Most modern/current Chinese people define themselves as Tang or Han people...citing their preference to be associated with the merits of those dynasties
It's odd that in all 3 CIVs, the chosen Chinese leader is Mao. Just off the top, doesn't that make him the most contemporary leader in the game...running one of the most ancient civs in the world?
Chinese civ started around 4000BC around the Yellow river with the first political identities forming around 2700 BC (Yellow Emperor (part man, mostly myth)).
I think a more representative Civ leader should have been Qin ShiHuangdi - the First Emperor of China (united the Great Wall around 250 BC)
My point and query is, how were these leaders chosen? By modern recognizability? (Why not Hitler instead of Bizmarck or Lenin instead of Catherine) Or by virtue of achievement for their particular Civ (Chandragupta (Mauryan empire) instead of Gandhi) Or by general likability (Joan of Arc over Napoleon. But Alexander was pretty unlikable (for anybody but the Greeks) in his day too)
In fact, with the exception of a few (Hammurabi, Caesar, Elizabeth, Alexander and Xerxes) how many of the others were really into Empire building. True, most were all significant during their time and advanced the cause of mankind in general (Ganghi and Lincoln), but this is a Civ building game. Where are all the folks who truly fought to expand their borders or to spread their culture? That said, where the heck is Cortes or whoever it was who sent him (Isabella?)?!
I think, though of course arguable, the leaders shoud be:
montezuma - aztec
hammurabi - babylonians
Frances i or Napolean - france
qin shihuang - china
ramses or ptolemy - egypt
liz - english
alex - greeks
chandragupta - indians
Should the iroquois even be here. where are the spanish?!!
yorimoto - japanese
xerxes i - persian
caesar - roman
Peter i - russia
shaka - zulu (50 year empire a little short though)
washington - americans
by the selection of the leaders and even civs, looks like there was more effort to include a wider demographic (politically inclusive) appeal than selection based on merit.
where are the Spanish?
It's odd that in all 3 CIVs, the chosen Chinese leader is Mao. Just off the top, doesn't that make him the most contemporary leader in the game...running one of the most ancient civs in the world?
Chinese civ started around 4000BC around the Yellow river with the first political identities forming around 2700 BC (Yellow Emperor (part man, mostly myth)).
I think a more representative Civ leader should have been Qin ShiHuangdi - the First Emperor of China (united the Great Wall around 250 BC)
My point and query is, how were these leaders chosen? By modern recognizability? (Why not Hitler instead of Bizmarck or Lenin instead of Catherine) Or by virtue of achievement for their particular Civ (Chandragupta (Mauryan empire) instead of Gandhi) Or by general likability (Joan of Arc over Napoleon. But Alexander was pretty unlikable (for anybody but the Greeks) in his day too)
In fact, with the exception of a few (Hammurabi, Caesar, Elizabeth, Alexander and Xerxes) how many of the others were really into Empire building. True, most were all significant during their time and advanced the cause of mankind in general (Ganghi and Lincoln), but this is a Civ building game. Where are all the folks who truly fought to expand their borders or to spread their culture? That said, where the heck is Cortes or whoever it was who sent him (Isabella?)?!
I think, though of course arguable, the leaders shoud be:
montezuma - aztec
hammurabi - babylonians
Frances i or Napolean - france
qin shihuang - china
ramses or ptolemy - egypt
liz - english
alex - greeks
chandragupta - indians
Should the iroquois even be here. where are the spanish?!!
yorimoto - japanese
xerxes i - persian
caesar - roman
Peter i - russia
shaka - zulu (50 year empire a little short though)
washington - americans
by the selection of the leaders and even civs, looks like there was more effort to include a wider demographic (politically inclusive) appeal than selection based on merit.
where are the Spanish?