WF in Trondheim rearranged to actually work a tile!
Iroqs move along their Warrior conga line.... Both Otto Archers move into our territory
Workers move to mine away from the coming rain of Ottoman missiles...
Archer attacks Trondheim and takes our spear to 1hp - but loses!
Asgard builds Barracks
2440BC We could have Peace with the Ottomans for 60 gold - they have one Archer left in our
2390BC -not much, peace with Otto up to 120g though.
2350BC Zulu start the Colossus
2310BC Zulus start Oracle
Thor locates a landmass across the waves so far north it may as well be Greenland.
2270BC Archer built in Asgard, change to settler. Archer and Spear move to attack the Otto
Archer outside Trondheim next turn...
2230BC Archer loses 2 HP but gets our first KILL! Ottos want peace for peace now - no tribute needed. We want more....
2190BC 2 Archer, Spear and Warrior stack assembled with which to threaten the Ottomans...
2150BC Waiting for a strike...
2110BC Our Little Stack O' Doom moves next to Iznik, ready for an attack...
2070BC Celts have moved a stack of three warriors form the West to meet our stack - they are N of Iznik. A Celt Archer appears on radar SW SW SW of Asgard - we only have a Warrior to protect it.
We attack Iznik and take the spear out - our Archer is down to 1 hp and becomes ELITE. The Viking scourge has begun! The Regular Archer dies against a Reg Spear with no hp damage on the Spear. The Warrior we have there attacks the Spear in desperation -we WIN! Iznik has only an Archer left - Ottomans will give us Iznik for Peace!
We make peace with the Ottos for Iznik and 40 gold - a far cry from when they demanded money from US! This gives us a much needed good break and pushes us to where we might have been without their belligerence.
We end here. new things to discuss are the future worker orders, what we build with Iznik, our
new city, and what our strategy is now we're finally at peace!
Things to discuss
We can get Masonry or Mysticism from the Ottomans for 199gold, or the Wheel for 204 gold, or Iron Working for something huge (we get it in 8 turns anyway). Other civs are all more expensive. Iroqs don't have Masonry, but they also have no cash to buy it for.
What do we build in Iznik, and what are our new city plans?
What do we do with our workers?
What next...?
WF in Trondheim rearranged to actually work a tile!
Iroqs move along their Warrior conga line.... Both Otto Archers move into our territory
Workers move to mine away from the coming rain of Ottoman missiles...
Archer attacks Trondheim and takes our spear to 1hp - but loses!

Asgard builds Barracks
2440BC We could have Peace with the Ottomans for 60 gold - they have one Archer left in our
2390BC -not much, peace with Otto up to 120g though.

2350BC Zulu start the Colossus
2310BC Zulus start Oracle
Thor locates a landmass across the waves so far north it may as well be Greenland.
2270BC Archer built in Asgard, change to settler. Archer and Spear move to attack the Otto
Archer outside Trondheim next turn...
2230BC Archer loses 2 HP but gets our first KILL! Ottos want peace for peace now - no tribute needed. We want more....

2190BC 2 Archer, Spear and Warrior stack assembled with which to threaten the Ottomans...
2150BC Waiting for a strike...
2110BC Our Little Stack O' Doom moves next to Iznik, ready for an attack...
2070BC Celts have moved a stack of three warriors form the West to meet our stack - they are N of Iznik. A Celt Archer appears on radar SW SW SW of Asgard - we only have a Warrior to protect it.
We attack Iznik and take the spear out - our Archer is down to 1 hp and becomes ELITE. The Viking scourge has begun! The Regular Archer dies against a Reg Spear with no hp damage on the Spear. The Warrior we have there attacks the Spear in desperation -we WIN! Iznik has only an Archer left - Ottomans will give us Iznik for Peace!
We make peace with the Ottos for Iznik and 40 gold - a far cry from when they demanded money from US! This gives us a much needed good break and pushes us to where we might have been without their belligerence.
We end here. new things to discuss are the future worker orders, what we build with Iznik, our
new city, and what our strategy is now we're finally at peace!
Things to discuss
We can get Masonry or Mysticism from the Ottomans for 199gold, or the Wheel for 204 gold, or Iron Working for something huge (we get it in 8 turns anyway). Other civs are all more expensive. Iroqs don't have Masonry, but they also have no cash to buy it for.
What do we build in Iznik, and what are our new city plans?
What do we do with our workers?
What next...?