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Redeem yourselves and vote Thai over Khmer
You never bothered to read those 8 threads at the top of this forum? (or the recently bumped 'Expansion Pack Civs (Part 4): A never-ending story?' thread)
The Khmer and Thai were both impressive civilizations that lasted for many centuries and controlled huge empires (who were controlling Ayutthaya and Sukothai before the Thai got hold of them?), IMHO neither is all that much superior to the other. 31 Civs is not much so including both Thai and Khmer would probably be too much, and it was democratically decided that the Khmer should be in and the Thai not (the Khmer got 400 more points and 24 more votes). Some people probably only voted for Khmer because of Angkor Wat (the fact that Tomb Raider the movie came out around the time of the voting probably helped too), but that's the way it is... (Some decisions have been made which I myself am not too happy with either - but that's democracy)
You could of course release a seperate Thai mod, I would be very curious about that myself...
It *is* quiet around here, I don't suppose that's got anything to do with my departure from Civ3*/arrogance*
Originally posted by Locutus
You never bothered to read those 8 threads at the top of this forum? (or the recently bumped 'Expansion Pack Civs (Part 4): A never-ending story?' thread)
I knew that there were votes every-so-often on what civs to have in, but I thought the whole point was to have the debate in those threads. I was more interested in why there was a seperate thread/vote on the subject.One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.
Originally posted by Sagacious Dolphin
Not all of them, I never had the time to wade through it all.
I knew that there were votes every-so-often on what civs to have in, but I thought the whole point was to have the debate in those threads. I was more interested in why there was a seperate thread/vote on the subject.