America is indeed a land of good constitution... (exceptions (like the arms thing) excluded). Too bad its people are too hypocrit and fascist to make the world a better place with it.
That I find sickening. What do you NEED guns for in a peaceful society, mm? Oh and about the sueing thing, religious people will sue atheists as well. It's the American way. If you don't like it come to Europe. But hey! Too little violence, too much rationalism. You'd never fit in.
It always does me good to see my theory approved that the greater part of America is Fascist. I hereby apologise to Americans that are not fascist.
"A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".
It always does me good to see my theory approved that the greater part of America is Fascist. I hereby apologise to Americans that are not fascist.