turns achieved in the one session
                                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                                I am of the Horde.

