Unluckily for us all, UnOrthOdOx is having to take more time out to deal with an awkward RL situation, and he has requested just before going away from all technology for a while that we might need to elect a new Domestic Minister for the remainder of the month/term.
So, I open this thread for nominations. All comers welcome. The next chat is approaching fast, and I believe GodKing will be helping out for that one. The one after that will be once again 2200GMT/1700EST on Saturday 10 May, in which we will have to make do again. I want a new DM elected by the turnchat after, for the 14th.
Nominations are open from now until approximately Friday 0600GMT/0100EST, when I hope to post an election poll that lasts until Tuesday 0600GMT/0100EST (only four days as we want the new DM to have at least 24 hours before the next chat).
A few more hours left...
So, I open this thread for nominations. All comers welcome. The next chat is approaching fast, and I believe GodKing will be helping out for that one. The one after that will be once again 2200GMT/1700EST on Saturday 10 May, in which we will have to make do again. I want a new DM elected by the turnchat after, for the 14th.
Nominations are open from now until approximately Friday 0600GMT/0100EST, when I hope to post an election poll that lasts until Tuesday 0600GMT/0100EST (only four days as we want the new DM to have at least 24 hours before the next chat).
A few more hours left...