Originally posted by ntyatecafe
Before the Southern states joined the Union, they made an agreement that a rule (or whatever you want to call it) would be written in and that the Union was to enforce that rule. The rule was that if a slave escaped to another state, that state MUST return the slave to his/her owner (if no owner could be found, then the slave was to be returned to the state from which he/she fled).
Northern states (after a while) stopped obeying this rule, and when the southern states pressed the issue with the Union, they were ignored. --Please keep in mind that the Southern states actually had the LAW on their side ...
Before the Southern states joined the Union, they made an agreement that a rule (or whatever you want to call it) would be written in and that the Union was to enforce that rule. The rule was that if a slave escaped to another state, that state MUST return the slave to his/her owner (if no owner could be found, then the slave was to be returned to the state from which he/she fled).
Northern states (after a while) stopped obeying this rule, and when the southern states pressed the issue with the Union, they were ignored. --Please keep in mind that the Southern states actually had the LAW on their side ...
And on a sort of different topic which I am currently reminded of and have therefore decided to rant about , I hate it how people like to treat the Constitution as some sort of holy sacred document, and act as if the founding fathers knew everything, such as people who vehemently defend the Second Amendment of the Constitution like to do. News to everyone who hasn’t heard it yet, the original Constitution specifically backed Slavery, and has a thing called the Electoral College which has put several Presidents in office despite having received less votes than their opponents, aka george w bush.