Got to 3250BC, before losing too many people - prolly would've gone faster, but apparently 1.21's barbs act differently from 1.27's so I had to upolad the game a few times. Question for those who might know: -Should- there be any difference in the way the barbs move? I'm currently running 1.21, everyone else was on 1.27 and 2 different times our barbs broke differnt ways - not to mention a second barb showing up in my 1.21 game... Do I need to upgrade to 1.27, or keep playing in 1.21 and I just provide screencaps?
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(thanks for the shot, defcon5, I knew I was forgetting something earlier!)
- Ceremonial Burial acquired from Spain
- Valhalla founded in 3450BC
- New Asgard's first warrior named OctavianX, in honor of our injured former President
- Barbarian threat exposed in the southwest!
- Scout 2 renamed Brave Sir Robin
- More coast discovered, looks like we might be on an isle!
New Asgard is currently set to build an archer for barb-hunting
.....but grows the same turn that's completed....Valhalla finishes it's first warrior next turn; OctavianX currently defends them from the approaching threat; our worker is starting a road towards Valhalla. Also,Spain has discovered Bronze Working - still expensive for alphabet
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(thanks for the shot, defcon5, I knew I was forgetting something earlier!)
- Ceremonial Burial acquired from Spain
- Valhalla founded in 3450BC
- New Asgard's first warrior named OctavianX, in honor of our injured former President

- Barbarian threat exposed in the southwest!
- Scout 2 renamed Brave Sir Robin

- More coast discovered, looks like we might be on an isle!
New Asgard is currently set to build an archer for barb-hunting
