OK guys
Let me know if you want to write something for the second edition.
Thinking of a release time of around teusday/wed of next week.
NEEDED stories
term II government (Ill likely get this one)
Warriors Luck in disorder (this could be fun...hired an 'entertainer'
Acquisition of Alphabet and contact with Japan
Of course any fun things you come up with are fine too.
Now...off to see some people privately...
Let me know if you want to write something for the second edition.
Thinking of a release time of around teusday/wed of next week.
NEEDED stories
term II government (Ill likely get this one)
Warriors Luck in disorder (this could be fun...hired an 'entertainer'

Acquisition of Alphabet and contact with Japan
Of course any fun things you come up with are fine too.
Now...off to see some people privately...
