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working on a CivIII modpack

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  • #16
    Alfonsus72, EnochF, Ribannah, Martinus, Marquis de Sodaq, Provost Harrison, Bill3000:

    Thanks all for your contributions, you'll be certainly mentioned in the readme (special thanks to...)

    Bill3000: I don't know if the Kamikaze would be suitable...or realistic. They might unbalance the game or be left out completely. And it's a bit sadistic to give Japan a Golden Age when one of their pilots commits suicide. Still, Thanks! If you have any other suggestions don't hesitate to tell me.

    Provost: Do you have some more info on the Janissary?

    Alfonsus72: Thanks for all the city names. For now I'll keep the capital at Toulouse, but I'll add your list in the game for sure as city names for cities founded by the Goths. Also, do you have some more info on the Buccellarii, Fideles and Carrack? Anyway, I added most of the units you suggested. Just left a few out...I already have too many roman, german, french and english units I can think off.

    Martinus: Can you please give me some more info on the Husar? Like what stats you'd give him for instance.

    Ribannah: Interesting idea...but how could an engineer win a battle and trigger a Golden Age?

    Yin: Do you know any other units for the Koreans?

    LaRusso: I don't know how others work, but I always create my mods and scenarios on paper first before starting to actually create it in the game.
    Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


    • #17
      Let's see: Ensemble Studios (Greg Street) had some ideas:

      With all the civilizations to choose from, why the Koreans? This is a question that might be asked by some American and European fans but not by anyone familiar with Asian history. The Koreans were major powerbrokers in the Far East. They interacted with and sometimes fought the Chinese and Japanese on numerous occasions. In addition, the Koreans are responsible for one of the coolest military units ever: the turtle ship. Since we only had three Asian civilizations in Age of Kings, the Koreans seemed like an obvious choice for inclusion in the Conquerors expansion," says Greg Street, the game's designer. Korean history is filled with lots of interesting units that we could have chosen, such as a super horse archer and a powerful early cannon. We ultimately decided to go with the war wagon because we thought [Age II] was missing an equivalent of AOE's elephant archer: a ranged unit with a lot of hit points.
      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mark L
        Ribannah: Interesting idea...but how could an engineer win a battle and trigger a Golden Age?
        Win a battle? The Dutch won an entire war by flooding part of their own lands
        In the game the Dredge unit could of course win a defensive battle but .. hmmm .. I fear that turning land into water and thus sinking enemy armies is not in the game
        A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
        Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


        • #19
          Some info on units:

          VISIGOTH UNITS- As many nations, so called "barbarians", the military organization of the visigoths was so simple: the nobles went to battle on horses, forming the cavalry units (the FIDELES, "loyals" in latin). Their servants (the social structure was pre-feudal, with warriors/lords and their peasants) or those freemen not rich enough to own a horse, formed the infantry units (so called BUCCELARII, no idea what it means in latin). Each unit used a mix of weapons: swords, spears, mazes and so on, cause they were many times armed and equipped by the nobles of even individually. That was the organization of the firts roman armies (PRINCIPES as cavalry), and of many armies till the XV century, including all german tribes, saxons, normands,... in the film "Braveheart" the scot army is also organized this way.

          CARRACK- XV century ship, one of the 1st high seas vessels, with a transport duty but sometimes heavily armed (you could imagine something like an small pre-galleon or a big and armed caravel).
          Originally used by genovesse and portuguese, the last ones used it to their early african-asian coast trade and expansion, so I guess is a good representative portuguese unit, as galleon is for spanish.


          • #20
            Macedonian Chariot? The Persians used chariots against Alex the Great, but the Macedonians never used them AFAIK (except perhaps in Homeric Ages - not sure here).

            edit: Perhaps for the Macedonians/Greeks, the Macedonian heavy cavalry, the Hetaroi, would be better.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Bill3000
              The Cataphract shouldn't be a Roman CU Unit, it should be Byzantine. If I remember correctly, the Romans only used light cavalry.
              Romans used different types of cavalry, also heavy armoured. However, they were mainly provided as Auxilia units by Roman Allies.


              • #22

                for additional info on the Visigoths, you might as well re-play some old scenario still available at the Spanish civ Site (link on the left of this message).


                • #23
                  Re: working on a CivIII modpack

                  Originally posted by Mark L

                  Civ: Swedes/Fins
                  Capital: Stockholm
                  Leader: Gustav II
                  Attributes: Com Sci
                  Special units: Alpine Troops, -
                  Replacing: Riflemen
                  Bonus: def/spd
                  Mixing the Swedes and the Fins as a civ is not a good idea I think.
                  And as a special unit for the Swedes I would suggest Karolin ( sort of a musketeer ).
                  It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


                  • #24
                    Korean UU: The Turtle Ship (Caravel with better DEF)

                    Turtle ships were built by General Lee Soonsin of the Chosun dynasty. Three Turtle ships were made during the Im-jin Battle. We call this ship a Turtle ship because it looked like a turtle.

                    This ship’s length was about 21.5meters, the width was 9.2meters, and about 125 people were on board the Turtle ship. On top of the Turtle ship, there were many swords and gimlets so the Japanese enemy couldn’t climb the ship. Flame or smoke came out of the dragon’s mouth of the Turtle ship. On both sides of the ship, there were many cannons and guns to fire. There was a big wooden gargoyle head under the dragon’s head in order to crash into other enemies’ ships.

                    Swiss UU: Haupen (special pikemen)(Pikemen with better DEF)

                    Arab UU: Cameleers?

                    Korean Turtle Ship:
                    Attached Files
                    My Website:
                    My Forums:


                    • #25
                      If I recall correctly, the Swiss were at one time well known for their groups of pikemen. Organizing themselves in square phalanx formation, they could effectively defend themselves against a charge from any direction. There's no special name for them, unfortunately. They're just Swiss Pikemen. You could call them Halberdiers, I suppose, which is slightly inaccurate, but at least gives them a nice unique name.
                      "Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."


                      • #26
                        Re: working on a CivIII modpack

                        Originally posted by Mark L

                        Civ: Germans
                        Capital: Berlin
                        Leader: Von Bismark
                        Attributes: Mil Ind
                        Special units: Panzer, U-Boat, Teutonic Knight
                        Replacing: Early Tank, Convential Submarine, Knight
                        Bonus: att/def, att/spd, 5-3-3
                        Leader: Otto von Bismarck (I believe this is the correct spelling, you might want to see an encyclopedia)

                        I would pick the Panzer and the Teutonic Knight.

                        Originally posted by Mark L
                        Civ: Texans
                        Capital: Austin
                        Leader: Sam Houston
                        Attributes: Rel Mil
                        Special units: Militia, Local Militia
                        Replacing: Riflemen, Partisan
                        Bonus: att/def, def
                        Being from Texas, let me help you with the Texans...

                        *NOTE: indicates a disagreement with what you currently have.

                        Civ: Texans
                        Capital: Austin
                        Leader: Sam Houston
                        *Attributes: Com Ind
                        *Special units: Texas Ranger, Local Militia
                        *Replacing: Cavalry, Partisan
                        Bonus: att/def, def

                        The following was posted earlier by me in a related thread:

                        History: Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836 and was an independent nation from then until 1845 when it became a state in the U.S. While it was independent, it was populated heavily by former Mexican, German, and U.S. citizens.

                        Other city names:
                        Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Fort Worth, Arlington, Lubbock, Amarillo, Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Fredericksburg, San Angelo, Albuquerque, Santa Fe (Yes those were in Texas before they ceded land to the U.S. when they joined the Union)

                        Texas would be a commercial and industrious civilization: industrious because they worked hard to gain their independence - "Remember the Alamo" and commercial because of the cattle trade which was very important in the time of independent Texas.

                        Extra tidbit:
                        The Texas Rangers were nearly always outnumbered by the Apaches, Comanches, and other Indian tribes they fought. But they always seemed to win anyways. Maybe it was because of their six-shooters (revolvers), or maybe God was just blessing them. Either way, the six-shooters didn't hurt their chances for winning.

                        Originally posted by Mark L

                        - Selecting 2 out of the 3 German units
                        - Selecting 2 out of the 3 French units
                        - Selecting 2 out of the 4 English units
                        - Selecting 2 out of the 4 Spanish units
                        - Selecting 2 out of the 3 Russian units
                        - Selecting 2 out of the 3 Mongol units
                        - Selecting 2 out of the 3 Japanese units

                        - Unit replaced by War Elephant
                        - Unit replaced by Camel Rider
                        - Unit replaced by Janissary

                        - Bonus Imperial Cavalry (Napoleon's elite heavy cavalry regiments)
                        - Bonus MiG
                        - Bonus Janissary

                        - Ottoman/Turk capital
                        - Celtic capital
                        German: Panzer and Teutonic Knight
                        French: Musketeer and Imperial Cavalry
                        English: Spitfire and Longbowman
                        Spanish: War Galleon and Tercio
                        Russian: MiG and Red Gaurd
                        Mongol: Mounted Archer and Mongol Horseman
                        Japanese: Samarai and Zero

                        Unit replaced by War Elephant: early horseman
                        Unit replaced by Camel Rider: Knight
                        Unit replaced by Janissary: Musketmen

                        Bonus Imperial Cavalry: att/def
                        Bonus MiG: def/spd
                        Bonus Janissary: att

                        Turk capital: Istanbul
                        Celtic capital: Cardiff
                        Ex Fide Vive
                        Try my new mod and tell me what you think. I will be revising it per suggestions. Nine Governments Mod


                        • #27
                          "Austro-Hungarians" are not a people. It would be like calling the Germanic principalities making up the Holy Roman Empire "Romans". Same goes with Byzantine; they aren't even a civilization. Just a combination of Greek and Roman culture.

                          The Turkish capital should be Ankara (sp?), not Istanbul. I don't think that Constantinople was ever officially renamed until the final collapse of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. It was generally called "Istanbul" because "Istanbul" it means "the city". Kind of like Rome was called "The City" because of its importance. Also Ankara is in the Turkish heartland of Turkey. Constantinople was a great symbolic gesture because it was formerly the seat of the most powerful country that Europe probably ever had.

                          I think that the War Elephant should replace the knight, like CivIII already has it. Elephants, although slow and scared of injury, were great demoralizing tools. If your army met an army of big-as-your-house elephants your men would soil their bronze and run. Thus the elephant could hit the bravest people who were stupid enough to stay behind and kill them. I'm also sure that an elephant would beat, 1vs1, any unit that didn't use gunpowder.
                          "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
                          "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
                          "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Christantine The Great
                            "Austro-Hungarians" are not a people. It would be like calling the Germanic principalities making up the Holy Roman Empire "Romans". Same goes with Byzantine; they aren't even a civilization. Just a combination of Greek and Roman culture.
                            I am not sure that it matters whether or not the Austro-Hungarian Empire was a "people", but I do think that it was a civ. Certainly the citizens of the HRE weren't Romans. Don't understand what this has to do with AH being a civ though?

                            I understand that the Byzantine Empire was the result of a combination of Greek and Roman influences, but why aren't they a civ? The Romans themselves had many Greek influences. The English had many French (Norman) and Roman influences. Both are still civs.


                            • #29

                              Civ: Germans
                              Capital: Berlin
                              Leader: Otto von Bismarck
                              Attributes: Mil Ind
                              Special units: Panzer (tank), U-Boat (submarine)
                              Bench: Teutonic Knight (knight), Stuka (bomber)

                              Civ: French
                              Capital: Paris
                              Leader: Louis XIV
                              Attributes: Exp Sci
                              *Special units: Musketeer (musketmen), Templar (knight)
                              *Bench: Imperial Cavalry (dragoon), Foreign Legion (riflemen)

                              Civ: English
                              Capital: London
                              Leader: Elizabeth II
                              Attributes: Exp Com
                              Special units: Man-o-War (frigate), Longbowmen (archer)
                              Bench: Spitfire (fighter), Dreadnought (battleship)

                              Civ: Dutch
                              Capital: Amsterdam
                              Leader: William of Orange
                              Attributes: Com Sci
                              Special units: Privateer (frigate), Fokker (fighter)
                              Bench: Geus (musketmen), Dregde (worker)

                              Civ: Vikings
                              Capital: Trondheim
                              Leader: Canute
                              Attributes: Exp Com
                              *Special units: Longboat (caraval), Berserk (warrior)
                              Bench: Marauder (swordsmen)

                              Civ: Portugese
                              Capital: Lisbon
                              Leader: Manuel I
                              Attributes: Exp Com
                              *Special units: Carrack (caraval)

                              Civ: Swiss
                              Capital: Geneva
                              *Leader: -
                              Attributes: Sci Com
                              Special units: Swiss Guards (pikemen), Mountaineers (musketmen)

                              Civ: Austro-Hungarians
                              Capital: Vienna
                              Leader: Francis Josef
                              Attributes: Exp Mil
                              *Special units: Skoda Cannons (artillery)

                              Civ: Celts
                              Capital: Cardiff
                              Leader: Cunebin
                              Attributes: Exp Mil
                              Special units: Schiltron (pikemen), Woad Raider (warrior)

                              Civ: Russians
                              Capital: Moscow
                              Leader: Lenin
                              Attributes: Exp Ind
                              Special units: Cossack (dragoon), T-54 (tank)
                              Bench: MiG (jet fighter), Red Army/Guard (riflemen)

                              Civ: Goths
                              Capital: Toulouse
                              Leader: Theodoric
                              Attributes: Mil Sci
                              *Special units: Doryphoren (knight), Huskarl (swordmen)

                              Civ: Swedes
                              Capital: Stockholm
                              Leader: Gustav II
                              Attributes: Com Sci
                              *Special units: Pansarskepp (cruiser), Karolin (musketmen)

                              Civ: Fins
                              Capital: Helsinki
                              Leader: Gustaf Mannerheim
                              Attributes: Com Rel
                              Special Units: Alpine Troops (riflemen), Ilmarinen (destroyer)

                              Civ: Poles
                              Capital: Warshaw
                              Leader: Mieszko I
                              Attributes: Sci Rel
                              Special units: Light Cannon (cannon), Hussaria (dragoon)
                              Bench: Polish Infantry (musketmen)

                              Civ: Yugoslavs
                              Capital: Belgrade
                              Leader: Tito
                              Attributes: Rel Mil
                              *Special Units: Slavic Partisan (partisan)

                              Civ: Spanish
                              Capital: Madrid
                              Leader: Phillip II
                              Attributes: Exp Rel
                              Special units: War Galleon (galleon), Tercio (musketmen)
                              Bench: Conquistadores (explorer), Bandolero (partisan)

                              Civ: Romans
                              Capital: Roma
                              Leader: Caesar
                              Attributes: Mil Ind
                              Special units: Legion (swordsmen), Onager (catapult)
                              Bench: Librunian (galley)

                              Civ: Byzantines
                              Capital: Constantinopel
                              Leader: Justinian
                              Attributes: Sci Com
                              Special units: Cataphract (knight), Drorom (galley)
                              Bench: Varangian Guard (swordsmen), Greek Fire (-)

                              Civ: Egyptians
                              Capital: Thebes
                              Leader: Cleopatra
                              Attributes: Rel Ind
                              Special units: War Chariot (chariot), Mamluk (knight)

                              Civ: Carthagians
                              Capital: Carthago
                              *Leader: Dido
                              Attributes: Ind Com
                              Special units: War Elephant (knight), Quinquereme (galley)

                              Civ: Phoenicians
                              Capital: Tyre
                              Leader: Hiram
                              Attributes: Ind Com
                              *Special Units: Penteconter (galley)

                              Civ: Greeks
                              Capital: Athens
                              Leader: Cleisthenes
                              Attributes: Sci Mil
                              Special units: Hoplite (spearmen), Balista (catapult)
                              Bench: Companion Cavalry (horsemen), Macedonian Phalanx (pikemen)

                              Civ: Hospitaliers
                              Capital: Valetta
                              Leader: Jean Parisot de la Valette
                              Attributes: Rel Mil
                              *Special units: Hospitalier (knight), Crossbowmen (archers)
                              Bench: Sergeants-at-Arms (swordsmen)

                              Civ: Italians
                              Capital: Rome
                              Leader: Victor Emmanuel
                              Attributes: Com Sci
                              *Special units: San Marco (marines), Genoese Crossbowmen (archer)
                              *Bench: Tarida (caraval), Legionaire (riflemen)

                              Civ: Moors
                              Capital: Fes
                              *Leader: -
                              Attributes: Rel Sci
                              *Special Units: Cameleer (knight)

                              Civ: Zulus
                              Capital: Zimbabwe
                              Leader: Shaka
                              Attributes: Mil Exp
                              *Special units: Impi (spearmen)
                              *Bench: Olifant (modern tank)

                              Civ: Ethiopians
                              *Capital: Aksum
                              Leader: Ezana
                              Attributes: Com Rel
                              *Special units: Javalin (spearmen), Elephant Fighter (pikemen)

                              Civ: Nubians
                              Capital: Kerma
                              Leader: Piye
                              Attributes: Com Mil
                              *Special Units: Nubian Bowmen (archer), Nubian Guards (spearmen)

                              Civ: Mali
                              *Capital: Gao
                              Leader: Mansa Musa
                              Attributes: Exp Com
                              *Special Units: Songhay Cavalry (horsemen), Fast Galley (galley)

                              Civ: Persians
                              Capital: Persepolis
                              Leader: Xerxes
                              Attributes: Mil Com
                              *Special units: Persian Cavalry (horsemen), Immortal (swordsmen)
                              *Bench: Cataphract (knight), War Elephants (knight)

                              Civ: Assyro-Babylonians
                              Capital: Babylon
                              Leader: Hammurabi
                              Attributes: Rel Sci
                              *Special units: Babylonian Archer (archer), War Chariot (chariot)

                              Civ: Hebrew
                              Capital: Jerusalem
                              Leader: Solomon
                              Attributes: Rel Mil
                              *Special units: Zealot (-)

                              Civ: Ottomans
                              Capital: Ankara
                              Leader: Suleiman I
                              Attributes: Mil Exp
                              Special units: Janissary (musketmen), Spahis (dragoon)

                              Civ: Arabs
                              Capital: Medina
                              *Leader: Saladin
                              Attributes: Rel Exp
                              *Special units: Fanatics (partisan), Camel Riders (knight)

                              Civ: Mongols
                              Capital: Karakorum
                              Leader: Genghis
                              Attributes: Mil Exp
                              *Special units: Mangudai (knight), Mongol Horsemen (horsemen)

                              Civ: Huns
                              *Capital: Szeged
                              Leader: Attila
                              Attributes: Mil Exp
                              Special Units: Tarkan (horsemen), Comp.Bowmen (archer)

                              Civ: Japanese
                              Capital: Kyoto
                              Leader: Tokugawa
                              Attributes: Rel Mil
                              Special units: Samurai (swordsmen), Yamato (battleship)
                              Bench: Kamikaze (-), Zero (fighter)

                              Civ: Chinese
                              Capital: Beijing
                              Leader: Mao Tse-Tung
                              Attributes: Ind Sci
                              *Special units: Rider (knight), Chi-Ko-Nu (archers)
                              *Bench: Junk (galley)

                              Civ: Koreans
                              Capital: Seoul
                              *Leader: Sejong
                              Attributes: Sci Com
                              *Special units: Turtle Boat (caraval), War Wagon (chariot)

                              Civ: Indians
                              Capital: Delhi
                              Leader: Ghandi
                              Attributes: Rel Com
                              *Special units: War Elephant (knight)
                              *Bench: LCA (jet fighter)

                              Civ: Khmer
                              Capital: Angor Wat
                              *Leader: Jayavarman II
                              Attributes: Ind Rel
                              *Special units: Khmer Rouge/Vietcong

                              Civ: Afghans
                              Capital: Kabul
                              *Leader: Babur
                              Attributes: Rel Mil
                              *Special Units: Mujahedeen (partisan)

                              Civ: Americans
                              Capital: Washington
                              Leader: Abraham Lincoln
                              Attributes: Ind Com
                              Special units: Eagle (jet fighter), Enterprise (carrier)
                              Bench: Minutemen (musketmen), B-52 (bomber)

                              Civ: Confederates
                              Capital: Richmond
                              Leader: Jefferson Davis
                              Attributes: Rel Com
                              *Special Units: Virginia (ironclad)

                              Civ: Aztecs
                              Capital: Tenochtitlan
                              Leader: Montezuma
                              Attributes: Rel Mil
                              *Special units: Jaguar Warrior (warrior), Eagle Warrior (scout)
                              Bench: Clubmen

                              Civ: Mayas
                              *Capital: Tulum
                              *Leader: Eighteen Rabbits
                              Attributes: Rel Sci
                              *Special units: Great Canoe (galley), Plumed Archer (archer)

                              Civ: Incas
                              Capital: Cusco
                              *Leader: Sapa Inca
                              Attributes: Ind Mil
                              *Special units: Macana (warrior), Halberd (spearmen)

                              Civ: Sioux
                              Capital: Little Big Horn
                              Leader: Sitting Bull
                              Attributes: Mil Exp
                              *Special units: War Party (dragoon), Mtd Braves (horsemen)
                              *Bench: Braves (scout/warrior)

                              Civ: Iroquois
                              *Capital: -
                              Leader: Hiawatha
                              Attributes: Com Mil
                              *Special units: Tracker (scout)

                              Civ: Texans
                              Capital: Austin
                              Leader: Sam Houston
                              Attributes: Rel Mil
                              Special units: Texas Ranger (cavalry), Militia (partisan)

                              UNIT LIST

                              Jet Fighter
                              - Eagle (att/def/spd)

                              - Fokker (att/def)


                              Jet Bomber

                              - U-boat (att/spd)

                              - Virginia (att/def)

                              - Enterprise (def/spd)

                              - Man-o-War (att/def)
                              - Privateer (att/spd)

                              - Yamato (att/def)

                              - Ilmarinen (def/spd)


                              - War Galleon (att/def)

                              - Longboat (spd/att)
                              - Carrack (att/def)
                              - Turtle Boat (def)

                              - Drorom (def/spd)
                              - Quinquireme (att)
                              - Great Cannoe (holds)
                              - Trireme (spd/att)
                              - Fast Galley (spd)

                              - Pansarskepp (att/spd)

                              Aegis Cruiser

                              *Knight (4-3-2)
                              - Templar (5-4-2)
                              - Doryphoren (4-4-3)
                              - Cataphract (4-5-2)
                              - Mamluk (5-4-2)
                              - War Elephant (4-3-2, no horses & iron needed)
                              - War Elephant (4-3-2, no horses & iron needed)
                              - Hospitalier (4-5-2)
                              - Camel Rider (4-4-2, no horses needed)
                              - Camel Rider (4-4-2, no horses needed)
                              - Mangudai (5-3-3)
                              - Rider (4-4-3)

                              - Cossack (att/def/spd)
                              - Spahis (att/def)
                              - War Party (att/spd)
                              - Hussaria (att/def)

                              - Texas Ranger (att/def)

                              - Panzer (att/def)
                              - T-54 (att/cost)

                              Mechanized Infantry

                              Chariot (1-1-2)
                              - War Chariot (2-1-2)
                              - War Chariot (2-1-2)
                              - War Wagon (1-2-2)

                              Horsemen (2-1-2)
                              - Persian Cavalry (3-1-2)
                              - Mongol Horsemen (2-1-3)
                              - Mtd. Braves (2-1-3)
                              - Songhay Cavalry (2-2-2)
                              - Tarkan (3-1-2)

                              Scout (0-0-2)
                              - Eagle Warrior (0-1-3)
                              - Tracker (0-1-3)

                              Warrior (1-1-1)
                              - Berzerker (2-1-1)
                              - Woad Raider (2-1-1)
                              - Jaguar Warrior (1-1-2)
                              - Macana (1-1-2)

                              Spearmen (1-2-1)
                              - Hoplite (1-3-1)
                              - Impi (2-2-1)
                              - Halberd (2-2-1)
                              - Javalin (2-2-1)
                              - Nubian Guards (1-3-1)

                              Swordsmen (3-2-1)
                              - Huskarl (3-3-1)
                              - Legion (4-2-1)
                              - Immortal (4-2-1)
                              - Samurai (3-3-1)

                              - Schiltron (def)
                              - Swiss Guard (def)
                              - Elephant Fighter (spd)

                              *Archers (2-1-1)
                              - Longbowmen (3-1-1)
                              - Babylonian Archer (2-1-2)
                              - Comp.bowmen (3-1-1)
                              - Plumed Archer (2-1-1, lower cost)
                              - Nubean Bowmen (2-1-2)
                              - Crossbowmen (2-2-1)
                              - Chi-Ko-Nu (2-2-1)
                              - Genoese Crossbowmen (2-2-1)

                              - Musketeer (att/def)
                              - Tercio (att/def)
                              - Janissary (att/spd)
                              - Karolin (att/def)
                              - Mountaineers (def/spd)

                              - Alpine Troops (spd/def)

                              - San Marco (att/def)

                              - Slavic Partisan (def/spd)
                              - Fanatics (att/def)
                              - Mujahedeen (att/def/spd)
                              - Militia (def)

                              - Onager (att)
                              - Ballista (att)

                              - Light Cannon (att/cost)

                              - Skoda Cannon (att)

                              Worker (0-0-1)

                              Settler (0-0-1)

                              Engineer (0-0-2)
                              Last edited by Saint Marcus; September 22, 2001, 13:53.
                              Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit


                              • #30

                                Ethiopians (30)
                                - Aksum
                                - Adulis
                                - Matara
                                - Yeha
                                - Aoulis
                                - Sabae
                                - Mouza
                                - Dire
                                - Aualites
                                - Malao
                                - Aden
                                - Massawa
                                - Ocelis
                                - Addis Abeba
                                - Dire Dawa
                                - Gonder
                                - Nazret
                                - Jima
                                - Mek'ele
                                - Bahir Dar
                                - Dese
                                - Harer
                                - Jima
                                - Adowa
                                - Sennar
                                - Djibouti
                                - Dawa
                                - Mendi
                                - Metu
                                - Goba

                                *Khmer (11)
                                - Angkor Wat
                                - Rolous
                                - Angkor Thom
                                - Koh Ker
                                - Indrapura
                                - Kampong Cham
                                - Wat Phou
                                - Yasodharapura
                                - Vijaya
                                - U-Thong
                                - Lopburi
                                - Sambor
                                - Phnom Penh
                                - Angkor Borei
                                - Oc Eo

                                Dutch (30)
                                - Amsterdam
                                - The Hague
                                - Rotterdam
                                - Dorestad
                                - Utrecht
                                - Den Bosch
                                - Eindhoven
                                - Delft
                                - Maastricht
                                - Flushing
                                - Groningen
                                - Tilburg
                                - Den Helder
                                - Nimwegen
                                - Enschede
                                - Gouda
                                - Middelburg
                                - Breda
                                - Deventer
                                - Leyden
                                - Harlem
                                - Lelystad
                                - Amersfoort
                                - Roosendaal
                                - Assen
                                - Heerenveen
                                - Zwolle
                                - Apeldoorn
                                - Arnhem
                                - Dordrecht

                                Germans (30)
                                - Berlin
                                - Leipzig
                                - Ingolstadt
                                - Konigsberg
                                - Frankfurt
                                - Munich
                                - Heidelburg
                                - Nuremberg
                                - Koln
                                - Hannover
                                - Bremen
                                - Stuttgart
                                - Bonn
                                - Salzburg
                                - Dortmund
                                - Brandenburg
                                - Dresden
                                - Dortmund
                                - Hamburg
                                - Dusseldorf
                                - Duisburg
                                - Essen
                                - Dessau
                                - Rostock
                                - Munster
                                - Nurnberg
                                - Koblenz
                                - Mainz
                                - Wilhelmshaven
                                - Kiel

                                French (30)
                                - Paris
                                - Orleans
                                - Lyons
                                - Rheims
                                - Tours
                                - Marseilles
                                - Chartres
                                - Avignon
                                - Besancon
                                - Rouen
                                - Grenoble
                                - Dijon
                                - Amiens
                                - Cherbourg
                                - Poitiers
                                - Bayonne
                                - Strasbourg
                                - Brest
                                - Bordeaux
                                - St.Etienne
                                - Bordeaux
                                - Le Havre
                                - Calais
                                - La Rochelle
                                - Caen
                                - Le Mans
                                - Nantes
                                - Nice
                                - Brest
                                - Metz

                                English (30)
                                - London
                                - York
                                - Nottingham
                                - Hastings
                                - Canterbury
                                - Coventry
                                - Warwick
                                - Newcastle
                                - Oxford
                                - Liverpool
                                - Dover
                                - Brighton
                                - Norwich
                                - Leeds
                                - Reading
                                - Birmingham
                                - Richmond
                                - Exeter
                                - Cambridge
                                - Gloucester
                                - Manchester
                                - Bristol
                                - Leicester
                                - Carlisle
                                - Ipswich
                                - Portsmouth
                                - Berwick
                                - Plymouth
                                - Southampton
                                - Leeds

                                Vikings (30)
                                - Trondheim
                                - Kaupang
                                - Uppsala
                                - Hladir
                                - Aarhus
                                - Viborg
                                - Roskilde
                                - Lindholm
                                - Jorvik
                                - Westness
                                - Jarrow
                                - Skara
                                - Ravning Enge
                                - Birka
                                - Jarlshof
                                - Sigtuna
                                - Odense
                                - Lunde
                                - Larne
                                - Hedeby
                                - Holmgard
                                - Nonnebakken
                                - Thwaite
                                - Askrigg
                                - Trelleborg
                                - Risby
                                - Jelling
                                - Vorbasse
                                - Fyrkat
                                - Kvivik

                                Spanish (30)
                                - Madrid
                                - Seville
                                - Cordoba
                                - Valencia
                                - Salamanca
                                - Barcelona
                                - Valladolid
                                - Saragossa
                                - Cadiz
                                - Bilbao
                                - Granada
                                - Malaga
                                - Pamplona
                                - Vigo
                                - Avila
                                - Burgos
                                - Oviedo
                                - Santander
                                - Ciudad Rodrigo
                                - Calatrava
                                - Cartagena
                                - San Sebastian
                                - Burgos
                                - Vitoria
                                - Huelva
                                - La Coruna
                                - Orense
                                - Badajoz
                                - Murcia
                                - Alicante

                                Portugese (30)
                                - Lisbon
                                - Amadora
                                - Porto
                                - Faro
                                - Aveiro
                                - Braga
                                - Beja
                                - Aljezur
                                - Leiria
                                - Ponte de Sor
                                - Evora
                                - Covilha
                                - Guarda
                                - Pinhel
                                - Mangualde
                                - Viseu
                                - Santarem
                                - Braganca
                                - Penatiel
                                - Portalegre
                                - Reguengos de Monsaraz
                                - Coimbra
                                - Cantanhede
                                - Viana do Castelo
                                - Vila Real
                                - Castro Verde
                                - Berreiro
                                - Setubal
                                - Sines
                                - Lagos

                                Swiss (30)
                                - Geneve
                                - Zurich
                                - Bern
                                - Basel
                                - Sion
                                - Lausanne
                                - Monteux
                                - Fribourg
                                - Sankt Gallen
                                - Frauenfeld
                                - Winterthur
                                - Biel
                                - Neuchatel
                                - Lucerne
                                - Zug
                                - Chur
                                - Sierre
                                - St.Moritz
                                - Lugano
                                - Schaffhausen
                                - Locarno
                                - Davos
                                - Liestal
                                - Altdorf
                                - Glarus
                                - Herisau
                                - Aarau
                                - Detemont
                                - Solothurn
                                - Sarnen

                                Austro-Hungarians (30)
                                - Vienna
                                - Budapest
                                - Linz
                                - Salzburg
                                - Innsbruck
                                - Graz
                                - Gyor
                                - Miskolc
                                - Szeged
                                - Szekestehervar
                                - Wolfsberg
                                - Klagenfurt
                                - Villach
                                - Badgastern
                                - Landeck
                                - Feldkirch
                                - Mako
                                - Tokaj
                                - Cegled
                                - Eger
                                - Tokaj
                                - Debrecen
                                - Koszeg
                                - Pecs
                                - Grossglockner
                                - Imst
                                - Dornbirn
                                - Bregenz
                                - Bruck
                                - St.Polten

                                Celts (30)
                                - Cardiff
                                - Kells
                                - Scone
                                - Carmarthen
                                - Armagh
                                - Caernarfon
                                - Tintagel
                                - Caerphilly
                                - Cork
                                - Rhymney
                                - Iona
                                - Rhondda
                                - Illauntanig
                                - Swansea
                                - Durrow
                                - Merthyr
                                - Tara
                                - Llangollen
                                - Dinas Powys
                                - Aberystwyth
                                - Rhayader
                                - Abergavenny
                                - Dinas Emrys
                                - Cardigan
                                - Llanelli
                                - Maesteg
                                - Neath
                                - Dunstaffnage
                                - Oban
                                - Cobh

                                Russians (30)
                                - Moscow
                                - St. Petersburg
                                - Kiev
                                - Minsk
                                - Smolensk
                                - Odessa
                                - Sevastopol
                                - Tblisi
                                - Sverdlovsk
                                - Yakutsk
                                - Vladivostok
                                - Novgorod
                                - Krasnoyarsk
                                - Riga
                                - Rostov
                                - Astrakhan
                                - Kharkov
                                - Grozny
                                - Dnepropetrovsk
                                - Maikop
                                - Kursk
                                - Kuibyshev
                                - Magnitogorsk
                                - Uralsk
                                - Kazan
                                - Vologda
                                - Murmansk
                                - Vitebsk
                                - Batum
                                - Tiflis

                                *Goths (14)
                                - Toulouse
                                - Toledo
                                - Victoriaco
                                - Recopolis
                                - Coimbra
                                - Merida
                                - Seo de Urgel
                                - Lisboa
                                - Corboda
                                - Zamora
                                - Leon
                                - Murcia
                                - Málaga

                                Swedes (30)
                                - Stockholm
                                - Goteborg
                                - Helsingborg
                                - Malmo
                                - Vasteras
                                - Orebro
                                - Norrkoping
                                - Linkoping
                                - Jonkoping
                                - Karlskrona
                                - Lund
                                - Kristianstad
                                - Lulea
                                - Lainio
                                - Kiruna
                                - Umea
                                - Gavle
                                - Karlstad
                                - Trollhattan
                                - Vaxjo
                                - Visby
                                - Boras
                                - Falun
                                - Stundsvall
                                - Ostersund
                                - Murjek
                                - Malmberget
                                - Kiruna
                                - Nastanjo
                                - Aneplog

                                Fins (30)
                                - Helsinki
                                - Espoo
                                - Vantaa
                                - Tampere
                                - Turku
                                - Oulu
                                - Polla
                                - Ivalo
                                - Inari
                                - Utsjoki
                                - Karigasniemi
                                - Rovaniemi
                                - Tornio
                                - Kemi
                                - Kajaani
                                - Varkaus
                                - Kuopio
                                - Lieksa
                                - Joensuu
                                - Savonlinna
                                - Lappeenranta
                                - Kotka
                                - Kouvola
                                - Lahti
                                - Nokia
                                - Pori
                                - Rauma
                                - Maarianhamina
                                - Raisio
                                - Lahti

                                *Poles (3)
                                - Warshaw
                                - Lodz
                                - Krakow

                                *Yugoslavs (1)
                                - Belgrade

                                Romans (30)
                                - Roma
                                - Veii
                                - Antium
                                - Cumae
                                - Pompeii
                                - Pisae
                                - Hispalis
                                - Viroconium
                                - Lugdunum
                                - Lutetia
                                - Brundisium
                                - Syracuse
                                - Caesaraugusta
                                - Artaxata
                                - Aurelianorum
                                - Hippo Regius
                                - Nicopolis
                                - Londinium
                                - Eburacum
                                - Arretium
                                - Agrippina
                                - Cyrene
                                - Corfinium
                                - Mediolanum
                                - Treveri
                                - Sirmium
                                - Augustadorum
                                - Bagacum
                                - Lauriacum
                                - Teurnia

                                *Byzantines (8)
                                - Constantinopel
                                - Neapolis
                                - Palmyra
                                - Caesarea
                                - Tarentum
                                - Nicomedia
                                - Seleucia
                                - Trapezus
                                - Adrianople

                                Egyptians (30)
                                - Thebes
                                - Nekheb
                                - Memphis
                                - Heliopolis
                                - Elephantine
                                - Alexandria
                                - Pi-Ramesses
                                - Giza
                                - Byblos
                                - El-Amarna
                                - Hieraconpolis
                                - Abydos
                                - Asyut
                                - Avaris
                                - Lisht
                                - Buto
                                - Edfu
                                - Pithom
                                - Busiris
                                - Kahun
                                - Athribis
                                - Luxor
                                - El-Ashmunein
                                - Tanis
                                - Buhen
                                - Bubastis
                                - This
                                - Oryx
                                - Sebennytus
                                - Cairo

                                *Carthagians (22)
                                - Carthage
                                - Carthago Nova
                                - Utica
                                - Malaca
                                - Caralis
                                - Panormus
                                - Leptis Parva
                                - Cartenna
                                - Rusicade
                                - Gades
                                - Rusucurru
                                - Girba
                                - Leptis Magna
                                - Oea
                                - Tingis
                                - Rusaddit
                                - Alalia
                                - Selinus
                                - Himera
                                - Akragas
                                - Theveste
                                - Saguntum

                                Phoenicians (30)
                                - Tyre
                                - Sidon
                                - Simyra
                                - Zarephath
                                - Byblos
                                - Jubeil
                                - Arwad
                                - Acco
                                - Tripolis
                                - Berytus
                                - Aradus
                                - Baalbeck
                                - Amrit
                                - Qisarya
                                - Hadrumetum
                                - Tipasa
                                - Siga
                                - Lixus
                                - Mogador
                                - Motya
                                - Nora
                                - Sulcis
                                - Tharros
                                - Abdera
                                - Baria
                                - Carmona
                                - Gadir
                                - Malaca
                                - Sexi
                                - Citium

                                Greeks (30)
                                - Athens
                                - Sparta
                                - Thermopylae
                                - Corinth
                                - Delphi
                                - Mycenae
                                - Pharsalos
                                - Knossos
                                - Argos
                                - Tiryns
                                - Herakleia
                                - Ephesos
                                - Thessalonica
                                - Rhodes
                                - Eretria
                                - Troy
                                - Marathon
                                - Halicarnassus
                                - Pergamon
                                - Miletos
                                - Artemisium
                                - Megara
                                - Phocaea
                                - Sicyon
                                - Gortyn
                                - Mytilene
                                - Tegea
                                - Syracuse
                                - Apollonia
                                - Macedon
                                - Iraklion

                                Hospitaliers (30)
                                - Valleta
                                - Sliema
                                - Rabat
                                - Victoria
                                - Mellieha
                                - Rahal Gdid
                                - Zurrieq
                                - Marsaxlokk
                                - Zejtun
                                - Marsa
                                - Msida
                                - Qormi
                                - Birkikara
                                - Gzira
                                - Mosta
                                - Mdina
                                - Dingli
                                - Zebbug
                                - San Pawl il-Bahar
                                - Mgarr
                                - Nadur
                                - Xewkija
                                - Gharb
                                - Marsalforn
                                - St. Elmo
                                - Comino
                                - Gozo
                                - Filfla
                                - Kemmunett
                                - St. Pauls Bay

                                Italians (30)
                                - Rome
                                - Milan
                                - Ravenna
                                - Naples
                                - Palermo
                                - Venice
                                - Genoa
                                - Florence
                                - Bologne
                                - Parma
                                - Cosenza
                                - Taranto
                                - Foggia
                                - Turin
                                - Bergamo
                                - Vicenza
                                - Verona
                                - Palermo
                                - Taranto
                                - Bari
                                - Perugia
                                - Livorno
                                - Trento
                                - Bolzano
                                - Aosta
                                - La Spezia
                                - Lucca
                                - Catanzaro
                                - Reggio di Calabria
                                - Messina

                                *Zulus (20)
                                - Great Zimbabwe
                                - Dingaan
                                - Ulundi
                                - Sofala
                                - Bapedi
                                - Hlobane
                                - Isandhlwana
                                - Intombe
                                - Mpondo
                                - Ngome
                                - Swazi
                                - Tugela
                                - Umtata
                                - Umfolozi
                                - Ibabanago
                                - Isipezi
                                - Amatikulu
                                - Zunguin
                                - Mapungubwe
                                - Phalaborwa

                                Nubians (30)
                                - Kerma
                                - Napata
                                - Qustul
                                - Meroe
                                - Abu Hamed
                                - Kurgus
                                - Aswan
                                - Nuri
                                - El-Kurru
                                - Dongola
                                - Philae
                                - Kerma
                                - Argo
                                - Sai
                                - Semna
                                - Dakka
                                - Qubban
                                - Dabod
                                - Khartoum
                                - Hieraskaminos
                                - Aniba
                                - Toshka
                                - Naqa
                                - Korosko
                                - Premnis
                                - Ballana
                                - Buhen
                                - Mirgissa
                                - Semna
                                - Soba

                                *Mali (4)
                                - Timbouctou
                                - Gao
                                - Djenne
                                - Bougouni

                                Persians (30)
                                - Persepolis
                                - Ctesiphon
                                - Ecbatana
                                - Pasargadae
                                - Susa
                                - Arbela
                                - Antioch
                                - Tarsus
                                - Gordium
                                - Bactra
                                - Sardis
                                - Hamadan
                                - Ergili
                                - Dariush Kabir
                                - Ghulaman
                                - Zohak
                                - Istakhr
                                - Jinjan
                                - Borazjan
                                - Herat
                                - Dakyanus
                                - Bampur
                                - Tureng Tepe
                                - Merv
                                - Behistun
                                - Kandahar
                                - Altin Tepe
                                - Bunyan
                                - Charsadda
                                - Ura Tyube

                                *Assyro-Babylonians (27)
                                - Babylon
                                - Ur
                                - Nineveh
                                - Ashur
                                - Ellipi
                                - Akkad
                                - Uruk
                                - Eridu
                                - Samarra
                                - Lagash
                                - Kish
                                - Nippur
                                - Shuruppak
                                - Zariqum
                                - Sippar
                                - Izibia
                                - Larsa
                                - Nimrud
                                - Zamua
                                - Khorsabad
                                - Hindana
                                - Tell Wilaya
                                - Umma
                                - Adab
                                - Telloh
                                - Nina
                                - Ebla

                                *Hebrew (17)
                                - Jerusalem
                                - Jericho
                                - Galilee
                                - Samaria
                                - Beer-sheba
                                - Accho
                                - Dan
                                - Ashdad
                                - Gaza
                                - Megiddo
                                - Shechem
                                - Judah
                                - Samaria
                                - Hebron
                                - Beer-sheba
                                - Tel Aviv
                                - Bethlehem

                                *Ottomans (2)
                                - Ankara
                                - Istanbul

                                *Arabs (22)
                                - Medina
                                - Mecca
                                - Baghdad
                                - Samarra
                                - Damascus
                                - Tiflis
                                - Tangier
                                - Raqqa
                                - Beirut
                                - Riyadh
                                - Mosul
                                - Beirut
                                - Algiers
                                - Tunis
                                - Palmyra
                                - Shiraz
                                - Qum
                                - Qazvin
                                - Barqa
                                - Tripoli
                                - Mahdia
                                - Rabat

                                *Mongols (16)
                                - Karakorum
                                - Samarkand
                                - Ulan Bator
                                - Bokhara
                                - Nishapur
                                - Kashgar
                                - Tabriz
                                - Aleppo
                                - Ormuz
                                - Basra
                                - Khanbalyk
                                - Khorasan
                                - Shangtu
                                - Kazan
                                - Quinsay
                                - Kerman

                                *Huns (1)
                                - Szeged

                                Japanese (30)
                                - Kyoto
                                - Tokyo
                                - Osaka
                                - Edo
                                - Satsuma
                                - Kagoshima
                                - Nara
                                - Nagoya
                                - Izumo
                                - Nagasaki
                                - Yokohama
                                - Shimonoseki
                                - Matsuyama
                                - Sapporo
                                - Hakodate
                                - Ise
                                - Toyama
                                - Fukushima
                                - Suo
                                - Bizen
                                - Echizen
                                - Izumi
                                - Omi
                                - Echigo
                                - Kozuke
                                - Sado
                                - Kochi
                                - Kobe
                                - Kagoshima
                                - Fukuoka

                                *Chinese (23)
                                - Beijing
                                - Feng
                                - Hao
                                - Chang-an
                                - Loi
                                - Shanghai
                                - Canton
                                - Nanking
                                - Tsingtao
                                - Xinjian
                                - Chengdu
                                - Hangchow
                                - Tientsin
                                - Tatung
                                - Macao
                                - Anyang
                                - Shantung
                                - Chinan
                                - Kaifeng
                                - Ningpo
                                - Paoting
                                - Yangchow
                                - Hong Kong

                                *Koreans (2)
                                - Seoul
                                - Pyongyang

                                *Indians (17)
                                - Delhi
                                - Bombay
                                - Madras
                                - Bangalore
                                - Calcutta
                                - Lahore
                                - Karachi
                                - Kolhapur
                                - Jaipur
                                - Hyderabad
                                - Bengal
                                - Chittagong
                                - Punjab
                                - Dacca
                                - Indus
                                - Ganges
                                - New Delhi

                                *Afghans (1)
                                - Kabul

                                *Americans (19)
                                - Washington
                                - New York
                                - Boston
                                - Philadelphia
                                - Chicago
                                - San Francisco
                                - St. Louis
                                - Detroit
                                - Baltimore
                                - Denver
                                - Cincinnati
                                - Los Angeles
                                - Kansas City
                                - San Diego
                                - Las Vegas
                                - Phoenix
                                - Seattle
                                - Portland
                                - Minneapolis

                                Confederates (30)
                                - Richmond
                                - Petersburg
                                - New Bern
                                - Columbia
                                - Savannah
                                - Raleigh
                                - Jacksonville
                                - Pensacola
                                - Macon
                                - Appomattox
                                - Lynchburg
                                - Baton Rouge
                                - Tallahassee
                                - Nashville
                                - Montgomery
                                - Huntsville
                                - Birmingham
                                - New Orleans
                                - Lafayette
                                - Mobile
                                - Jackson
                                - Charleston
                                - Salem
                                - Roanoke
                                - Norfolk
                                - Fredericksburg
                                - Hampton
                                - Portsmouth
                                - Kitty Hawk
                                - Knoxville

                                Aztecs (30)
                                - Tenochtitlan
                                - Teotihuacan
                                - Tlatelolco
                                - Texcoco
                                - Tlaxcala
                                - Calixtlahuaca
                                - Xochicalco
                                - Tlacopan
                                - Atzcapotzalco
                                - Tzintzuntzen
                                - Malinalco
                                - Tula
                                - Tamuin
                                - Teayo
                                - Cempoala
                                - Chalco
                                - Tlalmanalco
                                - Ixtapaluca
                                - Huexotla
                                - Tepexpan
                                - Tepetlaoxtoc
                                - Chiconautla
                                - Zitlaltepec
                                - Coyotepec
                                - Tequixquiac
                                - Jilotzingo
                                - Tlapanaloya
                                - Tultitlan
                                - Ecatepec
                                - Coatepec

                                Mayas (30)
                                - Tulum
                                - Chichen Itza
                                - Tancah
                                - Acanceh
                                - Komchen
                                - Dzibilchaltum
                                - Uxmal
                                - Kabah
                                - Etzna
                                - Nohmul
                                - Lamanai
                                - Altun Ha
                                - Becan
                                - Tikal
                                - Seibal
                                - Yaxchilan
                                - Bonampak
                                - Chinkultic
                                - Quirigua
                                - Copan
                                - Kaminaljuyu
                                - Abaj Takalik
                                - Mayapan
                                - Tipu
                                - Tayasal
                                - Xicalango
                                - Champoton
                                - Zaculeu
                                - Iximche
                                - Cozumel

                                Incas (30)
                                - Cuzco
                                - Quito
                                - Chan Chan
                                - Chucuito
                                - Ayaviri
                                - Vilcashuaman
                                - Acari
                                - Tambo Colorado
                                - Jauja
                                - Pumpu
                                - Huanuco Pampa
                                - Cajamarca
                                - Cusibamba
                                - Tumbes
                                - Tomebamba
                                - Pucara
                                - Machu Picchu
                                - Pisac
                                - Limatambo
                                - Raqchi
                                - Cotopachi
                                - Ica
                                - Inkawasi
                                - Lurin
                                - Tarma Tambo
                                - Paramonga
                                - Ancon
                                - Tiahuanaco
                                - Ollantaytambo
                                - Bombon

                                Sioux (30)
                                - Little Bighorn
                                - Wounded Knee
                                - Cedar Creek
                                - Slim Buttes
                                - Three Forks
                                - Stony Lake
                                - Killdeer
                                - Bear Paw
                                - Big Mound
                                - Wood Lake
                                - Dead Buffalo
                                - Point of Rocks
                                - Raging Brook
                                - Running Bear
                                - Silver Moon
                                - Wildcat Valley
                                - Great River
                                - Seven Brothers
                                - Snake Canyon
                                - First Wind
                                - Yellowtree
                                - Chief's Crag
                                - Morning Rock
                                - Rosebud
                                - Mud Springs
                                - Milk Creek
                                - Whitestone
                                - Ash Hollow
                                - Sand Creek
                                - Crooked Creek

                                *Iroquois (0)

                                Texans (30)
                                - Austin
                                - Houston
                                - Dallas
                                - San Antonio
                                - El Paso
                                - Fort Worth
                                - Arlington
                                - Lubbock
                                - Amarillo
                                - Corpus Christi
                                - Brownsville
                                - Fredericksburg
                                - San Angelo
                                - Albuquerque
                                - Santa Fe
                                - Columbus
                                - Goliad
                                - Nacogdoches
                                - San Felipe
                                - Washington-on-the-Brazos
                                - Refugio
                                - Wichita
                                - Dodge City
                                - Abilene
                                - Waco
                                - Eagle Pass
                                - Laredo
                                - Brownsville
                                - McAllen


                                *Yugoslavs (3)
                                - Lazar
                                - Vuk Brankovich
                                - John Hunyadi

                                Germans (10)
                                - Rommel
                                - Frederick
                                - Doenitz
                                - Von Hindenburg
                                - Manstein
                                - Von Schlieffen
                                - Von Rundstedt
                                - Arminius
                                - Von Wallenstein
                                - Von Blücher

                                French (10)
                                - Napoleon
                                - Richelieu
                                - De Louvois
                                - De Gaulle
                                - Joan d'Arc
                                - Charlemagne
                                - Charles Martel
                                - Clovis
                                - Foch
                                - Davout

                                *English (9)
                                - Wellington
                                - Nelson
                                - Montgomery
                                - Drake
                                - Raleigh
                                - Cromwell
                                - Gordon
                                - Alfred
                                - Edward I

                                *Dutch (7)
                                - De Ruyter
                                - Heyn
                                - Maurice
                                - William III
                                - Tromp
                                - Van Ginkel
                                - Cammaert

                                Vikings (10)
                                - Ryurik
                                - Eric the Red
                                - Thorfinn
                                - Rollo
                                - Olaf I
                                - Olaf II
                                - Sweyn I
                                - Magnus I
                                - Guiscard
                                - William I

                                *Spanish (4)
                                - Alba
                                - Cortez
                                - Pizzarro
                                - De la Cerda

                                *Portugese (0)

                                *Swiss (0)

                                *Austro-Hungarians (0)

                                *Celts (7)
                                - Victorinox
                                - Robert
                                - Wallace
                                - Brian Boru
                                - MacAlpin
                                - MacBeth
                                - Malcolm III

                                *Russians (2)
                                - Zhukov
                                - Peter

                                *Goths (2)
                                - Odoacer
                                - Alaric

                                *Swedes (1)
                                - Gustavus

                                *Fins (0)

                                *Poles (0)

                                Romans (10)
                                - Marcus Anthonius
                                - Scipio
                                - Agrippa
                                - Constantine
                                - Augustus
                                - Pompey
                                - Flamininus
                                - Germanicus
                                - Diocletianus
                                - Crassus

                                *Byzantines (4)
                                - Belisarius
                                - Justin I
                                - Heraclius I
                                - Alexius Comnenius

                                *Egyptians (6)
                                - Pelopidas
                                - Menes
                                - Ramses II
                                - Netcheriche
                                - Tuthmosis III
                                - Marniptah

                                *Carthagians (4)
                                - Hannibal
                                - Hasdrubal
                                - Hanno
                                - Hamilcar

                                *Phoenicians (0)

                                Greeks (10)
                                - Alexander
                                - Philip
                                - Agesilaus
                                - Apaminondas
                                - Pelopidas
                                - Pisistratus
                                - Themistocles
                                - Miltiades
                                - Pausanias
                                - Themistocles


                                *Italians (1)
                                - Garibaldi

                                *Zulus (4)
                                - Cetshwayo
                                - Dingane
                                - Mpande
                                - Dingiswayo

                                *Ethiopians (3)
                                - Menelik
                                - Menelik II
                                - Selassie

                                *Nubians (3)
                                - Piankhy
                                - Taharqo
                                - Tanutamani

                                *Mali (4)
                                - Sonni Ali
                                - Askia Muhammad Touré
                                - Askia Daud
                                - Sundjata

                                *Persians (4)
                                - Darius
                                - Cyrus
                                - Cambyses
                                - Mardonius

                                *Assyro-Babylonians (5)
                                - Ashurbanipal
                                - Ashurnazirpal II
                                - Shalmeneser III
                                - Nebuchadnezzar II
                                - Nabopolassar

                                *Hebrew (4)
                                - David
                                - Dayan
                                - Joshua
                                - Saul

                                *Ottomans (2)
                                - Osman
                                - Murad

                                *Arabs (8)
                                - Khalid
                                - Abu Bakr
                                - Umar
                                - Muhammad
                                - Uthman
                                - al-Walid I
                                - Hisham
                                - al-Wathiq

                                *Mongols (4)
                                - Ogedei
                                - Hulagu
                                - Kublai
                                - Timurlane

                                *Huns (4)
                                - Edikon
                                - Bleda
                                - Rugila
                                - Dengizech

                                Japanese (10)
                                - Yamato
                                - Toyotomi
                                - Minamoto
                                - Oda
                                - Takeda
                                - Uesugi
                                - Mori
                                - Tojo
                                - Suiko
                                - Shotoku

                                *Chinese (8)
                                - An Lushan
                                - Ch'eng
                                - Liu Pang
                                - Han Wu Ti
                                - Sui Wen-ti
                                - Li Yuan
                                - Wu Chao
                                - Hsuan-tsung

                                *Koreans (1)
                                - Yi Sun-Shin

                                *Indians (6)
                                - Chandragupta I
                                - Maurya
                                - Asoka
                                - Bindusara
                                - Chandragupta II
                                - Harsha

                                *Khmer (0)

                                *Afghans (5)
                                - Bin Laden
                                - Ahmad
                                - Amanullah
                                - Habibullah
                                - Marsud

                                Americans (10)
                                - Washington
                                - Patton
                                - Grant
                                - Eisenhower
                                - Sherman
                                - Bradley
                                - Pershing
                                - A.Jackson
                                - MacArthur
                                - Nimitz

                                *Confederates (8)
                                - Lee
                                - Forrest
                                - Stonewall Jackson
                                - Longstreet
                                - J.E.Johnston
                                - Pickett
                                - Ewell
                                - Beauregard

                                *Aztecs (5)
                                - Ahuitzotl
                                - Cuauhtemoc
                                - Ilhuicamina
                                - Ahuitzotl
                                - Itzacoatl

                                *Mayas (0)

                                *Incas (1)
                                - Atahualpa

                                *Sioux (6)
                                - Red Cloud
                                - Rain-in-the-Face
                                - Crazy Horse
                                - Little Crow
                                - American Horse
                                - Gall

                                *Iroquois (5)
                                - Tecumseh
                                - Brant
                                - Deganawidah
                                - Red Jacket
                                - Cornplanter

                                *Texans (8)
                                - A.S.Johnston
                                - Terry
                                - Nolan
                                - James
                                - Lamar
                                - Long
                                - Hood
                                - Sibley

                                *Moors (2)
                                - Dragut
                                - Piale
                                - Tariq
                                Last edited by Saint Marcus; September 22, 2001, 13:58.
                                Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit

