Return to Table of Contents
Please report omissions/links you think that need to be added to the directory here
Stuff you need to know to get into the game!
Just added!
Current Game Stuff Section
Current Polls
Please report omissions/links you think that need to be added to the directory here
Current Game Stuff Section
- Turnchat #17 Schedule
- Turnchat #18 Schedule
- Savegame 490BC
- Turnchat 16 in progress saves
- Turnchat #16 (590BC - 490BC) Report
- 490BC Domestic Advisor, F11, Map, and other information screenies (warning to Dial ups)
- Turnchat #16 Chatlog
Current Polls
- Emergency DM election (remainder of Term III: panag vs donegeal) Expires Wed July 23
Current Game Stuff Section
Current Turn | Current Minister Reports | Current Plans and Discussion threads | Current Polls
Current Turn
- Savegame 490BC NEW!
- Turnchat 16 in progress saves NEW!
- Turnchat #16 (590BC - 490BC) Report NEW!
- 490BC Domestic Advisor, F11, Map, and other information screenies (warning to Dial ups) NEW!
--- - Turnchat #16 Chatlog NEW!
- Turnchat #17 Schedule NEW!
- Turnchat #18 Schedule NEW!
- Archived Saves
- Archived Reports
- Archived Turnchat Screenshots
- Archived Turnchat Chatlog
- Archived Turnchat Times and Orders
Current Edition of The Valhalla Herald - The Valhalla Herald (Vol II)
- Archived editions of The Valhalla Herald
Current Discussion threads and Polls - Monarchy or not?
Polls - Emergency DM election (remainder of Term III: panag vs donegeal) NEW! Expires Wed July 23
- Old discussions and expired polls
Current Minister Reports and Threads
Current Executive Branch - Term III Government
- Domestic Minister's Resignation NEW!
- Presidential Diary: Chat III Term III July 14th
- Presidential Diary: Chat II Term III July 10th
- Presidential Diary: Chat I Term III July 7th
- Presidential Announcements - July 20th
- Presidential Address #1
Term III Elections - Emergency Domestic Minister Nominations NEW!
- Term III Nominations
- Presidential Election: (UnOrthOdOx vs the Banana) Winner: UnOrthOdOx
- Vice Presidential Election: (Aro vs Kloreep) Winner: Kloreep
- Foreign Affairs Minister Election: (MrWhereItsAt vs the Banana) Winner: MrWhereItsAt
- Domestic Minister Election: (Nuclear Master vs panag) Winner: Nuclear Master
- Supreme Military Commander Election: (GodKing vs the Banana/Doughnut) Winner: GodKing
Essential Information - How to access the DALnet chat
- Civilization 3 and Play the World patches
The Valhalla Herald
Return to Current edition of The Valhalla Herald - Edition I
Gameplay Archive
Archived Savegames | Archived Turnchat Reports | Archived Turnchat Screenshots | Archived Turnchat Times and Orders
Archived Savegames
Return to Current Savegame
Term III - Savegame 490BC
- Turnchat 16 in progress saves
- Savegame 590BC
- Turnchat 15 in progress saves
- Savegame 650BC
- Turnchat 14 in progress saves
- Savegame 710BC
Term II - Savegame 775BC
- Turnchat 12 in progress saves
- Savegame 900BC
- Savegame 975BC
- Savegame 1100BC
- Savegame 1225BC
Term I - Savegame 1350BC - post techwhore deal
- Savegame 1350BC - pre techwhore deal
- Savegame 1500BC
- Savegame 1700BC
- Savegame 2070BC
- Savegame 2510BC
- Savegame 2900BC
- Savegame 3500BC
- 4000BC - Starting save
Archived Turnchat Reports
Return to Current Turnchat Report
Term III - Turnchat #16 (590BC - 490BC) Report
- Turnchat #15 (650BC - 590BC) Report
- Turnchat #13 (775BC - 710BC) Report
Term II - Turnchat #12 (900BC - 775BC) Report
- Turnchat #11 (975BC - 900BC) Report
- Turnchat #10 (1100BC - 975BC) Report
- Turnchat #9 (1225BC - 1100BC) Report
- Turnchat #8 (1350BC - 1225BC) Report
Term I - Turnchat #7 (1500BC - 1350BC) Report
- Turnchat #6 (1700BC - 1500BC) Report
- Turnchat #5 (2070BC - 1700BC) Report
- Turnchat #4 (2510BC - 2070BC) Report
- Turnchat #3 (2900BC - 2510BC) Report
- Turnchat #2 (3500BC - 2900BC) Report
- Turnchat #1 (4000BC - 3500BC) Report
Archived Turnchat Screenshots
Return to Current Turnchat Screenshots
Term III
Term II
Turnchat #11 Screenshots
---Aydin Unhappy
---Our World 900BC - my version
---Our World 900BC
---Our World 900BC - BigFurryMonster's version - Turnchat #10 Screenshots
- Turnchat #9 Screenshots
---1125BC - Edrine Taken!
---1125BC - Uskudar Taken!
---1100BC - The Word at Large - Turnchat #8 Screenshots
---1225BC - Our lands
---1225BC - The World at large
Term I - Turnchat #4 - 2070BC Screenshot
Archived Turnchat Chatlogs
Return to Current Turnchat Chatlog
Term III - Turnchat #16 Chatlog
- Turnchat #13 Chatlog
- Turnchat #11 (975BC - 900BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #9 (1350BC - 1225BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #8 (1350BC - 1225BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #6 (1700BC - 1500BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #5 (2070BC - 1700BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #4 (2510BC - 2070BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #3 (2900BC - 2510BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #2 (3500BC - 2900BC) Chatlog
- Turnchat #1 (4000BC - 3500BC) Chatlog
Archived Turnchat Times and Orders
Return to Current Turnchat Time and Orders
Term III - Turnchat #16 Time and Orders
- Turnchat #15 Time and Orders
- Turnchat #14 Time and Orders
- Turnchat #13 Time and Orders
Term II - Turnchat #12 Time and Orders
- Turnchat #11 Time and Orders
- Turnchat #10 time and orders
- Turnchat #9 time and orders
- Turnchat #8 time and orders
Term I - Turnchat #7 time and orders
- Turnchat #6 time and orders
- Turnchat #5 time and orders
- Turnchat #4 time and orders
- Turnchat #3 time and orders
- Turnchat #2 time and orders
- Turnchat #1 time (4000BC - 3500BC)
Old Discussion threads and Expired Polls
Return to Current Discussion threads and Polls
- Ottoman War Expired
- Poll: Chat 13 times Nominally Expired July 6
- March of the Celts (Block the Celts?) Expired Wed 2 July
- Domestic Minister Poll: Next City Site Expired Thursday June 26
- 900BC (Foreign Minister Report and) Tech trade poll Expired Wednesday June 25
- Senators, Constitutions and $Mini-Games Expired Tuesday June 24
- War on who next? Expired Sunday June 22
- Upgrade to 1.21f?
- Governor General
- Techwhore deal 1350 BC
- Limited Ottoman War (Military planning thread)