Chat 8 report and save
Chat 9 report and save
Chat 10 report and save
Chat 11 report and save
And if you are looking for the Chat 12 – well, guess what, this is it.
In terms of getting the game moving, I am afraid I didn’t do the best of jobs as president, only 5 sets of chats were held, averaging only 5 turns each. In terms of what we accomplished, I could not have asked for more. We are at the start of 775 B.C., and we have done so much:
We neutered the Ottomans. We secured Iron for ourselves. We bloodied our archers and now have several elite units. We did tech whoring extraordinaire, which has given us all but one tech (which is worthless to us at this time anyways); we have purchased many slaves to do our work; and now have over 1300 gold in our bank! We are still about 20 turns from Monarchy, and I think we will have a good chance of getting there if not first, than awfully close to it. We know the layout of most of the world. We are set to pillage our iron, pump out 20-30 warriors, and begin upgrading. The switch to Monarchy will help us out tremendously (IMHO). Soon, we will vanquish the Ottomans and annex the Iroquois homeland. Our navy has started construction, and with our first boat due in about 10 turns we may colonize some far off (or not so far off) islands. (That island by the Zulu is looking tempting, as well as that jungle covered mass by the Persians.) All around, I call this a very successful term. I wish to thank the term 2 staff, OPD and OctavianX, of the executive branch; master of foreign affairs Kloreep and his assistants CiverDan and Nuclear Master; dejon, our warrior; and last but certainly not least Beta (of the Hound) who organized our work force and built our many roads and mines. Thank you all for your time and effort.
Term 2 President Godking
Chat 9 report and save
Chat 10 report and save
Chat 11 report and save
And if you are looking for the Chat 12 – well, guess what, this is it.
In terms of getting the game moving, I am afraid I didn’t do the best of jobs as president, only 5 sets of chats were held, averaging only 5 turns each. In terms of what we accomplished, I could not have asked for more. We are at the start of 775 B.C., and we have done so much:
We neutered the Ottomans. We secured Iron for ourselves. We bloodied our archers and now have several elite units. We did tech whoring extraordinaire, which has given us all but one tech (which is worthless to us at this time anyways); we have purchased many slaves to do our work; and now have over 1300 gold in our bank! We are still about 20 turns from Monarchy, and I think we will have a good chance of getting there if not first, than awfully close to it. We know the layout of most of the world. We are set to pillage our iron, pump out 20-30 warriors, and begin upgrading. The switch to Monarchy will help us out tremendously (IMHO). Soon, we will vanquish the Ottomans and annex the Iroquois homeland. Our navy has started construction, and with our first boat due in about 10 turns we may colonize some far off (or not so far off) islands. (That island by the Zulu is looking tempting, as well as that jungle covered mass by the Persians.) All around, I call this a very successful term. I wish to thank the term 2 staff, OPD and OctavianX, of the executive branch; master of foreign affairs Kloreep and his assistants CiverDan and Nuclear Master; dejon, our warrior; and last but certainly not least Beta (of the Hound) who organized our work force and built our many roads and mines. Thank you all for your time and effort.
Term 2 President Godking