Now, isn't that a conversation that has strayed? 
Trying to help chill out a bit (and add some details that could be interesting) I might get caught into the ongoing flame war, but ...whatever...
First, the question set on this poll is plainly silly. Stupid. It has no answer, it doesn't make sense.
To have any value, it should be expressed differently. Like "who was the mightest nation in history (military terms)" or "what civilization had the greater cultural influence in history" or "which one was the first to dominate the early world" or whatever along these lines - the question in hand is too general to have a clear answer.
I am not trying to avoid an actual reply - I can do this easily, but in specific terms. Like:
- The greatest land-mass ever held by a single nation (kingdom, empire, whatever) was the 19th century British empire. Canada, India, Australia, parts in Asia, a great deal of Africa - all under British rule. Second here should be the Mongols, even though their empire degenerated pretty fast and third the Spaniards.
- The greatest military might ever: Rome. For more than 6 centuries the Roman Legions dominated the Mediteranean, Europe, Asia Minor, Middle East. There is no other example of a state so dominant and practically invinsible in military terms for such a long era. Don't even compare Rome with USA - USA controlls only a tiny fraction of the world land/population and a bit more in terms of resources. Rome controlled 1/3 of the known world at time (Americas, Oceania, Siberia and sub-sahara Africa was not "known world" at the time we are talking about) and that's something only Alexander came close - for a very short time though.
- Most influental in general terms: Rome and Greece. Greeks developed philosophy, perfected arts (in a height we would see again only during the Renaissance) established Democracy and achieved scientific thinking and came close to even establish scientific method - 2000 years before "the humanity" could even start thinking of it. Rome conquered Greece, took over the brilliant achievement of their subjects and passed it on, along with their own great achievements (especially in the legal field and in governing, as well as mechanics and building techniques). The barbaric germanic tribes (Franks, Allemani, Saxons, Angles, Burgundians, Goths etc. etc. etc.) established themselves as the continuers (SIC!) of this civilization, after they ransacked Rome.
- Most consistant: China. Barely a nation, they are the greatest civilization in terms of consistancy and balance throughout the centuries. There is a Chinese civilization present for the last 3200 years - if this is not Great, I don't know what it is. Also, they were great in the Scientific, philosphical etc. branch, so they would be my #2 choice after Rome/Greece in the previous category.
Now coming to the flame-subject of this thread, the supposed greatness of the American civilization. First, as other people said before me, there is no such thing as "american civilization". Americans (north) are a part of the "Western" civilization, which is a descendant of Roman/Greek civilization (or at least based on Roman/Greek values).
USA is the current leader in terms of military and economical strength and world domination politics-wise but unless it can maintain this status for a couple more centuries, it won't be able to make it into that list. And no matter what, USA won't become a civilization because it is part of a bigger civilization.
As in culture... well, there is popular culture and there is culture. In terms of popular culture, USA is dominant. It doesn't take much to understand that - N'Sync (bliach!!!) and Britney Spears (
) are dominant worldwide - well, you could argue that so are the Spicegirls (Barf!!!) but they all belong to the same "western" civilization. In real culture, well, western Europe leads the world, but it also belongs to the same civilization so... what's the fuss about?
Be carefull kids, a nation is not necessarily a civilization. Especially nowadays. It can be a part of a civ, or it can engulf a number of civs (you can see that in countries like Russia or India and even USA - to an extend) but it's not necessarily a civ by itself.

Trying to help chill out a bit (and add some details that could be interesting) I might get caught into the ongoing flame war, but ...whatever...
First, the question set on this poll is plainly silly. Stupid. It has no answer, it doesn't make sense.
To have any value, it should be expressed differently. Like "who was the mightest nation in history (military terms)" or "what civilization had the greater cultural influence in history" or "which one was the first to dominate the early world" or whatever along these lines - the question in hand is too general to have a clear answer.
I am not trying to avoid an actual reply - I can do this easily, but in specific terms. Like:
- The greatest land-mass ever held by a single nation (kingdom, empire, whatever) was the 19th century British empire. Canada, India, Australia, parts in Asia, a great deal of Africa - all under British rule. Second here should be the Mongols, even though their empire degenerated pretty fast and third the Spaniards.
- The greatest military might ever: Rome. For more than 6 centuries the Roman Legions dominated the Mediteranean, Europe, Asia Minor, Middle East. There is no other example of a state so dominant and practically invinsible in military terms for such a long era. Don't even compare Rome with USA - USA controlls only a tiny fraction of the world land/population and a bit more in terms of resources. Rome controlled 1/3 of the known world at time (Americas, Oceania, Siberia and sub-sahara Africa was not "known world" at the time we are talking about) and that's something only Alexander came close - for a very short time though.
- Most influental in general terms: Rome and Greece. Greeks developed philosophy, perfected arts (in a height we would see again only during the Renaissance) established Democracy and achieved scientific thinking and came close to even establish scientific method - 2000 years before "the humanity" could even start thinking of it. Rome conquered Greece, took over the brilliant achievement of their subjects and passed it on, along with their own great achievements (especially in the legal field and in governing, as well as mechanics and building techniques). The barbaric germanic tribes (Franks, Allemani, Saxons, Angles, Burgundians, Goths etc. etc. etc.) established themselves as the continuers (SIC!) of this civilization, after they ransacked Rome.
- Most consistant: China. Barely a nation, they are the greatest civilization in terms of consistancy and balance throughout the centuries. There is a Chinese civilization present for the last 3200 years - if this is not Great, I don't know what it is. Also, they were great in the Scientific, philosphical etc. branch, so they would be my #2 choice after Rome/Greece in the previous category.
Now coming to the flame-subject of this thread, the supposed greatness of the American civilization. First, as other people said before me, there is no such thing as "american civilization". Americans (north) are a part of the "Western" civilization, which is a descendant of Roman/Greek civilization (or at least based on Roman/Greek values).
USA is the current leader in terms of military and economical strength and world domination politics-wise but unless it can maintain this status for a couple more centuries, it won't be able to make it into that list. And no matter what, USA won't become a civilization because it is part of a bigger civilization.
As in culture... well, there is popular culture and there is culture. In terms of popular culture, USA is dominant. It doesn't take much to understand that - N'Sync (bliach!!!) and Britney Spears (

Be carefull kids, a nation is not necessarily a civilization. Especially nowadays. It can be a part of a civ, or it can engulf a number of civs (you can see that in countries like Russia or India and even USA - to an extend) but it's not necessarily a civ by itself.