Japan Bashing
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! I totally agree with all of the people who say this should be kept light-hearted and focus on the good! For one, civ is a game, yes one intended to somewhat take things from real life, but in the 6 months or so I've visited apolyton, all I seem to find are Japan--Haters. Yes, they committed horrible atrocities, but so has almost everyone else, it just happens that the Japanese and the Germans happen to have committed thier atrocities most recently... You b!tch about the Japanese killing the Chinese... I don't advocate that at all, but maybe we should have a whole page dedicated to the Opium Wars, and the atrocities that came about there?! Have any of you even heard of that? My guess is no, you all are just products of History Textbooks, you won't realize that the Axis powers were provoked by the Allies, it's well known. Again, that doesn't excuse the atrocities, but seriously, they also skipped over detailed descriptions of Japanese culture, art, liturature (which most ignorant westerners just assume doesn't even exist). They're providing a general overview, and all of you who hate the Japanese so much should go read a political analysis of the Far East from about 1200-on. You all just want them to focus on the bad at this site, and if you really think civ should be a history lesson, then I'm sorry for you, it's a game, yes an informative one, but not a history lesson, by any means. The Japanese today are not the Japanese of Imperial Japan, the Majority of Japanese were never savage killers, it was an isolated part of thier history when the military got completely out of control of the Government's hands, and it was all a reaction to western imperialism in the Far East. Sorry this is so long winded, but I've always studied Japan and China on my own, and in school, now in college, and this kind of Ignorant country/race bashing P!SSES me off SO MUCH, look at the big picture, and stop treating these people like monsters because of thier past!!! Look at the big picture, and see what a magnificent, interesting, and totally unique culture they have. I don't think we should "white wash" all the horrible things about Japanese history, but if they're not pointing out everyone elses faults, why pick on the Japanese? Because they bombed Pearl Harbor? (Which had a tactical reason, was a military target, and was not at all similar to SEPT 11, like lots of analyists have been saying). Because they're Asians, and I get the feeling most of these Japan-bashers are white americans aged 12-15? Because they lost the war, and it was the most recent war of it's kind? Why, why do they deserve to be bashed everywhere, but it's okay to forgive and forget everyone else's brutality?
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! I totally agree with all of the people who say this should be kept light-hearted and focus on the good! For one, civ is a game, yes one intended to somewhat take things from real life, but in the 6 months or so I've visited apolyton, all I seem to find are Japan--Haters. Yes, they committed horrible atrocities, but so has almost everyone else, it just happens that the Japanese and the Germans happen to have committed thier atrocities most recently... You b!tch about the Japanese killing the Chinese... I don't advocate that at all, but maybe we should have a whole page dedicated to the Opium Wars, and the atrocities that came about there?! Have any of you even heard of that? My guess is no, you all are just products of History Textbooks, you won't realize that the Axis powers were provoked by the Allies, it's well known. Again, that doesn't excuse the atrocities, but seriously, they also skipped over detailed descriptions of Japanese culture, art, liturature (which most ignorant westerners just assume doesn't even exist). They're providing a general overview, and all of you who hate the Japanese so much should go read a political analysis of the Far East from about 1200-on. You all just want them to focus on the bad at this site, and if you really think civ should be a history lesson, then I'm sorry for you, it's a game, yes an informative one, but not a history lesson, by any means. The Japanese today are not the Japanese of Imperial Japan, the Majority of Japanese were never savage killers, it was an isolated part of thier history when the military got completely out of control of the Government's hands, and it was all a reaction to western imperialism in the Far East. Sorry this is so long winded, but I've always studied Japan and China on my own, and in school, now in college, and this kind of Ignorant country/race bashing P!SSES me off SO MUCH, look at the big picture, and stop treating these people like monsters because of thier past!!! Look at the big picture, and see what a magnificent, interesting, and totally unique culture they have. I don't think we should "white wash" all the horrible things about Japanese history, but if they're not pointing out everyone elses faults, why pick on the Japanese? Because they bombed Pearl Harbor? (Which had a tactical reason, was a military target, and was not at all similar to SEPT 11, like lots of analyists have been saying). Because they're Asians, and I get the feeling most of these Japan-bashers are white americans aged 12-15? Because they lost the war, and it was the most recent war of it's kind? Why, why do they deserve to be bashed everywhere, but it's okay to forgive and forget everyone else's brutality?