Our Mighty Third Term Government has finished their tour of Duty.
The nation stands in thanks to these mighty warriors for the commitment and dedication that they showed in the time, and due diligence that they showed in serving us. We are grateful that you were there.
Term III Government
President - MrWhereItsAt
Vice President - Makahlua
Foreign Affairs - Minister ormuzd
Supreme Military Commanders - GhengisFarb and Jonny
Domestic Minister - Nuclear Master
& Imperial Expansion Minister
New Government takes to the floor of the Senate
And where did they go? We are not sure of what to really say about this new and untested team of Governing Leaders. Yes we are proud to se that Senator Ormuzd has stayed on in the roll of Foreign Affairs Minister. So to with Senator Jonny, our mighty Supreme Military Commander. At this time no one has stepped forward to the office of Vice President. We will be looking into this matter in the coming weeks.
Term IV Government
President - Big Free
Vice President - Not Filled
Foreign Affairs Minister - Ormuzd
Supreme Military Commander - Jonny
Domestic Minister - Paddy the Scot
& Imperial Expansion Minister
Dissension on the Floor of the Senate
There have been many requests to get the Governing Leaders to actually meet on the floor of the Senate and conduct business.
Senator Togas made his point very clear on his hopes and dreams of this mighty nation:
I don't know what people are waiting for, but this (Senate) needs to move forward, even if only a select few are (contributing to) it.
This mighty Senators family has been an active component from the dawn of our great civilization. As he is now in his Elder years it is good to hear him raise his voice and call the Governing Leaders to account for there actions. It is this reports understanding that Senator Togas has moved his main residence into the Capitol so that he can attend the Senate most days of the week.
”I'm sure there's a lot of other people who (attend Senate), and many of them comment on the (Senate Sessions) as they happen. Many people enjoy just watching the (Governing Leaders), following the(ir Agenda), and seeing how the(y) handle the situation.”
Senator Togas goes onto say: “But if no (Senate Sessions) are being (held) and no results are (attained) then there's no reason to (come to Senate), no reason to read the (Agenda and Sessions Minutes), and no reason to (participate).”
”JUST (hold your Senate Sessions).” He loudly exclaimed.
We feel that the Senator finishes this off in a startling frank manner: ”People will get involved when there's something to get involved with. Let's ignore the bureaucracy, if no ministers (contribute) then just (hold the Senate Session) without them. All you need to do is get into a regular habit of (holding the Senate Session) twice a week, about the same time each week, and people will start to notice.” ”And even if they don't notice and even if they don't join up at least those of us who (are here at Senate) and who enjoy reading the (Minutes and pondering the Maps) can find a reason to visit this forum and appreciate your hard work.“
Togas, a mighty Senator making an impassioned cry for the Governing Leaders to rise to the occasion.
And the fire was raised in other Senators on this matter. Senator Joncnunn is quoted as: “Second with Togas.” ”It's now proceeding so slow that as a (Senator) I have a hard time remembering the state of the (Political Climate) when I see a new (Senate Session post).” Also to raise their voices were Senators theViking; Godking and BigFurryMonster.
Senator Comrade Tassadar wanted to know “What happened to the (Senate Sessions of Old, where many contributed quite loudly and quite often)?” President Big Free and several senators entered into this discussion on a more private note. If we can bring you more details, we will!
Editors Continued Service in the Armed Services
It has been reported that the Editor and Publisher of the Berserker Bugle has joined the Armed Services; that he is touring Persia now that peace has broken out; that he has retired to his properties in the mountains outside of Thor’s Hammer. At this stage, the management committee here at the Bugle would like to state an official “NO COMMENT.”
Persia, A thorn in the side of our Nation?
What have we got from this so called peace with Persia? Their township of Sidon remains upon our home soil. As previously reported here: sources also informed the Bugle that the Persians were convinced to sign a treaty in exchange for knowledge of Polytheism. Yes the war was a drain on our economy, but seriously… what are the border guards costing us each year?
In the next volume we will have a comprehensive investigation into:
Political Parties, Sham – Or Major Component of the Viking Senate?
New Asgard Entertainment
If you get the opportunity to visit New Asgard, visit the Roxy Park. Here a great troop of entertainers are holding court. They are putting a great show that has been highly recommended by all who have contacted our offices.
The nation stands in thanks to these mighty warriors for the commitment and dedication that they showed in the time, and due diligence that they showed in serving us. We are grateful that you were there.
Term III Government
President - MrWhereItsAt
Vice President - Makahlua
Foreign Affairs - Minister ormuzd
Supreme Military Commanders - GhengisFarb and Jonny
Domestic Minister - Nuclear Master
& Imperial Expansion Minister
New Government takes to the floor of the Senate
And where did they go? We are not sure of what to really say about this new and untested team of Governing Leaders. Yes we are proud to se that Senator Ormuzd has stayed on in the roll of Foreign Affairs Minister. So to with Senator Jonny, our mighty Supreme Military Commander. At this time no one has stepped forward to the office of Vice President. We will be looking into this matter in the coming weeks.
Term IV Government
President - Big Free
Vice President - Not Filled
Foreign Affairs Minister - Ormuzd
Supreme Military Commander - Jonny
Domestic Minister - Paddy the Scot
& Imperial Expansion Minister
Dissension on the Floor of the Senate
There have been many requests to get the Governing Leaders to actually meet on the floor of the Senate and conduct business.
Senator Togas made his point very clear on his hopes and dreams of this mighty nation:
I don't know what people are waiting for, but this (Senate) needs to move forward, even if only a select few are (contributing to) it.
This mighty Senators family has been an active component from the dawn of our great civilization. As he is now in his Elder years it is good to hear him raise his voice and call the Governing Leaders to account for there actions. It is this reports understanding that Senator Togas has moved his main residence into the Capitol so that he can attend the Senate most days of the week.
”I'm sure there's a lot of other people who (attend Senate), and many of them comment on the (Senate Sessions) as they happen. Many people enjoy just watching the (Governing Leaders), following the(ir Agenda), and seeing how the(y) handle the situation.”
Senator Togas goes onto say: “But if no (Senate Sessions) are being (held) and no results are (attained) then there's no reason to (come to Senate), no reason to read the (Agenda and Sessions Minutes), and no reason to (participate).”
”JUST (hold your Senate Sessions).” He loudly exclaimed.
We feel that the Senator finishes this off in a startling frank manner: ”People will get involved when there's something to get involved with. Let's ignore the bureaucracy, if no ministers (contribute) then just (hold the Senate Session) without them. All you need to do is get into a regular habit of (holding the Senate Session) twice a week, about the same time each week, and people will start to notice.” ”And even if they don't notice and even if they don't join up at least those of us who (are here at Senate) and who enjoy reading the (Minutes and pondering the Maps) can find a reason to visit this forum and appreciate your hard work.“
Togas, a mighty Senator making an impassioned cry for the Governing Leaders to rise to the occasion.
And the fire was raised in other Senators on this matter. Senator Joncnunn is quoted as: “Second with Togas.” ”It's now proceeding so slow that as a (Senator) I have a hard time remembering the state of the (Political Climate) when I see a new (Senate Session post).” Also to raise their voices were Senators theViking; Godking and BigFurryMonster.
Senator Comrade Tassadar wanted to know “What happened to the (Senate Sessions of Old, where many contributed quite loudly and quite often)?” President Big Free and several senators entered into this discussion on a more private note. If we can bring you more details, we will!
Editors Continued Service in the Armed Services
It has been reported that the Editor and Publisher of the Berserker Bugle has joined the Armed Services; that he is touring Persia now that peace has broken out; that he has retired to his properties in the mountains outside of Thor’s Hammer. At this stage, the management committee here at the Bugle would like to state an official “NO COMMENT.”
Persia, A thorn in the side of our Nation?
What have we got from this so called peace with Persia? Their township of Sidon remains upon our home soil. As previously reported here: sources also informed the Bugle that the Persians were convinced to sign a treaty in exchange for knowledge of Polytheism. Yes the war was a drain on our economy, but seriously… what are the border guards costing us each year?
In the next volume we will have a comprehensive investigation into:
Political Parties, Sham – Or Major Component of the Viking Senate?
New Asgard Entertainment
If you get the opportunity to visit New Asgard, visit the Roxy Park. Here a great troop of entertainers are holding court. They are putting a great show that has been highly recommended by all who have contacted our offices.