Originally posted by Ribannah

right now the tech tree looks like late republic + federalism + seperation of powers (trias politica?) = US constitutionalism + egalitarianism/nationalism = democracy.
late republic being 18thc models netherlands (before 1780s revolution) and Switzerland, trias from Britain/England, identified by Montesque (sp?) federalism (arguably iroquois contribution) all three together give us the work of Madison,et al.
Then egal/nationalism with roots on both sides of atlantic - French Revolution but also Jefferson later combines to give Jacksonian Democracy - fully recognized by De Toqueville.
Counter argument to iroqois contrib is that 18thc Netherlands was already federal. Any info rib? For myself i had heard the story that founders looked to iroquois, no awareness that they looked at dutch federal institutions.
also how about French 'federalists/girondins' - or were they influenced already by US constitution? (US con in 1789, girondin uprising in 1792)