The principal civilisations should be in. So that all micro-civilisations are globalized in others. As Babylonians covering Sumarians, Hittites, etc.
I would then add to those in Civ III these ones: a civ representing all micro-civs pacific amerindians (amerindians were really divided in two cultures, one which was pretty pacific and matriarcal (or it was the non-pacific that was matriarcal?...) and the other which was opposite and now called Iroquois), Goths, Celts, Mongols, Arabs (isn't there a more general term for them, like the one before the arriving of muslim?), Spanish (do Portugueses have a different cultural root? They were the richest and more expanded at some time, but they seem like in the Spanish line to me, culturally), Turks (are they generalized in Arabs? Or should Arabs be generalized in Turks?), Khmers (not sure if they aren't generalized in other oriental civs). Maybe also Aborigens and Inuits are a totally separated culture, even if they were so pacific they never expanded or anything (or maybe they are already generalized in some other civ?). Also, is there a generalized term for Pacific islanders or are they culturally generalized in Zulus/Aborigens/Amerindians or any oriental civs?
Anyone has any opinion on all what I said here, covering all civilisations?
I would then add to those in Civ III these ones: a civ representing all micro-civs pacific amerindians (amerindians were really divided in two cultures, one which was pretty pacific and matriarcal (or it was the non-pacific that was matriarcal?...) and the other which was opposite and now called Iroquois), Goths, Celts, Mongols, Arabs (isn't there a more general term for them, like the one before the arriving of muslim?), Spanish (do Portugueses have a different cultural root? They were the richest and more expanded at some time, but they seem like in the Spanish line to me, culturally), Turks (are they generalized in Arabs? Or should Arabs be generalized in Turks?), Khmers (not sure if they aren't generalized in other oriental civs). Maybe also Aborigens and Inuits are a totally separated culture, even if they were so pacific they never expanded or anything (or maybe they are already generalized in some other civ?). Also, is there a generalized term for Pacific islanders or are they culturally generalized in Zulus/Aborigens/Amerindians or any oriental civs?
Anyone has any opinion on all what I said here, covering all civilisations?