As a practical matter, you have to make some choices. For example, it would be ridiculous to have both Mali and Ghana. They overlap too much territory. The Mali have a more famous leader (Mansa Musa), so I say go with them. Mesopotamian includes Babylon, Sumer, etc., so again pick one, and I say Babylonians. Inca is a better-known name than 'Birú', so I say go with that. There are too many minor Native American peoples to include, so Iroquois seems good enough to me to stand for all of them.
That said, it's obvious (to me) that there are still too few civs. We need all the civs from Civ 2 (including the hidden ones, Arabs and Incas), plus more, including Turks, Mali, and a SE Asia civ (Khmer?), at least. Those are fairly large omissions, from either a historical perspective or a game-playing perspective (on historical grounds you can exclude the Mali, but as a matter of balance and game play it would be really great to have a civ in west Africa).
That said, it's obvious (to me) that there are still too few civs. We need all the civs from Civ 2 (including the hidden ones, Arabs and Incas), plus more, including Turks, Mali, and a SE Asia civ (Khmer?), at least. Those are fairly large omissions, from either a historical perspective or a game-playing perspective (on historical grounds you can exclude the Mali, but as a matter of balance and game play it would be really great to have a civ in west Africa).