So, we've had 4... that leaves 12 Civs left. So, let's start a prediction pool on the unique units of the other civs.
We already know that the Americans have the F-14 fighter, the Russians have the MIG fighter, the Germans have the Panzer tank, the Romans have the legion, and the Zulus have the Impi (personally I would have made the American UU a Carrier), so that leaves us 7 Civs that we are unsure about the UUs.
Here are my thoughts:
Aztec: Spiritual Warrior
Iroquois: Brave (?)
English: Dreadnought or Man-of-War
French: Cavalry (?)
Persians: Advanced Horsemen (?)
Indians: Elephant warriors
Japanese: Samuri
Contribute what you will. Some of you know much more about the armies of these nations than I do.
We already know that the Americans have the F-14 fighter, the Russians have the MIG fighter, the Germans have the Panzer tank, the Romans have the legion, and the Zulus have the Impi (personally I would have made the American UU a Carrier), so that leaves us 7 Civs that we are unsure about the UUs.
Here are my thoughts:
Aztec: Spiritual Warrior
Iroquois: Brave (?)
English: Dreadnought or Man-of-War
French: Cavalry (?)
Persians: Advanced Horsemen (?)
Indians: Elephant warriors
Japanese: Samuri
Contribute what you will. Some of you know much more about the armies of these nations than I do.