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Extrapack, part 100: The LAST open issues

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  • #16
    So, Wernazuma when do you think you have rooted out the bugs and finished the x-pack so it is ready for the grand release?

    You shouldn't hurry it too much though - we don't want to see a beta release.
    Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

    The new iPod nano: nano


    • #17
      I downloaded the Extra pack and installed it. As I'm a spaniard, I started to play against random opponents. After a while I was shown an 'Error loading file ...Quinquireme.ini'. I've searched for this file, but was unable to find it, as well as other UU files. Where can I find those files?. The pack is not completed yet?.
      BTW, is it Quinquireme or quinquerreme?. We, with latin languages, use quinquerreme.
      Ocho peones pasados y ligados. ¡Esta partida la gano!


      • #18
        wernazuma: i have the first twenty-five korean cities properly romanized.

        the rest are "ready", but some of them i'm not so sure about yet.


        • #19

          ^The Koreans are $LINK< benefit1 and benefit2=GCON_Strengths>. They start the game with
          $LINK and $LINK and build
          $LINK instead of $LINK.
          ^ Korean legend holds that the nation of Korea was founded by Tangun, a wise king born of a woman and a god who came down from heaven and taught the Korean people 360 useful trades. Recent archeological evidence however, points to the origin of the Korean people some six hundred thousand years ago, with the beginnings of civilization centered around Pyeongyang starting at around 2333 BCE. This kingdom, known as Ko-Chosun, lasted for the next two millenia, until 57 BCE, when the Three Kingdoms period started.
          ^ The Three Kingdoms period was a tummultuous time in which three rival Korean nations, Silla (57 BCE - 676
          CE), Paekche (18 BCE - 660 CE), and Koguryo (37 BCE - 668 CE) vied for power and control of the peninsula.
          Although Silla was the oldest, it was Koguryo that was the first to mature into a viable kingdom. Centered
          around the Yalu River, this militaristic nation conquered many tribes and drove the Chinese out of Manchuria,
          claiming it as their own. Koguryo's military campaign, in fact, led directly to the founding of another rival
          state, Paekche, around modern day Seoul. A peaceful nation, the people of Paekche were slowly driven southward by Koguryo, until it dominated the southwestern part of the peninsula, when it became a prosperous state, trading extensively with China from across the Yellow Sea. Silla, the third and in the beginning, the weakest of the three kingdoms, arose in the southeastern part of the peninsula and was the last to incorporate foreign ideals and notions into its society, drawing most of its strength from Buddhist teachings and its unique Hwarang (Flower of Youth) Corps. By the seventh century CE, however, Silla had allied itself with Tang China and conquered its neighboring Korean kingdoms. Tang China, however, betrayed Silla, and attempted to take the territories of Koguryo and Paekche as its own. Silla, however, was able to repel China's advances in the peninsula, and unified Korea under its banner. However, refugees from the fallen Koguryo kingdom moved northwards into Manchuria and formed another Korean kingdom, known as Parhae (698 CE - 10th Century CE).
          ^ This period, the northern and southern kingdoms tended to be at peace most of the time. Unified Silla (676 CE - 918 CE) was more powerful, enjoying peace and prosperity. Buddhist scholars traveled to China and India to study, and later transmitted the knowledge to Ancient Japan, helping to form that nations culture. At its height, Silla's capital of Gyongju had over one million residents and boasted royal palaces and ornate Buddhist temples. By the 10th Century, however, both Silla and Parhae were suffering troubles from without and within. Parhae was overrrun by the Khitan, while Silla succumbed to internal revolt, leading to the founding of the Koryo kingdom (918 CE - 1392 CE).
          ^ The founder of Koryo was Taejo (Wang Kon), a general who led a successful revolt in Unified Silla. Selecting Songdo (modern-day Kaesong) as his capital, and declaring Buddhism to be the state religion, the Koryo dynasty saw
          ^a blossoming of technology as Korean potters developed fine celadon, prized throughout East Asia, and the development of the world's first moveable metal type in 1234. BUddhist monks also began to carve over eighty thousand wooden blocks with the entire Buddhist Canon, which survive to this day as the Tripitaka Koreana at the Haeinsa Temple. Unfortunately, towards the end of Koryo rule, the kingdom was torn with internal conflict between religious leaders, officials, and military officers, and was invaded and occupied by Mongols for nearly a century.
          ^ In 1392 CE, the Choson (also known as Yi) kingdom was founded around Hanyang (modern-day Seoul). Replacing Buddhist philosophy with Confucianism, Choson leaders were able to put in place a civil service examination system that recruited from the populace civil officials. Choson society also placed a great emphasis on academic learning. The most important ruler of Choson was King Sejong (1418 CE - 1450 CE), whose rule included a blossoming and inclusion of progressive ideas in the arts, sciences, and social structure. During his reign, the Korean alphabet, Hangul, was commissioned and developed. Between 1592 and 1598 CE, Korea suffered under the invasions of Hideyoshi. It was during this time a great Korean hero, Yi Sun Shin, developed the world's first ironclads, the Kobukson, which played a critical part in crippling and defeating the Japanese forces. Afterwards, however, until its fall in 1910, Choson began to stagnate.
          ^ In 1910, Korea entered the darkest moment in its history as Japanese forces successfully occupied the Korean nation. Brutally destroying Korean buildings and institutions, Japan tried to assimilate Koreans as second-class citizens in the Japanese Empire. Japan also sought to industrialize the northern part of Korea. The first major Korean independence movement began on 1 March 1919, but was mainly unsuccessful in driving out the Japanese.
          ^ Modern Korean history begins in 1945, after Japan's defeat in WW2. Divided along the 38th Parallel, Korea was occupied by American forces to the south and Soviet forces in the north. Although originally both the US and the USSR sought reunification, no such event would occur, as both nations formed their own governments in 1948. In 1950, the Communist North invaded South Korea in what was to become the first--and last--war to be fought under the UN banner. Lasting 3 years, the war ended without a clear victor, and was soon forgotten by most of the Western world.
          ^ Until the mid-60s, North Koreans benefited from a higher standard of living than their southern counterparts. The leadership of Pak Chung-hee, however, helped propel the then-third-world agrarian South into an export-driven industrial and manfacturing developing nation. In the span of 60 years, South Korea has gone from having a GDP less than some African nations to having the 13th largest economy and technologically advanced countries in the world.
          ^ Today, it remains a fervent hope that a peaceful reunification of the Koreas can occur. Few can forget the proud moment at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games when both nations walked out, hand in hand, as one.
          Last edited by Q Classic; September 12, 2002, 17:01.


          • #20
            antxon, you have to download the units one by one of this website (i think)
            Go away. You're making me feel insecure.


            • #21
              No, actually not. But still it's weird, because so far nobody had problems and I can't find a bug in the .ini file.
              "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
              "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.


              • #22
                Antxon: No encontraste "" en la página que te mandé la otra vez?
                "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
                "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.


                • #23
                  how much longer do you think it will take to complete all of this, W3?


                  • #24
                    Depends on who helps me. I really hope I will have everything ready until end of September, but who knows. Writing entries for the UUs would really be helpful!
                    "The world is too small in Vorarlberg". Austrian ex-vice-chancellor Hubert Gorbach in a letter to Alistar [sic] Darling, looking for a job...
                    "Let me break this down for you, fresh from algebra II. A 95% chance to win 5 times means a (95*5) chance to win = 475% chance to win." Wiglaf, Court jester or hayseed, you judge.


                    • #25
                      which UUs need entries? how long must they be? i would be glad to help this way!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by jdd2007
                        which UUs need entries? how long must they be? i would be glad to help this way!
                        To quote Wernazuma:
                        "Most units still wait for their descriptions, except for the Hussar, Kobukson, Quinquireme, Drakkar and Janissary"

                        The lenght should probably be the same as the Drakkar or Quinquireme, posted earlier in this thread..
                        Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

                        The new iPod nano: nano


                        • #27
                          I'm sorry, but I must ask why you made the arabs have a replacement for the horseman, an ancient age unit, when the Arabs golden age was really in the early to mid middle ages. It was during this time that they expanded al throughout the middle east and africa. If you have time, I'd advise you to rethink this.
                          Last edited by Saphire Hawk; October 13, 2002, 10:06.

