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TurnChat / Senate Session 16

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  • TurnChat / Senate Session 16

    TurnChat / Senate Session 16

    Thanks to all for your contributions to TurnChat / Senate Session 15. The minutes are now listed and will be presented as the previous Session's minutes when the Senate reconvenes.

    There has been some good feedback from the last Session, which will be posted below shortly.

    For those that could not make it, feel free to leave any feedback that you feel could assist in the upcoming session of the Senate.

    As a member of the Democracy Civ Group, you are already a Senator. You just need to show up for the Session.

    The times for this will be advertised on this thread in the coming days.

    Once at the session you can load the Sacred Save and participate as the session works its way through the agenda.

    So maybe it is time to get out of the Pub for a hour or two; leave those maids for some deserved rest; let your managers look after your wood shops; gather your Axe and Shield and come along and be apart of the Senate Session.

    Now, standby for news for the time frame on Turn Chat / Senate Session Number 16!
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.

  • #2
    From the desk of the Minister of the Interior

    In preparation of TurnChat / Senate Session 16

    The Year is 550BC, we are about to End the Turn

    - Despotism
    - Researching Monarchy (22 turns)
    - 922 gold cash, +22 gpt. (est)
    - Income 49 gpt.
    - Expenses 27 gpt. (Corruption 12; Maintenance 12; Unit Costs 3)

    We have 9 Cities Producing:
    New Asgard – Warrior (built in 1)
    Ring of Vikings – Settler (built in 3)
    Valhalla – Warrior (built in 2)
    Spanish are Greedy – Settler (built in 8)
    Thor’s Hammer – Galley (built in 6)
    Fields of Gold – Warrior (built in 4)
    Build More Boats – Warrior (built in 2)
    Bifrost – Worker (built in 10)
    Raiding Base – Harbour (built in 39) (so we can ship Horses back from the south island)

    Population of 763000
    210483 = 8 are happy
    420965 = 16 are content
    105242 = 4 are unhappy ( 1 each at New Asgard; Thor’s Hammer; Field of Gold; Bifrost)
    26310 = 1 Scientists in ‘Fields of Gold’

    Yet to be included…

    Settler aboard the ‘Gems Ahoy’ in New Asgard harbour, preparing to sale.
    Settler 1-2-2 of ‘Raiding base, preparing to Settle next Turn

    We have 13 Workers
    Frosty – Clearing Jungle (3 turns to complete)
    Thor’s Worker - Clearing Jungle (3 turns to complete)
    Worker Bee - Clearing Jungle (3 turns to complete)
    Sven - Clearing Jungle (2 turns to complete)
    Galley Slave - Clearing Jungle (2 turns to complete)
    Screaming Reasons – just moved to 2 of ‘Bifrost’
    Al Gore – Irrigating (1 turns to complete)
    BigFurryWorker – Irrigating (1 turns to complete)
    Octavian’s Slave – Mining (6 turns to complete)
    Wrecking Crew – Build Roads (3 turns to complete)
    George W. Viking – just moved to 9 ‘Raiding Base’
    Persian Hatred Committee – just moved to 9 of ‘Raiding Base’
    Rainbow – just moved to 8 of ‘Build more Boats’

    Captured Workers
    (Persian) Bobs Worker 1 - Clearing Jungle (2 turns to complete)
    (Persian) Bobs Worker 2 - Clearing Jungle (2 turns to complete)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Paddy; February 14, 2004, 00:48.
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #3
      Booking in the TurnChat / Senate Session 16

      Here Yee Here Yee Here Yee

      Let it be known throughout the land...
      We are Booking in the TurnChat / Senate Session 16

      The goal is to hold this Session at 9.45am Saturday 14 February 2004 – Los Angeles Time.


      Local Times will be:

      Wellington 3.45 am Sunday

      Sydney / Melbourne 5.45am Sunday

      Kuwait 8.45pm Saturday

      London 5.45pm Saturday

      Washington DC 12.49pm Saturday

      Los Angeles 9.45am Saturday


      To confirm for yourself, have a look at The World Clock


      Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is an error in my calculations.


      So load your provisions into your Galley, and head on over to New Asgard forthis next sitting of the Senate.....
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Paddy; February 14, 2004, 11:46.
      Gurka 17, People of the Valley
      I am of the Horde.


      • #4
        this time is good for me - I'll try to join (but, you know, it 14th and we don't celebrate st. valetine but the greek's Dionusus and this means wine... lots of wine...)


        • #5
          Yer Sir, lots of wine...

          The girls love it here too
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • #6
            Slider at 0/0/0.... hmmmm, so we have no income?

            50/50 chance I will be working, but will try to make it. Where is the chat going to be? Undernet, or apolyton?
            If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


            • #7
              Originally posted by GodKing
              Slider at 0/0/0.... hmmmm, so we have no income?

              50/50 chance I will be working, but will try to make it. Where is the chat going to be? Undernet, or apolyton?

              It's not possible for it to be at 0/0/0. So

              It's on


              • #8
                Just wandering around as I await departure to a BBQ. I will look into this 0/0/0 matter upon my return.

                Thank you all for your patience.
                Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                I am of the Horde.


                • #9
                  Ok, still here due to delays of some sort

                  Not sure what I was trying to say with the 0/0/0, so I have removed it at this time. When my memory kicks in, I will fix it and replace it. well maybe I will...
                  Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                  I am of the Horde.


                  • #10

                    it's 10/0/0 - the stats from the lower right corner about the commerce sliders


                    • #11
                      There I am.... heavily drunk after Val's Crap Day... waiting....

                      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                      • #12
                        OK my bad with the time frames....

                        still 2 hours 10 minutes till 9.30am in California
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • #13
                          Turn chat is now.


                          • #14
                            We played only one turn this time, Paddy will post the minutes when he can.

                            We need to discuss where the next city will go and what exact plans we have for war with Persia.

                            Here's the save:
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Darn, I forgot all about this...

                              Of course, even if I did remember, I couldn't come anyway because my electricity's been out most of the day, which makes it rather difficult to use a computer and a modem.

