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Why the English (and Germans) Should and are Included

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  • #16
    Re: Re: This is getting boring

    Originally posted by Big Crunch

    It more about political correctness I think. The idea that everyone is equal, therefore the influence on history has to be equal for all peoples.

    The English have something in their psyche which worries me. In the US it is expected of Green Card applicants to know about the US, have a reason to take up residency etc etc.. In England if someone suggested that an immigrant should not be given state benefits they are called racist. This is part of a wider English belief that we are not that great and that we should not acknowledge our greater accomplishments.

    Its a mixed up world with liberals at times.

    Uhh...not had many dealings with the U.K. Immigration Service, I take it? I'd have British self-deprecation over vainglorious trumpeting of non-existent feats any day. Modesty is more becoming than standing on a dunghill and crowing about how wonderful you are. ..IMHO

    Now as for British and English...the British Isles and Great Britain (Grande Bretagne), distinguishing them from...Bretagne.

    It was a linguistic signpost for Francis I and Louis XIV and Napoleon, so that they wouldn't besiege Noirmoutier and Quimper, in the mistaken belief that they were Rye and Winchelsea...
    Vive la liberte. Noor Inayat Khan, Dachau.

    ...patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone. Edith Cavell, 1915


    • #17
      Uhh...not had many dealings with the U.K. Immigration Service, I take it?

      What is that supposed to mean?

      Compared to most countries in the world the UK has extremely lax immigration laws and provides more accomodation and funding to immigrants than most countries. Yet if a call comes to reduce these benefits or tighten immigration it is considered xenophobic or even racist. David Blunkett suggested that immigrants should attend English lessons and he was vilified by some MPs and the public.

      Modesty is more becoming than standing on a dunghill and crowing about how wonderful you are. ..IMHO

      Why does it have to be an extreme. Why not middle of the road? Feel proud of accomplishments and believe in your own ability without being bigheaded or blind to reality.
      One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.

