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FAM report and orders: 450BC

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  • FAM report and orders: 450BC

    After the marathon trading session last turn where we lucked into Currency from a hut, we ended up with gold more than when we started some 2 turns earlier and a basically complete WM.

    Here is the status of every civ:

    Unless otherwise specifed, we have no deals with any of them.

    Attitude: Polite
    Techs that we don't have: Construction
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 3
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: Silk, Ivory (2 spare)

    Attitude: Polite
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 6
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Iron
    Luxuries they have: Silk, Ivory

    Attitude: Polite
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 8
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses
    Luxuries they have: Incense

    Attitude: Cautious
    Techs that we don't have: Construction
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 2
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Iron (1 spare)
    Luxuries they have: Furs (5 spare)

    Attitude: Cautious
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 3
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: None
    Luxuries they have: None

    We have a treaty with the English lasting for 19 turns

    Attitude: Cautious
    Techs that we don't have: Construction
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 25
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses (1 spare)
    Luxuries they have: Dyes, Silks, Gems

    Attitude: Cautious
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 2
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: None

    Attitude: Cautious
    Techs that we don't have: Construction
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 66
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: None

    Attitude: Cautious
    Techs that we don't have: Construction
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 4
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron (1 spare)
    Luxuries they have: Incense

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 14
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: Dyes

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 13
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: Wine (3 spare)

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 1
    Government: Monarchy
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Iron
    Luxuries they have: Gems (2 spare)

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 1
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have:Wine, Dyes

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 168
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: None
    Luxuries they have: Gems

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 53
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: Incense (3 spares)

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 31
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Iron
    Luxuries they have: Wine

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 2
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: Wine, Ivory, Silks (1 spare)

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 0
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Average
    Strategic Resources they have: Iron
    Luxuries they have: Dyes (1 spare)

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 11
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have: Silk

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 0
    Government: Despotism
    Our Power (compared to them): Weak (I kid you not!)
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, iron
    Luxuries they have: Incense

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: None
    Techs that we have that they don't: Currency
    Gold: 8
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Iron
    Luxuries they have: Dyes

    Attitude: Annoyed
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 26
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Weak
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses, Iron
    Luxuries they have:[B] None[B]

    We are currently at war with Germany

    Attitude: Furious
    Techs that we don't have: Construction, Monarchy Republic
    Techs that we have that they don't: None
    Gold: 9
    Government: Republic
    Our Power (compared to them): Strong
    Strategic Resources they have: Horses
    Luxuries they have: Furs (1 spare)

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    Now that the raw facts are done, let's examine options:

    There are no good tech deals right now. We do have bags of cash, but we will likely use tonnes of that in the coming war as soon as we reach Monarchy for upgrading and outright buying/rushing. We could buy any of Republic, Construction or Monarchy off a number of civs. Republic is prohibitively expensive and we couldn't use it much. We are 3 turns from Monarchy so buying it is not going to do much for us either. Construction would get us to the next age now, and the cheapest we can get it is from France for 626 gold. If we sold it around to those who don't have it, we can make a maximum of 30 gold - not worth it IMO, even if it gives us the ability to get one step closer to Invention.

    Note also that the scientific civs with Construction are certain to also have at least one additional advance from the Medieval Era (Feudalism, Monotheism or Engineering) - these civs are the Ottomans, Greeks, Germans and Russians. Babylon, Korea and Persia will also get such a tech for free when they get Construction.

    France, the Mongols and Korea are still polite with us, whereas only the hated Ottomans are furious. We are stronger militarily than the Aztecs, English, Egyptians, Ottomans, Zulus, Mongols, Persians, Spanish and Koreans, which is 9 out of 23 other civs and 3 out of 5 neighbouring civs, so we aren't doing too badly there. This will only increase in our favour as we build more troops, and the Iroquois war will bring us to stronger than 4 of our 5 neighbours by itself.

    There are plenty of civs with few resources, and even some with neither Horses nor Iron! It is still early goings however and some of these can get their resources through trades or borders firming up in the near future. The civs with the ability to build their UUs (both tech and resources) are: the Celts, Aztecs, Romans, Greeks, Carthaginians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Zulus and Persians. Early in the Medieval Era Arabia, the Chinese and Indians join their number. The Japanese and Mongols are missing the resource(s) they need for theirs!

    Embassies are also of limited use right now, and would become even more confusing for the poor FAM until we cut down on the numbers needed a little :Finnishgrin:

    Thus my orders for the coming turns are nothing revolutionary: just keep whoring maps, but now we can do it with the WM for at least a time until we discover some new land. The Galley will be giving us some extra tiles to sell to the others per turn, so sell every turn new sea is discovered until we get to the coast of a new place, then only sell TM again.

    I will put up a poll before the term ends on our tech trading options after we have Monarchy. I recommend we go straight towards Construction as Republic will not help us towards our dear Berzerks.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

