Hear me, axe-swingers!
I have recently been elected by you the leader of our war parties, to take us further afield and to direct us to plunder more from our rich neighbours, which is every Viking's birthright. Thank you for your confidence, and if you are not confident in me then I shall have to prove my abilities to you.
I have been examining the state of our lands, and I have some information to impart:
We have a party on a ship south of our lands - it is heading for the southern island in order to set up another post for our Viking warriors to train on, and to hopefully push forth into the unknown to locate the Iron and Horses we need to be truly efficient with our plundering. Moreover, there is a Spanish colony already there, so we may want to probe their defenses sometime. We hope to further settle this land and keep the greedy Spanish in their one colony.
A brave band of Archers is awaiting the ship to return from the South Island to ferry them to the Mountainous islands seen over the horizon to the East, where the smoke from petty barbarian cheifdoms can be seen on exceptionally clear days. These daring warriors wish to prove their mettle in battle against these fierce but undisciplined tribes and to perhaps bring back some bounty. I applaud their daring.
The Vice President, Makahlua the Valkyrie, is aboard the Galley Thor's Sickle to the Northeast, exploring for new fields to plunder.
That is our current situation, as of this year, 825BC. I hope, during my time leading the fury of the Vikings, that I can lead us to completely settling our homeland, and gaining the precious Gemstones that await us to our west. Further I wish to establish a strong position in the South Island and to claim at least one of the Horse fields there, exploring further in the hope of finding Iron that we may build Axes worthy of the might Thor himself.
I will beseech the military commander to lead us towards a state of readiness so that we may turn our sights on one of our nieghbours - perhaps the weak-minded Spanish on their separated lands of isthmuses so that we can take their Iron and precious Dyes.
Together, brave fellows, we will mark our names on the greatest stages, theatres and monuments of many lands - but I cannot do these things alone.
Let us restart now, and work together that we may seek to attain Valhall through our good work on Earth!
I have recently been elected by you the leader of our war parties, to take us further afield and to direct us to plunder more from our rich neighbours, which is every Viking's birthright. Thank you for your confidence, and if you are not confident in me then I shall have to prove my abilities to you.

I have been examining the state of our lands, and I have some information to impart:
We have a party on a ship south of our lands - it is heading for the southern island in order to set up another post for our Viking warriors to train on, and to hopefully push forth into the unknown to locate the Iron and Horses we need to be truly efficient with our plundering. Moreover, there is a Spanish colony already there, so we may want to probe their defenses sometime. We hope to further settle this land and keep the greedy Spanish in their one colony.
A brave band of Archers is awaiting the ship to return from the South Island to ferry them to the Mountainous islands seen over the horizon to the East, where the smoke from petty barbarian cheifdoms can be seen on exceptionally clear days. These daring warriors wish to prove their mettle in battle against these fierce but undisciplined tribes and to perhaps bring back some bounty. I applaud their daring.
The Vice President, Makahlua the Valkyrie, is aboard the Galley Thor's Sickle to the Northeast, exploring for new fields to plunder.
That is our current situation, as of this year, 825BC. I hope, during my time leading the fury of the Vikings, that I can lead us to completely settling our homeland, and gaining the precious Gemstones that await us to our west. Further I wish to establish a strong position in the South Island and to claim at least one of the Horse fields there, exploring further in the hope of finding Iron that we may build Axes worthy of the might Thor himself.
I will beseech the military commander to lead us towards a state of readiness so that we may turn our sights on one of our nieghbours - perhaps the weak-minded Spanish on their separated lands of isthmuses so that we can take their Iron and precious Dyes.
Together, brave fellows, we will mark our names on the greatest stages, theatres and monuments of many lands - but I cannot do these things alone.
Let us restart now, and work together that we may seek to attain Valhall through our good work on Earth!