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Apolyton ExtraCivs Pack: Mongol Unique Unit

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  • #16
    submarine archer, MIG with a pike...?

    horse archer [witrh probably different name]
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    • #17
      Originally posted by archermoo

      Not exactly. Knights did not crush the Mongol horse archers, because they couldn't get in range. The Mongols could easily ride in retreat ahead of the knights, peppering them with arrows the entire time, which the western mounted archers couldn't do. Granted, they didn't have the amount of thick metal plates that the Knights, but what they did wear (generally lamellar with silk underneath) was easily adequate to give them the same level of protection when combined with the difficulty of catching them. Even other military units with ranged weapons had a difficult time, as the Mongol bow in general had better range and power, and so they could stay out of the range of their opponents and still do damage..
      That's why they have the increased movement. In hand to hand combat, a knight should take a mongol archer apart. The Mounted Archer can attack and run 2 squares away. Then if another knight runs 2 squares, it will only get to one square behind the mounted archer, allowing it to attack the knight.

      Make sense?
      "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
      You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

      "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui


      • #18
        The fact is there wasnt a single unit in the era of the Mongol hordes that was equal to the Mongol mounted archers.

        Midevil knights were slaughtered by the Mongols. Fact is the ONLY reason the Mongols did not take over all of europe was that the generals were called back because Ghengis died.

        The Mongol riders were able to ride without using their hands, and overran most of China, Russia, the Middle East and Europe with ease, China being the country that took the longest to overcome.

        Seige engines were used but the mainstay was the mounted archers. They had the best communication system of the time, a precurser to the Pony Express 100s of years before hand.

        They used tactics such as taking military prisoners, arming them, and sending them out as the first wave. Sending them out against their countrymen, making them choose death at the hands of the Mongols or a fighting chance.

        Usually fear tactics were used of such a unheard of nature that those captive were far more afraid of the Mongols then attacking their own armys. Civilians were also sent out.

        Thus making say a Chinese army kill 100,000s of their own people before they even faced the Mongols.

        A Mongol unit in Civ3 would be the most powerful unit of its age, able to best any other unit in one on one combat if attacking.

        Why? Because they were, no one posed a threat to the Mongols and only Japan was able to avoid being taken over. (Which was long after Ghengis death.) Ghengis controlled the largest empire that the world has ever seen.

        They should have a higher attack then any other middle age mounted unit, with a higher defense because in Civ3 movement does not allow you to avoid attacks. But the fact remains a knight would never ever get in range of a Mongol mounted archer to even hit him.

        Theres some city in Europe where they still ring the church bell each year, at the exact moment that the man that was ringing it to warn the townspeople to flee was shot through with a Mongol arrow.



        • #19
          What stats

          I still think the Mongol units should be 4/3/3. If one looks, the Knight is already 4/3/2 (the Chinese rider is a knight +1 defense, which makes it 4/4/2) An attack of 4 is good for this age, 3 is fine (normal) but what would make them killer is the extra attack move. Of course if we want something radical, keep it 4/3/2 but let it attack twice like a tank...OK, maybe not, but a defense of 1 is too low (it could be taken out by normal archers, not possible). If no one wants the xtra move, make it 5/3/2.
          If you don't like reality, change it! me
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          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


          • #20
            I would say 4/2/3 is reasonable.

            Were they powerful? YES! But only because they were constantly on the offensive. The Mongols hardly ever needed to go on the defensive. Giving them a 4/4/3 unit is unreaslistic, the defense is way to high, and if medievil knights were on the attack and reached a horde of mongol Archers, they would probably win! (assuming equal numbers). The reason the mongols were so powerful on the attack was because they could attack and flee before being caught.

            They were successful for strong attack and fast movement NOT DEFENSE.
            "Chegitz, still angry about the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991?
            You provide no source. You PROVIDE NOTHING! And yet you want to destroy capitalism.. you criminal..." - Fez

            "I was hoping for a Communist utopia that would last forever." - Imran Siddiqui

