Maybe the fact that Poland has been an occupied country for so much of its history makes it not worthy of being a country in Civ.
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To the Pole
Re: To the Pole
Originally posted by jinif
Maybe the fact that Poland has been an occupied country for so much of its history makes it not worthy of being a country in Civ.
When you had 200 years aniv. in 1976 we had 1000 in 1966..
Ehm, do we really need 4 threads about the Polish on the front forum page? I can understand the 'Expansion Packs Explained' and 'Why Poland SHOULD...' threads but this one (apart from being a troll) and szoszon's one just seem to take up valuable space if you ask me... (no offense)
Agreed, especially with the "troll" part .I love the tick of the Geiger counter in the morning. It's the sound of... victory! :D
LoD - Owner/Webmaster of's Discussion Forums and Multiplayer System for SMAC and Civs 2-4
I am going to take this opportunity to ask a favour. Can someone who speaks Polish please translate this for me:
Its a photocopy of a faxed message so the spelling may not be so great.
Dotyczy: zapytania z dnia 11.01.01 na wykonanie elementow segmentu I wg rys.
W odpowiedzi na w/w zapytanie oraz w nawiazaniu do pozniejszych uzgonien przedstwiamy ponizej skorygowana oferte na wykonanie przedmiotowych elementow (w podanych cenach zawarty jest juz koszt zakupi materialow):
1) Podstawa I wg rys nr ....., cena .......... zt/szt
2) Plyta I wg rys nr ....., cena....... zt/szt
3) Kolnierz I wg rys nr..... cena zt/szt
4) Kolnierz II wg rys nr ....... cena ..... zt/szt
Uwagal Powyzsze ceny nie zawieraja podatku VAT ze wzgledu na oswiadczenie zamawiajacego, iz zgodnie z Umaxo Nr ..... z dnia 22.05.97 zawarta pomiedzy Departmentem Roizwoja i Wdrozen MON a Przemyslowym Instytutem Telekomunikacji elementy te sa czescia pracy badawczej i z tego tytulu sa zwolnione z podatku od towarow i ushag VAT
Termin wykonania do 10 ciu dui od daty zlozenia zamowienia
Koszt tranportu (DHL) do Anglii: 300 GBP
Platnose przelewern do 7 dni od daty wystawienia faktury
Oferta wazna 1 miesiac
W oczekiwarior na Panstwa stanowisko i zlozenie zamowienia
z powazaniem
22 STY 2001
What month is STY?
Please say that nowhere in that spiel is the phrase "Private and Confidential.
If this thread gets closed just PM the translation,
I thank you in advance.
Can't believe it censored the Polish word "u s ha g"! Whats it mean then?One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.
edit: I think this was a bit too... little
well, my parents studied in Poland, both still speak Polish fluently (at least my father, my mother doesn't do it regularly anymore, my father does for work), so am I part of the Polish sub-community now?
OK, you've got it.
You must only translate it:
Pierdolone Amerykany jak zwykle nie maj¹ zielonego pojêcia o naszym potê¿nym kraju, a znowu pchaj¹ swoje obsmarkane nosy w polskie sprawy.Last edited by pithorr; November 12, 2001, 13:05.No war or battle sound was heard the world around...
Originally posted by Big Crunch
I am going to take this opportunity to ask a favour. Can someone who speaks Polish please translate this for me:
Its a photocopy of a faxed message so the spelling may not be so great.
Dotyczy: zapytania z dnia 11.01.01 na wykonanie elementow segmentu I wg rys.
W odpowiedzi na w/w zapytanie oraz w nawiazaniu do pozniejszych uzgonien przedstwiamy ponizej skorygowana oferte na wykonanie przedmiotowych elementow (w podanych cenach zawarty jest juz koszt zakupi materialow):
1) Podstawa I wg rys nr ....., cena .......... zt/szt
2) Plyta I wg rys nr ....., cena....... zt/szt
3) Kolnierz I wg rys nr..... cena zt/szt
4) Kolnierz II wg rys nr ....... cena ..... zt/szt
Uwagal Powyzsze ceny nie zawieraja podatku VAT ze wzgledu na oswiadczenie zamawiajacego, iz zgodnie z Umaxo Nr ..... z dnia 22.05.97 zawarta pomiedzy Departmentem Roizwoja i Wdrozen MON a Przemyslowym Instytutem Telekomunikacji elementy te sa czescia pracy badawczej i z tego tytulu sa zwolnione z podatku od towarow i ushag VAT
Termin wykonania do 10 ciu dui od daty zlozenia zamowienia
Koszt tranportu (DHL) do Anglii: 300 GBP
Platnose przelewern do 7 dni od daty wystawienia faktury
Oferta wazna 1 miesiac
W oczekiwarior na Panstwa stanowisko i zlozenie zamowienia
z powazaniem
22 STY 2001
What month is STY?
Please say that nowhere in that spiel is the phrase "Private and Confidential.
If this thread gets closed just PM the translation,
I thank you in advance.
Can't believe it censored the Polish word "u s ha g"! Whats it mean then?
Re: your inquiry of 11.1.2001 for the execution of the elements of the Unit No1 according to the drawing:
Further to the above inquiry and following agreements enclosed you find below the improved tender for the execution of the objective elements (prices include the cost of purchased materials)
1) The Base acc to drw No...., price....... z³/pc,
2) The Plate (Slab)...
3) Flange No 1...
4) Flange No 2...
Attention! The above mentioned prices do not include VAT on the basis of Orderer's declaration that in accordance with the Contract No... of 22.5.97 between the Dept of Development and Implementation of Ministry of Defence and Industrial Institute for Telecomunication such elements are a part of research work, free of VAT.
Fixed date for the execution: 10 days form the Order date.
Shipment (by DHL) cost to England GBP 300,-
Payment by bank transfer: up to 7 days from invoice date.
Tender is valid 1 month.
Awaiting your opinion and order.
Your sincerely...
BTW: Are you constructing a nuke or something?Last edited by pithorr; November 14, 2001, 14:58.No war or battle sound was heard the world around...
Maybe the fact that Poland has been an occupied country for so much of its history makes it not worthy of being a country in Civ.
Originally posted by pithorr
Pierdolone Amerykany jak zwykle nie maj¹ zielonego pojêcia o naszym potê¿nym kraju, a znowu pchaj¹ swoje obsmarkane nosy w polskie sprawy.Last edited by Mankind; November 14, 2001, 15:55.Win98 ERROR 009: Press any key to continue or any other to quit
f**k the f****n f*****s!
I'am realy enjoing not talking to you...
let's not talk again REAL soon...