As unortho now has the power - I cannot top.
Here they are for SMC. Depending on when the chat is held I may or may not be there. As we are not in war I don't see it as being a problem.
Same orders as before. Send excess archers to Hunters camp as our riot police come on line. Send excess swords to Trond. Once the road is complete to bypass the iron and keep OPD connected to our capitol, pillage it and start on our warrior making frenzy. Use the first couple of warriors along Odins wall (the mountain range to our east), have the second ones replace our offensive units that are in garrison. Then start moving the extras to Trond. Once we have 16+ in Trond, ask to have the iron reconnected and begin upgrading (only of those who are not on garrison duty). If our galley gets done soon, I suggest putting a settler on it and taking that small island near the celts/Persian/zulu connection (to the east of us), otherwise use to explore and get more map.
Here they are for SMC. Depending on when the chat is held I may or may not be there. As we are not in war I don't see it as being a problem.
Same orders as before. Send excess archers to Hunters camp as our riot police come on line. Send excess swords to Trond. Once the road is complete to bypass the iron and keep OPD connected to our capitol, pillage it and start on our warrior making frenzy. Use the first couple of warriors along Odins wall (the mountain range to our east), have the second ones replace our offensive units that are in garrison. Then start moving the extras to Trond. Once we have 16+ in Trond, ask to have the iron reconnected and begin upgrading (only of those who are not on garrison duty). If our galley gets done soon, I suggest putting a settler on it and taking that small island near the celts/Persian/zulu connection (to the east of us), otherwise use to explore and get more map.