3500BC Iroquois discovered
We trade BW with them for CB and 70g
Culture expands and pop grows - new hut sighted to NW of Asgard
3400BC Hut sighted in Mts W of Iroquois - we charge at it
3350BC New Warrior built in Asgard, heads towards the hut we can see. Nothing in the Iroquois Mt hut.
3300BC Thor finds an Ottoman Settler/Spear stack and the radius of the Ottomans' capital
3250BC Hut popped - nothing again
(that's 4 nothings!)
We buy 2 workers from the Ottomans for 3gpt and 176g - they both help the mine along
3200BC LARGE stack of Ottomans sighted S of their city Edrine - 4 Wariors and 4 Spears
3150BC As we feared... the stack moves East... towards Asgard...
The Iroqs have furs in their culture border
Deputy DM order - change Settler to Spear to help fend off the large stack of hasty Ottomans...
3100BC Spear is built, but 5 Zulu Warriors appear from the East, threatening our workers
2950BC Celts appear to our East! We ask the Ottomans politely to leave our territory, which they have invaded - no dice. We are at war with the Ottomans. We do a deal with the Celts to keep them happy - Pottery for all 60 of their gold.
2900BC Celts moving around us to the south.. Zulus disappearing North... 2 Ottoman Warriors attack - both die and our Spear promoted to Vet. Ottoman Spears head N, Warrior stays there, remaining Ottomans appear. Oh, and the Palace got expanded.
Stop to give ourselves a plan....
Screenshots to be posted later...
We trade BW with them for CB and 70g
Culture expands and pop grows - new hut sighted to NW of Asgard
3400BC Hut sighted in Mts W of Iroquois - we charge at it

3350BC New Warrior built in Asgard, heads towards the hut we can see. Nothing in the Iroquois Mt hut.
3300BC Thor finds an Ottoman Settler/Spear stack and the radius of the Ottomans' capital
3250BC Hut popped - nothing again

We buy 2 workers from the Ottomans for 3gpt and 176g - they both help the mine along
3200BC LARGE stack of Ottomans sighted S of their city Edrine - 4 Wariors and 4 Spears
3150BC As we feared... the stack moves East... towards Asgard...

The Iroqs have furs in their culture border
Deputy DM order - change Settler to Spear to help fend off the large stack of hasty Ottomans...
3100BC Spear is built, but 5 Zulu Warriors appear from the East, threatening our workers
2950BC Celts appear to our East! We ask the Ottomans politely to leave our territory, which they have invaded - no dice. We are at war with the Ottomans. We do a deal with the Celts to keep them happy - Pottery for all 60 of their gold.
2900BC Celts moving around us to the south.. Zulus disappearing North... 2 Ottoman Warriors attack - both die and our Spear promoted to Vet. Ottoman Spears head N, Warrior stays there, remaining Ottomans appear. Oh, and the Palace got expanded.

Stop to give ourselves a plan....
Screenshots to be posted later...