I think that war elephants have been used by so many peoples (Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, Persians etc.) that they should not be an Indian UU. I would like to make them a common unit, weaker and earlier, and add Elephants as a strategic resource with a fair production bonus (and changing Ivory to something more politically correct).
Would Gurkhas be a good Indian UU? Yes, they are originally Nepalese, but it will take long before an expansion pack contains Nepal. They would in this case be Riflemen with an additional attack point and the all-as-road flag. Is it reasonable to give India an Industrial age UU?
Would Gurkhas be a good Indian UU? Yes, they are originally Nepalese, but it will take long before an expansion pack contains Nepal. They would in this case be Riflemen with an additional attack point and the all-as-road flag. Is it reasonable to give India an Industrial age UU?