I too have lived in Texas most of my life, and I also see the drain that these illegals put on our economy, and think something should be done. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% for legal migration into the US with little or no restriction, our freaking country was based on this. When my ancestors braved the voyage to America, whether it were from Ireland, Scotland, England, Naples, Sicily, Poland, or everywhere else my mixed heritage hails from, they came here for the most part in rags (though some of my Italian descent was fairly well off) and had to work hard to make there lives better. They wanted to make their lives better. They wanted to be American. The illegal aliens have no desire to be Americans, to learn our language or participate and contribute to our diverse culture. They are merely here to reap the benefits of our generous society (all children, regardless of nationality, at least in Texas I know, must be givin an education and American public education, contrary to common belief, is not cheap and is quite good. My mother taugt in a bilingual school for a few years and the majority of her students were illlegal, and knew almost no English). And don't mention the native, 3rd, 4th, and so on generation Americans who also leach off systems like welfare which are indeed generous and noble programs that are all too often taken advantage of.