With a tip of the hat to other posts/polls like this, d'ya like Abraham Lincoln, or would you rather have seen George Washington as the American leader?
Lincoln was great, but it really was Washington that we owe more to as a nation. He was crucial, not only in war, but in setting up the style of the government that exists to this day. He could easily have been king, general, or El Presidente (dictator) of the U.S., but he turned such opportunities aside on numerous occasions. What he didn't do sets the example as much as what he did.
Lincoln was great, but it really was Washington that we owe more to as a nation. He was crucial, not only in war, but in setting up the style of the government that exists to this day. He could easily have been king, general, or El Presidente (dictator) of the U.S., but he turned such opportunities aside on numerous occasions. What he didn't do sets the example as much as what he did.