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Civilizaton Abilities

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  • #76
    America is indeed a land of good constitution... (exceptions (like the arms thing) excluded). Too bad its people are too hypocrit and fascist to make the world a better place with it.

    "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".
    That I find sickening. What do you NEED guns for in a peaceful society, mm? Oh and about the sueing thing, religious people will sue atheists as well. It's the American way. If you don't like it come to Europe. But hey! Too little violence, too much rationalism. You'd never fit in.

    It always does me good to see my theory approved that the greater part of America is Fascist. I hereby apologise to Americans that are not fascist.
    Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo


    • #77
      Originally posted by Warm Beer

      I wonder how long is it going to take for the militia to get "well-regulated"?
      Before you guy go off, I will never be part of a militia. I do not belived in them or their cause.

      However I do believe in the Constitution, the whole Constitution not just parts here or there like some people would like.

      Do I own guns, yes, are they loaded, no. Do I carry them, no.


      • #78
        Originally posted by ajbera

        Most atheists are ready to live and let live - don't push your religion down their throats, and they won't push their lack of belief on you.
        I wrote that because they started the suing over a prayer at a High School Game and Graduations. Those prayer never hurt anyone or anything. If you don't believe in it just sit there and don't say a word.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Ribannah

          As an atheist, I resent this. My values are in no way less than yours. In fact, from the content of your post, I do not like your values at all.
          Your problem not mine. I do not have a problem with you as a person, but your group, yes I do. I do not like any group that causes problem for other people. In the U.S. your group started the problem by suing to removing religious item from every public building in the country. One last thing, I hope one day you will have a change of mind on this God thing.

          I fail to see what #2 and #4 are doing in this rant.
          Our version #2 is Anti-Black, Jew, Catholic, Latino, and Oriental.
          I have several friends who are Black, Latino, Catholic, Jewish and Oriental. In fact I'm Catholic and my wife is 75% Chinese.

          # 4 I swore to the United States Government twice that I would defend our country from our enemy. Communism is the enemy of the U.S.
          I do not have a problem with the people of the formal Soviet Union or China. I do have a problem with their Gov.
          My Father-in-Law was born in Canton Prov in 1910. Two of his brothers were imprison for being school teacher, nothing more. My F-i-L sent money to his mother, she never received it. I not sure if some of you guys get it.

          All democratic countries in the case of #2 and #4, of course, unfortunately also in the case of #1, but happily only your country has a #3.
          I thought the Nazi were not welcome in Germany.

          This is the main reason why I shall never live in your country.
          Your problem, not mine.

          I do not like those groups. Would I walk across the street to start a fight? NO. If I saw them attacking you, would I help you defend yourself? YES.
          We have two Latino gangs in town. One from the South and one from the North. I know some of kids on both sides, and my wife and I are friends with some of them. They all know if they start trouble when I'm around I will report them, and if they start it at school I will bust them if I see it.
          I do not go into the street and proclaim myself. My view are normally kept to myself, however one of the guy wanted to know how come nobody answer his post, so I answer it.


          • #80
            Originally posted by joseph1944

            Your problem not mine. I do not have a problem with you as a person, but your group, yes I do. I do not like any group that causes problem for other people. In the U.S. your group started the problem by suing to removing religious item from every public building in the country. One last thing, I hope one day you will have a change of mind on this God thing.

            Our version #2 is Anti-Black, Jew, Catholic, Latino, and Oriental.
            I have several friends who are Black, Latino, Catholic, Jewish and Oriental. In fact I'm Catholic and my wife is 75% Chinese.

            # 4 I swore to the United States Government twice that I would defend our country from our enemy. Communism is the enemy of the U.S.
            I do not have a problem with the people of the formal Soviet Union or China. I do have a problem with their Gov.
            My Father-in-Law was born in Canton Prov in 1910. Two of his brothers were imprison for being school teacher, nothing more. My F-i-L sent money to his mother, she never received it. I not sure if some of you guys get it.

            I thought the Nazi were not welcome in Germany.

            Your problem, not mine.

            I do not like those groups. Would I walk across the street to start a fight? NO. If I saw them attacking you, would I help you defend yourself? YES.
            We have two Latino gangs in town. One from the South and one from the North. I know some of kids on both sides, and my wife and I are friends with some of them. They all know if they start trouble when I'm around I will report them, and if they start it at school I will bust them if I see it.
            I do not go into the street and proclaim myself. My view are normally kept to myself, however one of the guy wanted to know how come nobody answer his post, so I answer it.
            This is ridiculously off-topic.
            Diplomacy is the continuation of war by other means.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Kenobi

              This is ridiculously off-topic.
              Not to worry, Kenobi. I have reported his discriminating posts to the mods, hopefully they will be deleted soon.
              A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
              Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


              • #82
                take it to the off-topic people or i'll have to close this thread....
                Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
       my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                • #83
                  Originally posted by uncle_funk
                  The Spanish discovered main parts of the New World, giving names to a lot of the regions still there today (ever wondered where "America" originates?
                  I personally think that there could be some people living in the New World for eons before the Spanard came. So how could they "discovered" the New World?

                  (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                  (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                  (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                  • #84


                    Vespucci made four trips to the Americas and the first two were for the Spanish crown. He was also a Spanish citizen. In 1505, by a royal decree of 14 April of that year, he had received Spanish naturalization, and a decree of 6 August, 1508, named him piloto mayor de España, a title corresponding to the modern one of head of the admiralty, and which was borne by Vespucci until his death.

                    So he chose Spain to be his mother country even though it wasn't his country of birth. I'd say he's Spanish.

                    Would be weird to live in the Vepuccias though...

                    Some people in the US are not religious. Some people are. But the society as a whole is secular and there is a separation of Church and State. I am not saying this is good or bad, just pointing out the fact that the US shouldn't get religious bonuses. Perhaps in the days of the Quakers, Amish and others, but certainly not today.


                    • #85
                      joseph: I've always wondered how many Americans understand the second amendment. They mostly seem to think it's about the right to randomly shoot prowlers in your back yard.

                      The Militia, as concieved in Machiavelli's Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius, is an instrument for a populace whose leadership has deviated from the goals of the republic, used in order to restore its freedom. Deviate from this goal, and the militia is no longer well-regulated. It is with such a militia in mind that the second amendment is on place, and no other.

                      Er, wait, I need something on-topic to satisfy Markos. I'd say Expansionist/Commercial should be the American traits.
                      Världsstad - Dom lokala genrenas vän
                      Mick102, 102,3 Umeå, Måndagar 20-21


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by KrazyHorse
                        Did anyone else notice that the civs are colour-coordinated in the Abilities screen? The groupings seem to be geographic in nature.

                        Northern Europe:
                        New World:
                        Asia (excluding Russia):
                        The civs we couldn't put anywhere else:
                        Somewhere in the past there was mention of 5 cultures types in Civ3, are these them? Kinda funny seeing the Zulus and Persians having the same culture, but I guess it'd tough to divide them differently and still keep the culture model simple.


                        • #87
                          The commercial/scientific combo appears to be the best combo for a builder game. Ironic that it's the Greeks who have this combo, they spent most of their ancient history fighting amongst each other and probably have Alexander as the Great as their leader. While I can't argue against the commercial scientific, there can be a real easy arguement for choosing militaristic.

                          Please Firaxis put in an civ abilities randomizer that doesn't change the leader personality also


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by SerapisIV

                            Kinda funny seeing the Zulus and Persians having the same culture, but I guess it'd tough to divide them differently and still keep the culture model simple.
                            Please don't start discussing the similarity between cultures as its sure to turn into an OT topic with alot of angry feelings and spam. On the culture groups, I think you are correct Serapis.
                            It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


                            • #89
                              I will probably change the German abilities to Militaristic/Scientific, perhaps in the hope of simulating the Nazi war machine. The U.S. could be just about anything, but I'd probably change it to Scientific/Industrial or Sci/Commercial.

                              What would be a nice touch would be an option to randomly change civ attributes at different points of the game, in an effort to simulate new leaders and attitudes among the populace. If the editing/"event" tools are sufficiently cool, maybe this can be written in as an event for scenarios.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Snapcase
                                Joseph: I've always wondered how many Americans understand the second amendment. They mostly seem to think it's about the right to randomly shoot prowlers in your back yard.
                                I wrote that just to see what kind of response I would get.
                                In California your scenario would put a person in prison.

                                The Militia, as concieved in Machiavelli's Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius, is an instrument for a populace whose leadership has deviated from the goals of the republic, used in order to restore its freedom. Deviate from this goal, and the militia is no longer well-regulated. It is with such a militia in mind that the second amendment is on place, and no other.
                                Actually this was put in place, so a state could not disarm. However the Fed can disarm.

                                Er, wait, I need something on-topic to satisfy Markos. I'd say Expansionist/Commercial should be the American traits.
                                I think out Expansionist idea were in place so we would have a coast to coast country. After that was accomplish, we gave other territory back. Cube and Philippines was returned.
                                Jefferson wanted to expand, other leader only wanted the 13 original colonies, however those colonies were a lot larger then the state they made up later. New York when all of the way to Ohio, Virginia cover Kentucky, North Carolina cover Tennessee, Georgia cover Alabama and part of Mississippi, and South Carolina had a small strip of land spitting Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee.

                                Look at China today, they want to expand into parts of India and Russia, and they want Taiwan real bad.

