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Next City Placement

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  • Next City Placement

    At the end of 825bc we are currently about to settle a new city on the southern isle. We have two placements in mind.

    Placement 1 is on a plains tile and has a hoard of bonus grass and fish, but does not have access to the cattle and wheat (though Spanish Are Greedy) will have them very soon.

    Placement 2 is on a bonus grass (though you can't see it from the shot) and has access to everything).

    Please keep in mind the city will have high corruption for a while so won't be able to make good use of the cattle and wheat tiles anyway.
    Attached Files
    Placement 1
    Placement 2
    Something else...please post your ideas

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    12 downloads / 4 votes... I love the odds.

    Number 1 is looking good for long term issues.
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • #3
      Um, what about immediately SW of the Cow? That way we can culture encroach on Spain if we want to but are far enough away that they are no great danger, we get a cow + wheat straight away, it is slightly closer to home and gives advance warning of if Spain starts to colonise the East of the Sith Island from their colony there.

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        We have another settler coming online too next turn so it won't be a problem to settle one of these as well as WIA's location.


        • #5
          Building just North of the horses would make a proactive grab for the horses, which we could probably hold onto, especially with the help of a second city at site 1. The Spanish town is further from their capital than our 2 towns would be, but building culture-producing improvements would still be slow for us. It's not a resource denial issue, since there are horses on the other side of the Spanish town too, as well as on their home continent, but is a resource issue for us, since I didnt see any other horses that we would be able to claim very easily. The problem is that the city at site 1 would have to grow in land area (i.e., culture) so that the strait was in our territory, and have a harbor, before the horses would be available to our mainland.

          MWIA's suggestion would be a more efficient use of the land, less provacative toward the Spinich town, and would provide a harbor, but would not be as strong a claim to the horses.

          Or...we could just wait and use beserkers to take their town (and horses) away from them. However, if we get chivalry before invention, we're gonna wish we had horses. Havent checked the trading possibilities very thoroughly, but I have a hunch it's gonna be a hostile world out there.



          • #6
            Regarding blocking the strait, Spanish Are Greedy just completed a temple so it's culture radius WILL be growing soon to encompassthe wheat and cattle. No matter what site we use we will have a contiguous border.


            • #7

              Let Spanish are Greedy use the wheat and cattle (at least for a little while anyway), as it is closer to the capital and will have less corruption, making more efficient use of the cow and wheat.


              • #8
                Don't make me reform the United Grid Lobbyists again!

                Before making screenshots, ALWAYS TURN ON THE GRID!

                I vote grabbing the Horsie.


                • #9
                  So, I would still go for my site as the first location, and site 1 as the second location. Stress: first and second.

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    Sounds fine to me.

                    BTW Ghengis, I'll try to remember to turn on the grid next time.
                    Last edited by Rhothaerill; October 28, 2003, 02:50.


                    • #11
                      and what a city just SW of 1? We will have access to horses and to the fish (well, with some culture). But with all those forests around we can chop them to accelerate building of the temple.


                      • #12
                        I guess I lean toward grabbing the horses by building directly north of them. This would also grab one of Jaen's wheat as well, so we could probably expect some reaction from them sooner or later for that. In order to make that work, we would need to also build on site 1 and build a harbor to get the horses to the mainland. Does a harbor give any culture? I'm at work and I can't remember. If not, then we would also need a temple in Site 1 before the horses could get to the mainland. This would probably mean that we'd need to furnish some military support to those towns from the mainland, so it is a sizeable investment, and will probably stimulate some action. I guess the same kind of support would be required if we built at cow2, but maybe not as soon. The harbor at site 1 would be desireable either way because of the fish, and whereever we build the 2 towns, the support they require will probably detract from agressive action elsewhere.



                        • #13
                          the harbor does not generate culture. It only requires support of one gold per turn


                          • #14
                            I agree with MrWIA. SW of that Cow. We could use a harbor on that side of this continent because there will be lots of traffic later. Plus, this site is not on Bonus Grassland so we won't waste it.

                            The same goes, by the way, for the tile S-S of SaG, and for the first Wheat tile near Jaen.
                            Greatest moments in cat:

